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NIV Lessons from Life Bible |
Laura does not.
Laura did not even read Jimmy's new book before the interview.
The prolife movement started in Detroit.
Prolife came from the foreign invasion to take over the United States through privatization to cover up the industry of trafficking tiny humans by re-animating the residuals of the peculiar institution.
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https://fns-prod.azureedge.net/sites/default/files/ops/WICPC2016.pdf The greater increase in the number of "The Poors", there shall be a positive, direct correlation, where Pearson's R = 1.00, to the amount of Medicaid fraud in child welfare one can get away with stealin' the children, land & votes. |
Jimmy initiated WIC, the Title V Program of Women, Infants & Children, which, of course, is riddled with fraud because the research is funded through federal grants to private, foreign corporations, which just so happen to be Corporate Shape Shifters, like Insight Policy Research, who like to generate propaganda to secure more federal research grants for more streamlined feasibility in its endeavors to procure state administrative, private contracts, to their research associates to become vendors for infant formulas, which no one has taken the time to do any research on correlations between infant mortality and the promotion of artificial breastfeeding, made by foreign corporations.
WIC was established in 1972 by an amendment to the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (Pub. L. 89–642, as amended). WIC is a nonentitlement, discretionary program. In April 2016, 8.8 million women, infants, and children participated in WIC. For fiscal year 2016, Congress appropriated $6.35 billion for the program.Meet Kathleen Flanagan, one of those high quality propagandist who cranked out some WIC dirty data crap for the purposes of demonstrating that gerrymandering is an acceptable practice when it comes to facilitating policy creation for human asset forfeiture to foreign corporations in Social Impact Bonds to generate more fraudulent cost reimbursement to Medicaid in Child Welfare.
Mike Duggan knows all about this.
Kathleen knows about infant mortality and how to maximize revenues maintaining human capital all over the world through her USAID lab rat work.
Katthleen knows about administrating those tiny human lab rat research programs, too.
Kathleen Flanagan
President & Chief Executive Officer
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https://www.linkedin.com/in/flanagankathleen |
Flanagan joined the company in 1983 as a policy analyst in the Health Area. In 1989 she became managing vice president of the company's Labor Economics Research Area, overseeing research on workforce development and income security programs. In the mid-1990s she launched the International Workforce and Education Practice, winning projects from clients including the U.S. Agency for International Development, World Bank and U.S. Department of Labor. In 1998, she launched the company's Housing and Community Revitalization practice and built a team of more than 75 researchers and technical assistance staff working on affordable housing and community development policies at the federal, state and local levels. In 2005, she was named group vice president for social, economic, and health policy.
Flanagan is a board member of the Professional Services Council (PSC). She is secretary of the PSC Executive Committee and chair of its Civilian Agencies Council. She is also a board member of the Maryland World Trade Center Institute, member of the Massachusetts Women's Forum and member of the CEO Forum of the Washington, D.C. Chapter of the Society for International Development.
She is a founding member and former president of Jobs Have Priority, a Washington-area nonprofit that provides job training and housing assistance to homeless individuals and those at risk for homelessness.
The purpose of prolife is to cover up the tiny human lab rat research and experimentation, the work of the lord, based in Magnitsky propaganda and to fund political campaigns.
The Tale Of Pat Cipollone, Laura Ingraham & The Industry Of Trafficking Tiny Humans As Lab Rats - Magnitsky Propaganda
Those aborted tiny human baby parts the prolife propaganda likes to illuminate never includes the research zygotes or miscarriages, which, more than likely, happen when the host, the hottest policy term of the day for a gestating mother or petri dish, happen when people are poor, because there is a lack of medical health care access, and food, which is why WIC was created.
We have now closed the tauntological circle on the purpose of prolife.
This is about Parental Rights.
Jimmy has knows.
Jimmy Carter: Democrats Should Abandon Pro-Abortion Position
Appearing on the radio talk show of conservative radio host Laura Ingraham today, former President Jimmy Carter said he believes the Democratic Party should moderate its position on abortion, which it currently supports without limits and funded at taxpayer expense.
Carter said toning down the stridently pro-abortion position would help win back Republicans who abandoned the Democrats because of abortion and other liberal social issue positions.
Carter said:
“I never have believed that Jesus Christ would approve of abortions and that was one of the problems I had when I was president having to uphold Roe v. Wade and I did everything I could to minimize the need for abortions. I made it easy to adopt children for instance who were unwanted and also initiated the program called Women and Infant Children or WIC program that’s still in existence now. But except for the times when a mother’s life is in danger or when a pregnancy is caused by rape or incest I would certainly not or never have approved of any abortions.”
“I’ve signed a public letter calling for the Democratic Party at the next convention to espouse my position on abortion which is to minimize the need, requirement for abortion and limit it only to women whose life are in danger or who are pregnant as a result of rape or incest. I think if the Democratic Party would adopt that policy that would be acceptable to a lot of people who are now estranged from our party because of the abortion issue.”
In August 2008, the Democratic Party approved a platform that mirrors President Barack Obama’s pro-abortion views.
“The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right,” the platform reads.
The party has removed any language calling for abortions to be “rare,” or even “safe,” preferring to concentrate on keeping them legal.
That fact wasn’t lost on Karen Cross, the political director for National Right to Life.
She said the platform is even out of step with Democrats, and pointed out that 42% of those who identified themselves as Democrats in a June 2008 Polling Company survey said the oppose all or most abortions.
“Once again, the pro-abortion leadership of the Democratic Party demonstrates an allegiance with the extreme pro-abortion lobby and continues to show that it is out of step with a large number of its own membership and out of step with the majority of the American people,” Cross told LifeNews.com.
The final aspect of the language hearkens to Obama’s pledge to Planned Parenthood in a July 2007 speech saying his first action as president would be signing the so-called Freedom of Choice Act. That’s a Congressional bill that would overturn every abortion limit nationwide from a ban on partial-birth abortions to parental notification laws.
The platform statement on abortion doesn’t end there but includes two more paragraphs that serve as a public relations ploy to moderate that extreme position on abortion.
It talks up birth control and promotion of contraception as supposedly a means to end abortions even though stats seems to show promoting the morning after pill, for example, fails to reduce abortions.
“The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to affordable family planning services and comprehensive age-appropriate sex education which empowers people to make informed choices and live healthy lives. We also recognize that such health care and education help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions,” the platform proposal reads.
It also provides the party and Obama with political cover by saying it supports childbirth and helping pregnant women.
“The Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman’s decision to have a child by ensuring access to and availability of programs for pre- and post-natal health care, parenting skills, income support, and caring adoption programs,” it concludes on abortion.
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