Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Prelude To Detroit: OVERSIGHT - "Confronting White Supremacy, Part IV" -Yet Nothing On Black Supremacy, Religion Or Gerrymandering

Yes, that is correct, race is the great American multi-trillion dollar industry. 

Did anyone discuss this?


Want to know why?

Because it would mean we would have to address christianity, and no one wants to do that, or do they?

What about islam and its colored stratified history of social standing in the U.S.?

Then, if you are going to talk about judism, which is a subject matter no one dares to broach, including the Ashkenazi, then, you are going to have to talk about the history and Detroit.

If the committee really wanted to address civil rights and civil liberties, do you not think that a good starting point would be to explain the laws and the educational curriculum in our institutions of learning?

Race is taught through what is now called Predictive Modeling Crap.

I got one even better.

How about the committee talk about the foreign operatives who have infiltrated our law enforcement & law making institutions with their #coloredrevolution fairies?

Perhaps, it has something to do with cloaking why a civil rights legacy is not afforded due process, but, hey, what do I know?

I know no one has yet to define race, but like I always say, "Just as a scientist uses science, a racist uses race."

Always remember, Black Lives Matter, because the acquisition of goods, or rather stealin' the children, land & vote, is only done in the name of the tax exempt god to maximize the best interests of the child these foreign corporations own, in pilfering a national treasury, in need of Medicaid cost reimbursement and Faith Based Funding.

What about black supremacy?

Yes, there is black supremacy and it is not very pretty because there seems to be a strong presence in the Child Welfare System, but Rashida made a mockery of this fact in her dismographied, cloaking tale of a "racial attack about two foster kids".

Since Rashida raised foster care, I thought this to be an opportune moment to introduce "Targeted Populations" no one wants to talk about, particularly the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, considering this is her District, and all, ya know.

Gerrymandering: Congress makes the law, where police enforce the law, because those in power create the law, and we all know how political campaigns are funded.

This is about Parental Rights, where the resegregation is the latest financial grifting craze.

Praise the lord.


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