Sunday, December 15, 2019

Mark Wahlberg Performs A Yuletide Miracle On Vernor For The Hobos of Detroit

Image may contain: one or more people, car and outdoor
"Hobo Clothes" tent for "The Poors"
(always said with clinched teeth)
On December 6, 2019, picking my son up from Covenant House School, after busting the Special Needs Director's clever scheme to fraudulently billing Medicaid, I drove past a slow traffic jam on Vernor.

I had to take pictures because I could not believe my eyes!

Mark Wahlberg was performing a miracle on Vernor and had a tent for the Hobos of Detroit, to hand out clothing, that was probably so ugly that people only took it in hopes of finding something worthy to give to someone else in need.

Mark Walberg had a "Save the Savages", event with a Hobo Clothes tent in front of the school stolen by foreign invaders.

Praise the lord.

I wonder if he hired those two dumb chicks to put this together.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor
They handed out for food, cabbage, potatoes with boxes of processed federally corporate subsidized leftover crap with their cans of nasty crap that I bet they got in bulk by the pound from a DeVos USAFood for Life experimental data collection tax right off for their lovely children's trust funds.

How dare he refer to Detroiters, survivors of a foreign invasion as hobos.

One of Wahlberg crew enthusiastically hailed for me to come and get some "free food".

My son said to me, "No. We are not hobos."

Image may contain: one or more people, sky and outdoorHe was so hurt, but then again, I am quite sure the Wahlbergs felt all warm and fuzzy for having the heart to interact with "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth).

I am quite sure everyone bathed, quite luxuriously well in rose petalled water, after having to interact with "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth.)

And, now, they will have lots of lovely photos to justify their tax write-offs as they sip custom whiskeys around the custom decorated christmas tree, spinning the bob about all the wonder things they did for the children of "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth) on Vernor, in Detroit.

Mark Wahlberg Youth Foudnation
The mission of the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation is to improve the quality of life for inner city youth through a working partnership with other youth organizations. The Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation provides financial and community support to assist in making the dreams and ultimate potential of inner city youth become a reality.

I believe you need to revise your mission statement to properly reflect your Detroit activities by replacing "youth" with "hobos".

Whether or not this yuletide miracle on Vernor was a miracle of your youth foundation, I am repulsed.

You hurt my child and probably the other children on Vernor who witnessed your yuletide miracle.

We are victims of a foreign invasion, not hobos.

You need to apologize to the youth of Detroit and they do not want some crappy, plastic toys or a bag of cabbage and potatoes.

MWYF has raised and distributed over $10,000,000 to organizations across the country.

That sounds like a network.

Do you or your businesses own any real estate in Detroit and if you do, from whom did you get it?

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