Sunday, January 27, 2019

The "Colored" Revolution Is Rewriting Civil Rights History Without #MeToo In Detroit Because Trump Has Not Dropped The IG Report

Since the "Colored" Revolution is attempting to wipe out and rewrite the civil rights history of the U.S., I thought it best to preserve it.

It is such a shame that the entire #MeToo weaponized movement has become repurposed into a campaign financing tool.


Serial NumberReg. NumberWord MarkCheck StatusLive/Dead

One is for beer. One is for t-shirts.

Image result for conyers megaphone
This is where the "Colored" Revolution #MeToo constructed tool has been repurposed for a political campaign because, as seen in the following tweets, these people use every last available heuristic from the 1960s Civil Right Movement.

The only thing missing from proving that this is the making of the Detroit "Colored" Revolution, is the missing image of a Detroit Congressperson, standing up amidst civil unrest, with a megaphone, calling for jobs...

Oups! J'ai dit une bêtise...
Rashida Tlaib, forgot about the "Justice & Peace" portion
of the Civil Rights legacy.

I guess severing the "Justice & Peace" legacy part is just that asset forfeiture thing going on in Civil Rights history.

This is manufactured propaganda using the "colored" scheme of "black v. white".

For those who have yet to catch it, I am using the term "Colored" because that was the lingo back in the 1960s, that all these so-called academics, journalists and political pundits are now tossing like around like rose petals at a Nowruz celebration, thinking no one can smell their crap.

The reason I can smell this stuff a mile away is because this is not reality.

People do not talk, work, live, make babies with this type of mentality of labeling humans, unless there is some crappy predictive modeling behind it, hence social media, to make money.

Yes, #cyberwars are real and they are coming to Detroit.

The #MeToo movement started in Detroit, but it seems to have been hijacked and repurposed, for other reasons, far from its original intentions, which was to assist women through the process of filing reports.

That is how you spot what I like to call a psyoptic because you know it was created by "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending), and I am just going to go out there on a limb and say #perkinscoiesucks.

I include this video as a point of departure in understanding how people can repurpose history for their own personal agendas.

The reason why this video is of such interest is because it was done by the BBC, with a global audience.

I consider Martin Luther King, Jr. to be the progenitor of the #MeToo movement because there was first an assassination of his character.

Remember the list, Rashida?

Now, we are witnessing the same transposable model of attack, but it is disingenuous, simply for the fact that it impugns the character of the intelligence community.

The Michigan 13th Congressional Office is under the watchful eyes of the Smarty Pants and the Super Smarty Pants of the world simply due to the fact that there were other very hateful threats bestowed upon the former office holder, that have gone unheeded by Rashida.

This brings me the Saddy Face because the King assassination is back open and his message is being bastardized by manufacturing an insurrection of verbal violence, without due process, by applying these crappy predictive modeling terms of the peculiar institution.

King never marketed his first assassination attempt on his character nor his life, which is why I found the video fascinating.

He was more concerned about children living in poverty, quite humbling for a man who held an office of ethics.

I shall promptly bring to the attention of all the Super Smarty Pants that the issue of threatening a Member of Congress may fall within the conceptual realms of treason, but that is not for me to decided, now is it?


Yes, the U.S. Treasury possesses powers to investigate, since they are already in Detroit, once the matter is assessed and parceled out to its proper jurisdictions of investigation.

Basically, I have the deepest, unmoving faith in our Super Smarty Pants Global Collective to have been diligently attentive to all activities of the Michigan 13th Congressional Office, even before the 2016 Election, so there is no reason for Rashida to be cowed or have any fear, while she is still in office.

MIED Rocks!

Visitors stand in front of the quotation from Martin Niemöller that is on display in the Permanent Exhibition of the United States ... [LCID: img4857]
Rashida, are you going to speak out for #MeToo?
Hey, Rashida, you should demand Trump drop that IG Report.

I bet the people behind these hateful threats, a pattern of practice, are already identified.

I will ask Trump for you, considering the previous holder of your seat was already under investigation, but I am sure you already know that.

Oh, and I shall make it a point to ask Nancy Pelosi to speak out regarding the entire matters of the Michigan 13th Congressional District.

I will even encourage Nancy to reach out to Trump and request that he drop that IG Report.

I would have filed a formal request to your Congressional Office, for constituency services, to request you make a formal request to Trump and ask him to drop the Horowitz IG Report, but I know my presence is not welcomed.

It is just one of those #MeToo things, right, Rashida?

Reporting, in the spirit of fuchsia, from the front lines of the "Colored" Revolution in Detroit, this is the Celestial Goddess of the Woodshed, until next #cyberwar.....take cover....SHTF is coming....

Tlaib not cowed by 'hateful' threats, behavior

Washington — The death threats started on U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib's first day of orientation in Congress and haven't stopped. 

Her office said the Detroit Democrat received around 60 threats just in the two weeks following her swearing-in this month.

That same day, she made national headlines after issuing a profane cry at a Washington party to "impeach the mother (expletive)," referring to President Donald Trump. 

One of the first two Muslim women elected to the U.S. House, Tlaib also has been the target of anti-Muslim slurs on social media, false internet articles, hoax memes and fake Twitter accounts posing as the freshman lawmaker. 

In the past week, colleagues reprimanded a Florida commissioner for saying on Facebook that Tlaib could "become a martyr and blow up Capitol Hill." 

"My mere existence here is causing people to say some very hateful and racist comments," said Tlaib, also the first Palestinian-American woman to serve in Congress. 

The 42-year-old former environmental justice lawyer has renounced the attacks as hate speech that "absolutely has no place in our politics." Tlaib has also suggested Trump's divisive rhetoric is at least in part responsible for threats to harm her.

She ran for office because "people like us deserve a seat at the table." That seat has now propelled Tlaib to a national profile and prompted messages of both support and condemnation. Her mission remains unchanged.

"Girls, we have a new Congress. We not only look differently, but we speak differently," Tlaib told the Women's March in Detroit on Jan. 19, promising to fight for women on the House floor, in the courts and in the streets.

How many of those Women's March participants were from Detroit?  Just asking because I really have yet to hear from any women from Detroit who attended.

"They will try to shush us. They will try to tell us to be quiet, or this is just not how we're supposed to do things here. ... You all are fueling us to speak louder and very clearly. And the whole nation knows exactly how I feel." 

Threats 'across the spectrum'

Tlaib had a few family members serving as her security detail at the march inside the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History. She said she feels safer at home in Michigan's 13th District than at other events.

"Here, I feel like my whole community protects me. I always worry about my staff and my family more than I worry about myself," Tlaib said in an interview.

"But it’s unprecedented, not only myself, but the other women — the new members in Congress — to deal with threats all of us have received. It shows how much violence is being promoted from the White House.”

Tlaib isn't the only member of Michigan's congressional delegation to receive death threats.

U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider of the Eastern District of Michigan said threats against elected officials happen "across the spectrum, across the country."

"We take these, all of them, very seriously. The FBI is specially assigned to be on alert for these. It’s not a joking matter, and we’re going to follow up on all of them," Schneider said.

"People think that they can be anonymous whether they use email or Snapchat or Facebook. That’s really not the case. Law enforcement has tools to identify that, and we’ve done that on several occasions — whether they’re threats to members of Congress or threats to our schools."

The House sergeant at arms has said threatening incidents and communications against House members more than doubled from 902 in 2016 to more than 2,000 in 2017, according to news reports.

A Southgate man, Dennis Downey, awaits sentencing after pleading guilty last year to one count of communicating a threat to injure another after he phoned the Washington office of U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Dearborn, saying he would kill "all of you."

Court records say law enforcement traced the call and arrested Downey, who admitted to placing it.
Dingell said it was among a number of threats she has received.

It's unclear whether charges have been brought yet in relation to the threats against Tlaib. Spokesman Denzel McCampbell said Tlaib's office is working with all levels of law enforcement to ensure the threats against her are taken seriously.

'It's a sensitive time'

"I can empathize. We get death threats regularly," said U.S. Rep. Andre Carson, a Muslim and former police officer who has served in Congress since 2009.

Carson represents the Indianapolis area and has a security detail from the local sheriff's department when he does events in his district, he said. Last year, officials secured a restraining order against an individual who threatened one of Carson's staffers, he said. 

"It’s a sensitive time. Folks are upset. They are looking for a boogeyman or woman to place their blame on, and you look at a woman like Rashida who makes folks uncomfortable. She represents the ‘changing of America,’ as it were," Carson said.
U.S. Rep. Andre Carson

"You have people who are still sexist, and Islamaphobes who can’t stand to see women in power, women in authority. To be a woman and a Muslim, that doubles the offense for them and doubles the suspicion. She represents all that they’re afraid of."

National coverage of Tlaib's call to impeach Trump this month drew a flurry of angry calls to the 13th District Democratic Party — at least 100 over 10 days from area codes around the country, said Jonathan Kinloch, the party chairman for the district. 

"What is wrong with your people in Michigan?" one caller groused in a voicemail. "Rag heads like that shouldn't be in Congress."

Many callers insulted Muslims and Palestinians, engaged in name-calling and suggested Tlaib be removed from office. The episode and the threats to Tlaib illustrate how polarized the country has become, Kinloch said.

"The threshold has been lowered in terms of tolerance and acceptability for the vile discourse taking place," Kinloch said. "It's just unfortunate. Trump's normalizing it, and those who choose to get into the squalor with him."

Memories of Congress shooting

Republican Rep. John Moolenaar of Midland said he communicated to Tlaib that he "in no way" agreed with her remarks about impeaching Trump, urging decorum in Congress and respect for the office of the president.

"I'm not saying in any way she deserves that kind of treatment, even though her comments were very offensive. It's two separate things," Moolenaar said of the threats against her.

"It's unacceptable for her to be treated that way, and I'm sorry she's experiencing that."
Moolenaar, who like Tlaib is a former state lawmaker, said nothing ever justifies threats or intimidation of a public servant. "That's terrible," he said. 

U.S. Rep. John Moolenaar, R-Midland

Moolenaar was with other GOP lawmakers practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game in June 2017 when a gunman opened fire, wounding four people including Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana and Oakland County native Matt Mika.

Gunman James Hodgkinson died following a shootout with police. He was later identified as a Bernie Sanders supporter who once posted on Facebook that "Republicans are the Taliban of the USA."

"Having been in a situation where people on the field that day were targeted because of their political views, that's a very serious problem," Moolenaar said. "Anyone who threatens the livelihood or lives of people deserves consequences for that." 

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