Monday, September 21, 2020

Ivanka Trump Forgot To Order Dim Sum For Bill "Boo Boo" Barr - Of Parental Rights & The Georgia Anti-Trafficking Tiny Humans Conference

Oh, my goodness gracious!
Ivanka feeding
Bill "Boo Boo" Barr dim sum!

It must have something to do with the fact that he has to prosecute himself, in the name of the tax exempt god.

Well, that just sucks, because we all know Boo Boo Barr likes to contemporaneously advise and advocate for those foreign, private entities who like to procure and purvey tiny humans in the name of the tax exempt god.

Praise the lord!.

Here is a background on trafficking tiny humans in Georgia.

I filed a report to GBI on the trafficking of tiny humans.

This is about Parental Rights utilizing the fraud of Religious Freedom Restoration Act, to animate corporations, particularly foreign corporations, with a specificity of holding those who do things in the name of the tax exempt god.

Boo Boo Barr looks piqued.

Ivanka should start making sure to serve him some dim sum during these sessions.

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