Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Kellyanne Conway Speaks Upon Child Protection Laws & Ascends To Be Official Crowned A Legal Genius

In this video, Kellyanne Conway, "Legal Genius" (trademark pending) speaks upon child welfare laws, devoid of any semblance of understanding child protection laws.

Lacking in the basic structure or jurisdiction of child welfare laws, Kellyanne gracefully documents the dearth of legal acumen in the laws and policies of juvenile justice, foster care and adoption.

Without even conferring with White House Counsel, well, on second thought McGahn may have a tight schedule dealing with his cover up of TARP and his work on the construction and implementation of the fake ass Detroit Bankruptcy, along with its ancillary socioeconomic ills, like child welfare, Kellyanne gleefully educates the world on the inner workers of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Children's Bureau all by herself, because she knows everything.

Kellyanne knows so much to comment on the workings of child protection laws, she did not even confer with the State of Ohio, Department of Job and Family Services.

You go, gurl!

Because Kellyanne knows so much about child protection law, I say she definitely needs to be put on the expert witness list for all legal matters dealing with child welfare laws for the United States.

Think of all the legal cases of parents suing to rescue their children from Foster Care & Adoption, to save them from drugging, rape, torture, through her expert testimony.

Think of all the Medicaid fraud in child welfare, which is what are in those juvenile records Kellyanne is claiming we do not have access, yet fails to comment on civil rights laws in child welfare because there are none. 

I bet Kellyanne knows about all those foreign corporations trafficking of tiny humans across the borders and through our ports, under chattel laws.

Kellyanne has put the age of consent on the table.

I bet Mike Pence debriefed her.

Mike Pence knows lots about trafficking tiny humans.

Someone should ask him.

We should ask everyone involved in child protection about what goes on behind the iron curtain of the dark and nefarious world of Child Welfare, that way we can access the records and go after the billions in Medicaid Fraud being exfiltrated out the country through fake ass child welfare NGOs.


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