Oh, those Chiefs of Staff!
John Paul Manuel, Chief of Staff for Michael F.Q. San Nicolas, Guam, was the one who accepted the unreported cash, which he then, turned around and used to book the hotel for the Member and his lover, who more than likely is a consensual woman over the age of 21 years.
More than likely, just because I am pretty sure who was the "Other" Chief of Staff, who probably reached out to John Paul, in some form and fashion, to install the fear of god in his heart and soul, that, if he did not follow through, he, too, would soon become a Former Chief of Staff, and be implicated as a co-conspirator, because #MeToo was an epic fail.
Considering the fact that we are dealing with campaign funds, I am just going to go out there on a limb and say that the Guam Delegate to Congress, more than likely had no idea that the hotel room was booked with undocumented cash as a campaign contribution, because he probably assumed it was his personal credit card or, in the purpose of business, his congressional office credit card, because he did end up hiring as a new staffer.
I will even go so far as to allege, just because I know how these people think, that the hotel room was set up with cameras, and there is probably a secret romantic tape, ready to be dropped, in hopes of distracting the masses with the thought of more congressional porn, so as not to be indicted for blackmail and other nefarious charges, when it comes to money laundering through the Member's congressional campaign, gifts of lucrative fake ass contracts, and, more than likely, the Congressional Credit Union.
Sometimes, these scandals are used as warning shots, to other individuals, to keep their mouths shut, or face a wrath of criminal charges, in full public specter, where the "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) will sacrifice one of their own, to send that message to invoke fear and trepidation, to remain silent.
The only problem in this absolutely ingenious, transposable model is that there exists a significant distinction between a congressional tryst and an epic romance, whereby that difference is that the latter involves a Quantum Renaissance.
Can I get a #MeToo?
Grace Meng needs to recuse herself from this investigation, but, then again, upon a secondary reflection, she did come out University of Michigan.
Complaint filed on alleged illegal use of campaign funds, San Nicolas says it's baseless
Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Delegate Michael F. Q. San Nicolas

Jun 12, 2020 Press Release
Pursuant to Committee Rule 7, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics (Committee) determined to release the following statement:
In accordance with House Rule XI, clause 3, and Committee Rules 10(a)(2) and 18, the Committee unanimously voted on March 11, 2020, to establish an Investigative Subcommittee. Pursuant to the Committee’s action, the Investigative Subcommittee shall have jurisdiction to determine whether Delegate Michael F.Q. San Nicolas may have: engaged in a sexual relationship with an individual on his congressional staff; converted campaign funds to personal use; accepted improper and/or excessive campaign contributions; reported campaign disbursements that may not be legitimate and verifiable campaign expenditures attributable to bona fide campaign or political purposes; omitted required information from or disclosed false information in reports filed with the Federal Election Commission; made false statements to government investigators or agencies; and/or improperly interfered or attempted to interfere in a government investigation of related allegations in violation of House Rules, law, regulations, or other standards of conduct.
The Honorable Grace Meng will serve as Chairwoman of the Investigative Subcommittee, and the Honorable Jackie Walorski will serve as the Ranking Member. The other two members of the Investigative Subcommittee are the Honorable Darren Soto and the Honorable Vicky Hartzler.
The Committee has determined to take this action following receipt of a referral from the Office of Congressional Ethics regarding this matter. The Committee notes that the mere fact of establishing an Investigative Subcommittee does not itself indicate that any violation has occurred.
No other public comment will be made on this matter except in accordance with Committee rules. Pursuant to House Rule XI, clause 3(b)(8)(B)(iii), and Committee Rule 17A(f)(1), no documents will be released at this time.
House ethics panel to probe Guam congressional delegate over sex with staffer, improper contributions allegations
WASHINGTON – The House Committee on Ethics announced Friday it was moving forward with an investigation into Guam's lone member of Congress over allegations he had sexual relations with a staff member and accepted improper political contributions.The member, Del. Michael F.Q. San Nicolas, said he was ready to "disprove the allegations."
The bipartisan panel had been looking at the allegations against San Nicolas since last fall and decided in March to launch a full investigation. News of that unanimous vote to move forward was announced Friday by the committee in a news release.
The release said the panel would probe the freshman Democrat for engaging in a sexual relationship with a member of his congressional staff; converting campaign funds to personal use; accepting improper and/or excessive campaign contributions; and reporting campaign disbursements that may not be legitimate and verifiable campaign expenditures.
U.S. Capitol Building
The panel will also probe whether San Nicolas omitted required information from – or disclosed false information in – reports filed with the Federal Election Commission; made false statements to government investigators or agencies; and/or improperly interfered or attempted to interfere in a government investigation of related allegations, according to the release.
The issue was referred to the committee by the Office of Congressional Ethics, a separate, non-partisan body of the House.
The release does not list the specific circumstances of the allegations.
'Baseless' claim:Complaint filed on alleged illegal use of campaign funds, San Nicolas says it's baseless
But in September, San Nicolas' former manager of his 2018 congressional campaign, John Paul L. Manuel, filed a compliant with the Guam Election Commission alleging the delegate received a $10,000 contribution from a Guam businessman – an amount above the legal campaign limit, according to the Pacific Daily News in Guam.
Manuel also alleged San Nicolas reimbursed himself from federal campaign funds after using money to carry on an extra-marital affair with a woman he later hired as a member of his congressional staff. He also alleged San Nicolas forged his own father's signature on campaign checks, the newspaper reported.
"This is just a part of the process that we are required to go through in order to disprove the allegations made against us," San Nicolas said in a statement released Friday to USA TODAY through his office. "We will continue to cooperate and thank the people for their patience and support during this time."
The House banned members from having sexual relations with their staff members in 2018 as part of sweeping ethics rules adopted after several lawmakers resigned over accusation of sexual harassment.
The probe will be led by two Democrats – Grace Meng of New York and Darren Soto of Florida – and two Republicans - Jackie Walorski of Indiana and Vicky Hartzler of Missouri.
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