Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Pastoral Plays Of Jorge: Pompeo, China, The Vatican & The Integration Corporate Parental Rights

How very special!

The U.S. and the Vatican want to integrate chattel law in China.


Because it is so passe' to use the term assimilation.

Oh, and UNIDROIT et al is rewriting chattel law to create Corporate Parental Rights, or rather to recodify the hierarchy of human asset management to better maximize revenues in what the world is coming to see as modern human trafficking in the name of the tax exempt god.

Naughty, naughty, very naughty Pence & Pompeo!

People may conjure images of Native American christian boarding schools, whose histories are exclusively excluded from U.S. curriculae and literature, because, you know, if we preserved the legacies of this nation, I would not have to constantly document this crap covering up the residuals of the peculiar institution which is the Child Welfare System, for they only slapped a cross on the salvific plantations after the Emancipation Proclamation, because you have to be over the age of 15 years to qualify.

China has lots of people who make lots of babies the private corporations like to use to make those wonderful, magical pills to cure all your ills, researched and administrated by the Vatican.

Do not let me mention the revenue maximization possibilities of all those absolutely glorious churches, who shall evangelized that turn key Detroit transposable model of stealin' the children, land & vote, the same thing they did in Russia.


Since 2004, CRS has supported the development of the emerging social service sector in China, with a particular focus on providing care and support services for people with HIV and their families. CRS expanded in 2012 to include services for cancer patients and their families. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of cancer cases is rising “ferociously” in China. About 2.2 million people die every year from the disease. For men, the most commonly diagnosed form of the disease is lung cancer. For women, it is breast cancer. WHO says many deaths could be prevented, mainly by reducing the country’s very high smoking rates. There are more than 300 million smokers in China with more than half of all men as regular smokers. WHO says air pollution, particularly in urban areas, is also a contributing risk factor for cancer in China.

I wonder what will happen when the people do not want to accept the christian integration socioeconomic model when the find out it failed, miserably, in its first test pilot City of Detroit.


The evangelical corporate parental rights human asset forfeiture network is already up and running.

I want to know why Pompeo is engaging in private matters on behalf of private corporations like the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, who are the ones running all the child welfare contracts when it comes to trafficking tiny humans.

Is christian integration election interference or are we to stick with the more traditional evangelical term of gerrymandering?

Better yet, I want to know why Pompeo is touching anything dealing with Catholic Charities when he should be fully aware of a matter pending before SCOTUS on whether or not to terminate the right to keep and bear the arms of the United States on November 4, 2020, the day after the 2020 Presidential Election, which is based upon the Electoral Vote of Electors who cast ballots, and not the Popular Vote by Qualified Voters who vote for the Electors, who will constantly change the the vote, by blackmail or bribe of a foreign actor, rather a christian corporation, registered under a state seal, with foreign oaths of fealty, like Christ, but the children's trusts are a completely different subject matter in dealing with all that money laundering out the IOR, more readily recognized as the Vatican Bank, by and through DeutscheBank and GoldmanSachs, in the heavy presence of Detroit legal situations.

The Vice President is over foreign policy and the Secretary of State is the signator, which tells me Trump has been falsely advised as these people develop false claims narratives to cover up what they are doing and what they have done since the very first Papal Bull.

To be continued because I need to breathe....



Naughty, naughty Pence.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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