Saturday, January 26, 2019

Michigan Families, Children, & Seniors Committee Sends Out Public Meeting Notice A Week In Advance Because Daire Rendon Is No Longer Chair

Kathy Crawford, author.
and Michigan child welfare expert
Daire Rendon is no longer Chair, which means the people will, hopefully, no longer be disenfranchised and public notices will go out long before the 48 hour deadline of the Open Meetings Act.

I would like to welcome Kathy Crawford to the world of Medicaid fraud in child welfare because the industry of trafficking tiny humans started in Detroit, Michigan, but I do not have to because she already knows, which means nothing is going to change.

So, buckle up, because DOJ is busy, busy, busy!


This is the traditional Standing Committee Meeting where the career administrators come in and do a presentation to the new committee members to let them know what great job everyone is doing for the children.

The committee members go, "Oooooo....aaaaaa...." then try and ask questions that have absolutely no relevance to child welfare to make themselves look all official and stuff in front of their friends and campaign funders.

I used to go to these introduction meetings.

I have even submitted written and oral testimonies, but no one cares.

Jack Hoegendyk told me once, on the record, to hire an attorney.

I attempted to explain to him that child welfare authority kicks in under the Title IV-A  Poverty Means test, which means, a family cannot afford an attorney.

I then tried to convey the conflict of interest concept with the Attorney General representing the private child welfare agency in the prosecution of child welfare cases, while, at the same exact time, the Attorney General defends the private child welfare agencies, which is why so many kids were being snatched from homes to be raped, drugged as lab rats, tortured, beaten, suicide, attempted suicide, to escape to a life on the streets of human trafficking.

This concept went way over his head, but it was fun to watch.

Jack and his other colleagues ended up giving me carte blanche to all their GOP offices, which is another tale.

Unfortunately, I highly doubt, at this time, that I would be warmly greeted by the committee.


Families, Children, and Seniors, Rep. Kathy Crawford, Chair

DATE: Wednesday, January 30, 2019

TIME: 9:00 AM

PLACE: Room 308, House Office Building, Lansing, MI

Organizational Meeting

Presentation by Michigan Department of Health and Human Services on the Foster Care System


To view text of legislation go to:

Committee Clerk: Joy Brewer
Phone: 517-373-8474

Individuals needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting may contact the Chair's office.

Schedule changes or cancellations available at

Notice posted: 1/24/2019

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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