Once upon a time there was Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare, but before we called it child welfare, long before I called it the residuals of the peculiar institution, there was this thing called Dum Diversas which gave the church the authority to snatch the children, land and vote of the savages, strictly for the purposes of salvaging their souls, you know.
I would call it slavery, but that just dumbs down this tale.
Remember, the Queen has had her Parental Rights to the allodial title of the children's trust with the termination of her right to keep and bear the arms of the Royal Seal.
The Parental Right was transferred, or rather reinstated to the United States by the Apostolic Nuncio, but I do not know the technicalities of the procedure because I do not believe it has ever been done before.
Pretty darn sure there is no Midrash on this.
DC has been emancipated which is a state of existence under chattel law, as a juridic person.
Keep in mind that one must be of proper age (15 years) to be emancipated.
Could this be as simple of a concept as the United States being granted Parental Rights to the land, similar to the fungible concept of adoption of a child?
We are reclaiming our most precious treasures, the children's trust, in the best interest of posterity, because the children are attached to the land as immoveable chattel, but you can work around that if you do some fancy paperwork like quiet titles, land patents, land grants, but, hey, what do I know?
I know Lindsey Graham was being really cryptic in opposition to the DC statehood.
What if DC was under a land patent like United Methodist holds on the land of the Supreme Court?
So, I looked up DC UCCs.
Then I went to the database, which looks like it was set up with ACCESS or some ancient database system.
Then I went to the database, which looks like it was set up with ACCESS or some ancient database system.
The District of Columbia has its own seal.
I touched one before.
It was on an official UCC1.
The entire process was $15.
I know how it is done.
That is how they run big game in land banks, using the Detroit Land Bank Authority as my working example.
That is how they run big game in land banks, using the Detroit Land Bank Authority as my working example.
I bet someone ran big game for land in DC.
I wonder if it was Lindsey.
We should ask him.
I wonder if it was Lindsey.
We should ask him.
I found this was passed the exact same time the DC statehood initiative was launched.
It was stealin' the children, land & vote Act all rolled into one!
This is an Act of Gerrymandering, but it is ok, because SCOTUS said so.
Yes, that is correct, this new Temporary Amendment Act allows for Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare by using tiny humans as lab rats through their foreign research ops funded by the National Institute of Health, being neatly wrapped up in some more TARP 5.0 money they will probably call reparations because all the kids in need of medical research will be of the darker persuasion, all tied with a big ass bow of controlling the population, for, within about 10 years, under that tiny human asset forfeiture law called Foster Care, more readily recognized as wards of the State being transferred to a private, foreign guardianship organization, like Catholic Charities, or perhaps United Methodists, the tiny humans mature into voting age adults (18 years) where they will not have a clue that their voting rights were terminated through a matter of a simple transfer.
It was stealin' the children, land & vote Act all rolled into one!
This is an Act of Gerrymandering, but it is ok, because SCOTUS said so.
Yes, that is correct, this new Temporary Amendment Act allows for Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare by using tiny humans as lab rats through their foreign research ops funded by the National Institute of Health, being neatly wrapped up in some more TARP 5.0 money they will probably call reparations because all the kids in need of medical research will be of the darker persuasion, all tied with a big ass bow of controlling the population, for, within about 10 years, under that tiny human asset forfeiture law called Foster Care, more readily recognized as wards of the State being transferred to a private, foreign guardianship organization, like Catholic Charities, or perhaps United Methodists, the tiny humans mature into voting age adults (18 years) where they will not have a clue that their voting rights were terminated through a matter of a simple transfer.
D.C. Law 23-124. Children's Hospital Research and Innovation Campus Phase 1 Temporary Amendment Act of 2020.
To amend, on a temporary basis, Chapter 10 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code to provide a real property tax exemption to the properties designated as Lots 824 and 826, 2950, and to require that development of the property be in compliance with the Small and Certified Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Act of 2005 and the First Source Employment Agreement Act of 1984.
BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this act may be cited as the "Children's Hospital Research and Innovation Campus Phase 1 Temporary Amendment Act of 2020".
Note § 47-1099.09
Sec. 2. Chapter 10 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code is amended by adding a new section 47-1099.09 to read as follows:
"Sec. 47-1099.09. Children's Hospital real property tax exemption.
"(a) Only that portion of real property currently described for assessment and taxation purposes as Square 2950, Lot 808, which is to be subdivided in part into Square 2950, Lots 824 and 826, effective for tax year 2020, and the buildings located thereon ("Property"), owned by Children's National at Walter Reed, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Children's Hospital, a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation, shall remain exempt from real property taxation to the extent the Property is validly exempt as of the day before the date any lease is granted to certain business entities known as Building 52/53 NMTC Borrower, LLC, and Building 54 NMTC Borrower, LLC (controlled directly or indirectly by Children's Hospital), and for the period during which the Property is eligible to receive federal tax benefits, including New Markets Tax Credits under 26 U.S.C. § 45D, Opportunity Zone tax benefits under 26 U.S.C. § 1400Z-1, et seq., or Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits under 26 U.S.C. § 47; provided, that the Property shall be subject to subsection (c) of this section and §§ 47-1007 and 47-1009. The Property shall be subject to the provisions of §§ 47-1005, 47-1007 and 47-1009 where a sublease or lease is made to another entity (other than the certain business entities referenced in this subsection) that would not qualify for exemption under § 47-1002 if it were both the owner and user of the property.
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Lot 824 https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_sc/41093 https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_dc/EXTUID_2916396 |
"(b) Any transfer, assignment, or other disposition of all or any portion of the Property, including an assignment of leasehold interest in the Property or a sublease of the Property, between Children's National at Walter Reed, LLC, and Children's Hospital, any business entity controlled directly or indirectly by Children's Hospital, or a security interest instrument, including a deed of trust, secured by the Property or any interest therein, shall be exempt from the tax imposed by §§ 42-1103 and 47-903.).
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Lot 826 |
"(c) Any contract that Children's Hospital, or a subsidiary of Children's Hospital, enters into for architectural design services, construction services, or materials needed for the development, remodel, or construction of Phase II of the Children's National Research & Innovation Campus on the Property is subject to the contracting and procurement requirements under the Small and Certified Business Enterprise Development and Assistance Act of 2005, effective October 20, 2005 (D.C. Law 16-33; D.C. Official Code § 2-218.01 et seq.), and the employment and job creation requirements under the First Source Employment Agreement Act of 1984, effective June 29, 1984 (D.C. Law 5-93; D.C. Official Code § 2-219.01 et seq.).".
To my uncanny ability to have never experienced an episode of chagrin (just a fancy way of me being humble and not doing the "I told you so" dance), I found a land bank, and you know what happens when I find a land bank?
I experience bouts of Post Traumatic Fraud Disorders.....
https://wesleyhousing.org/our-history/ |
The establishment of the nonprofit organization resulted from the 1974 Urban Consultation sponsored by the United Methodist Church in Northern Virginia. Ms. Virginia Peters chaired the Affordable Housing Task Force and Wesley Housing Development Corporation (WHDC) was born.
The organization was little more than a cardboard box of files in the back of Peters’ car....or was it Peter's Pence?
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https://www.allagesreadtogether.org/about-us/leadership/ |
Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement.
The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Budget Director as the fiscal impact statement required by section 4a of the General Legislative Procedures Act of 1975, approved October 16, 2006 (120 Stat. 2038; D.C. Official Code § 1-301.47a).
Sec. 4. Effective date.
(a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto), a 30-day period of congressional review as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(1)), and publication in the District of Columbia Register.
(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect.
And that ends the tale of Lindsey & his gerrymandering quest to stop DC Statehood.
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
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