Friday, April 17, 2020

Tales Of The New Crown: Michigan Adopts Ohio Transposable AI Gerrymandering Model For More Stealin' - Bastardized Color Revolution Reparations


 I have found the formal terminology for Corporate Shape Shifters.

It is call Special Purpose Vehicle.

The Detroit Land Bank Authority was supposed to fall under this business model, but, alas, they failed to incorporate and I still possess the claim of the entity.

This is also called corporate layering, where, as political chatter has it, Michelle Obama has an expertise in this area, but, hey, what do I konw.

This is what was implemented in TARP, but, this time, in TARP 2.0, otherwise known as this Cooties C.A.R.E.S. Act, or Families First, it is a free for all, because they all believe they got away with it.

In this secondary iteration of TARP, the vehicle for approval is the propaganda tool, of which I so adoringly call the #colored revolution.

Detroit is dealing the race card, claiming the cooties discriminates, without presenting how they came to this conclusion, unless you speak with Her Flatulent Boviness, Sheila Jackson Lee and her newest butt buddy, Dr. Death Bell Curve Fauci.

They all lie, and they lie into the public record for the purposes, at this time, to save their arses because they know they were all caught being mean to my Sweetie.

This is foreign propaganda, which has perpetuated WWII and the residuals of the peculiar institution.

Foreign operatives come in all shapes and colors.

Someone should as Bankole how he makes his determination of who is black and who is not black.

I want to see his Brown Paper Bag Test.

Reparations have absolutely nothing to do with the amount of melanin in one's epidermis, but the content of one's character, under juridic law.

Bankole is a vile creature because he as very mean to my Sweetie.

He was auctioning off his seat.

I watched.

Then, this happened....

Then, this happened....

Michigan is to get Contact Tracers, boots on the ground for field data collection, to go door to door, for the purposes of more Predictive Modeling Crap.

Then, this happened....

The following is a living, breathing, working example, in real time, of the transposable model for reparations, because they bastardized the original intent, for the purposes of stealin' the children, land & vote.

I love to be reiterative.

The cadence will eventually set in to grasp the concept of modern day human trafficking, called AI Gerrymandering, but this time, the model is being nationally diffused.

How do I know?

They unsuccessfully formatted the same state by state model when they set off the Parental Rights Amendment.

That is how I know because I know all the vile creatures.

Image result for peter griffin race card
Ohio Health Race Metrics Exclusive Measurement Tool

How the hell are they testing and measuring race?

They have a category for "multiracial"?

What is that?

Lump and dump the missing variable data you can use to plug in to your predictive modeling crap to get the pareto optimalized crap to match your fact based theories to pitch for those federal grants to come up with some fake ass Public Private Partnership to come up with some foreign corporate Social Impact Bond programs that you go and run some longitudial cohort crap, to prove you are a statistical soothsayer?

Is that what the multiracial is all about?

Predictive modeling is propaganda crap they call "evidence-based".

"Look what I made! I made some facts to base my evidence."

That is called fraud and you know if someone took the time to read your methodology, it would be found some serious mental health issues when it comes to treating people as humans, and not goods.

The first rule in any form of research methodology is to explain how you constructed your tool of measurement.

In U.S. prisons, they run blood tests to determine which population you are assigned.

Health metrics is a fancy term they came up with to tighten up their corporate parental rights legal doctrines in stealin' the children, land & vote.

It is AI gerrymandering, more intuitively recognized as modern day human trafficking.

It is an entire industry, from cloud based genetic libraries to data management systems, going through the universities, putting the money in their own, private ventures pockets.

These data are so dirty, dirty, dirty.

They fraudulently manipulated the public record.

They falsely advise through dirty data.

You cannot measure race because it is fake, a pseudo science based upon chattel law of property ownership of Partus Sequitur Ventrum doctrine.

It is not a Bell Curve, it is a Gaussian Function!!!


These people are stupid.

Image may contain: night, possible text that says 'The Stupid, It Burns'

Just stop it!

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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