Gather round, my dearies, for the Celestial Goddess of the Woodshed shall tell you the tale of why our borders have been shuttered.
Once upon a time, the soulless who deign crosses around their necks decided to land their Public Private Partner-ships used to salvage the souls of the wrong tiny human savages of "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth).
That gave the mother the Great Saddy Face, who then embarked upon her mission.
The mother found out that slavery was never abolished because the residuals of the peculiar institution is what built and sustains this great nation with the Except Clause.
The Exception Clause was one of the Great Mysteries of the Holy See she unraveled, which allowed the restructuring of what we know today as stealin' the children, land & vote.
Then, one day, this video came out about the industry of the residuals of the peculiar institution to provide a glimpse behind the iron curtain, in what the prolifers & chattel ranchers do not want you to know about.
The Tale Of Kateryna Mykhaylivna Yushchenko & Her Ukrainian Trafficking Tiny Humans Trust Funds With George Bush
No one knows the ages of these mothers, as children as young as 10 are being impregnated, under the aegis of christian operations like Catholic Charities, in foreign lands, for the purposes of adoption.
No one knows the nationalities of these mothers.
No one knows how much these mothers were paid to be "hosts" or if they were even paid, which they probably were not.
No one knows if the "host" were even human.
No one knows if these were involuntarily, chemically induced neonatal abortions.
No one knows if these are biogenetic zygotic products of tiny human research.
No one knows if Parental Rights were terminated.
No one knows what happened to the mothers.
No one knows who purchased these tiny humans.
No one knows why these tiny humans were purchased or if they were procured for more tiny human lab rat experiments.
No one knows if the identities of these tiny humans were sold or if there are trust funds attached.
Perhaps, John Roberts knows.
We should definitely ask him.
SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts & His Trafficking Tiny Human Issues
The only things we do know is that: (1) The Vatican is the corporate parent to the trafficking of tiny humans; (2) Prolife propaganda cloaks this ancient industry; and, (3) It all started in Detroit.
Surrogacy is only one facet in the battle for Corporate Parental Rights, under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Surrogacy is only one facet in the battle for Corporate Parental Rights, under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
The soulless who deign crosses around their necks were wrecked with a fearful froth, for they knew they were to be defrocked in the transfer of all their assets for what they did to the mother's children, and the children of "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth) throughout the centuries.
So, they huddled together, in the darkest of night, to chant this incarnation ~
"…[i]n the writings of Nicholas, the Roman pontiff, it is narrated that
the same Constantine said: 'Truly if my own eyes had seen a priest of
God or any of those who wrap themselves in the robes of the monastery
sinning, my cloak would have been stretched out and would have
covered him up, so that no other would see him."
John of Salisbury, c1129, Policraticus
In the heat of haste to cloak their worldly assets and conserve their ancient ways of stealin' the children, land & vote, they were mean to her Sweetie, for stealin' is without the "g" because it stands for gerrymandering, which SCOTUS said is constitutional.
The following is the process of how they developed the model to transfer their assets through the children's trusts, out the country, to continue along their merry way of trafficking tiny humans.
In November 2004, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops commissioned the Centerfor Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University to design and conduct
an annual survey of all dioceses and eparchies whose bishops and eparchs are members of the
USCCB. The purpose of this survey is to collect information on new allegations of sexual abuse
of minors and the clergy against whom these allegations were made. The survey also gathers
information on the amount of money dioceses and eparchies have expended as a result of
allegations as well as the amount they have paid for child protection efforts. The national level
aggregate results from this survey for each calendar year are reported in the Annual Report of the
Implementation of the “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.”
This is the work of Charol Shakeshaft, which is cited by CARA as a leader in sexual abuse of children in schools, for she is an expert in not including anything references to Foster Care or Adoption.
Here is one of the financial arms of USCCB which conducted the study on how to "cloak the assets" of the church in the wake of a certain False Claims Act.
They are in Detroit and Grand Rapids.
The firm is chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former U.S. Secretary of Commerce and Kellogg Company CEO Carlos Michigan.
Carson Partners participated in the "cloaking of assets".
Here is a list of individuals and organizations who "cloaked the causes and context" of drugging, beating, raping, suicides, child trafficking and murder, in Foster Care & Adoption:
Wilmington Trust is also the cloaking asset management firm for the Archdiocese of Detroit.
Wilmington Trust is also cloaking asset management firm for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.
DuPontDow is in Michigan, with a children's trust fund and a major supporter of this manufactured child welfare propaganda.
Ok, now, for those of you finally figuring out what is going on, riddle me this:
"If the USCCB used the Ecclesiastical Diocese of Detroit to hide their assets through the Detroit Land Bank Authority, so they are not subject to a False Claims Act for trafficking tiny humans, then, who owns the Detroit Land Bank Authority?"
Welcome to the residuals of the peculiar institution, of what built this great nation, and that ends the tale of why our borders were shuttered.
Praise the lord.
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
USCCB Report on the Implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People May 2020 by Beverly Tran on Scribd
1964 is the contractual arm of the USCCB, which fraudulently generated this false advisement to the U.S. Department of Justice and Congress, strictly for the purposes of cloaking the generational industry of trafficking tiny humans, better recognized as Foster Care & Adoption:
Nineteen Sixty-four is a research blog for the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University edited by Mark M. Gray. CARA is a non-profit research center that conducts social scientific studies about the Catholic Church. Founded in 1964, CARA has three major dimensions to its mission: to increase the Catholic Church's self understanding; to serve the applied research needs of Church decision-makers; and to advance scholarly research on religion, particularly Catholicism. Follow CARA on Twitter at: caracatholic.
This is the work of Charol Shakeshaft, which is cited by CARA as a leader in sexual abuse of children in schools, for she is an expert in not including anything references to Foster Care or Adoption.
Charol Shakeshaft has been studying equity in schools for more than 25 years, documenting gendered practice in the classroom and in school administration. She is an internationally recognized researcher in the area of gender patterns in educational delivery and classroom interactions. Her work on equity in schools has taken her into school systems across the United States, Australia, China, Japan, Canada and Europe, where she has helped educators make schools more welcoming to females.These are Charol's research surveys she draws her findings:
1. For example: Second National Study of Missing Children, National Violence Against Women Survey, National Crime Victimization Survey, National Survey of Adolescents, Monitoring the Future Study, Maltreatment and Academic and Social Adjustment of School Children, National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect, School Safety Study, Indicators of School Crime and Safety Study. 2. Drawn from a list of 80,000 schools, a stratified two-stage sample of 1,559 public school students in grades 8 to 11 were surveyed in school in fall 2000. An additional sample of 505 students, also in grades 8 to 11, completed online surveys in fall 2000.
Here is one of the financial arms of USCCB which conducted the study on how to "cloak the assets" of the church in the wake of a certain False Claims Act. |
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Carson Partners participated in the "cloaking of assets".
Here is a list of individuals and organizations who "cloaked the causes and context" of drugging, beating, raping, suicides, child trafficking and murder, in Foster Care & Adoption:
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the study on the causes and context of sexual abuse by Catholic priests, including the diocesan leaders, victim advocates, survivors, treatment centers, National Review Board members and consultants, and the Office of Child and Youth Protection. Many research assistants, consultants, and editors contributed to this report, and we would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their assistance: Kathleen Anderson, Delene Bromirski, Jamison Fargo, Joshua Freilich, David Greenberg, Jan Holland, Sharon Lauricella, Laura Litvinoff, Alisha Martin, Cynthia Mercado, Veronica Neilan, and Michelle Silva. We would also like to thank John Jay College for its continuous support of this project and the research team. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the funding agencies that supported this study, including:
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops • Knights of Columbus • Raskob Foundation • Catholic Mutual Group • Sisters of Charity Ministry Foundation • Luce Foundation • Catholic Health Association of the United States • St Joseph Health System• Anne and William Burleigh Fund of the GreaterCincinnati Foundation • Assisi Foundation of Memphis • Daughters of Charity Foundation/Province ofthe West • “Anonymous” donations• Individual donorsWilmington Trust was a creditor to the Detroit Bankruptcy.
Wilmington Trust is also the cloaking asset management firm for the Archdiocese of Detroit.
Wilmington Trust is also cloaking asset management firm for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.
DuPontDow is in Michigan, with a children's trust fund and a major supporter of this manufactured child welfare propaganda.
The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States 1950 2010 by Beverly Tran on Scribd
Ok, now, for those of you finally figuring out what is going on, riddle me this:
"If the USCCB used the Ecclesiastical Diocese of Detroit to hide their assets through the Detroit Land Bank Authority, so they are not subject to a False Claims Act for trafficking tiny humans, then, who owns the Detroit Land Bank Authority?"
Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People 2018 by Beverly Tran on Scribd
Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People 2018 by Beverly Tran on Scribd
Welcome to the residuals of the peculiar institution, of what built this great nation, and that ends the tale of why our borders were shuttered.
Praise the lord.
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
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