Now, whoever would do such a thing?
I know Jordan Chariton was just talking about this very same thing not so long ago.
Jordan was talking alot about Richard Baird.
Jordan was also talking about how VICE would not pick up his work.
Jordan never shared his information with the Michigan State Police or the FBI, or with anyone else, for that matter, because, I guess, he wants the scoop, where I believe Richard Baird may become the sacrificial lamb to cover up all the stealin' the children, land & vote up there in Genessee County Land Bank territory, but, hey, what do I know.
I know this is about to get juicy, because Kym Worthy, as word delivered to me, is not in a happy place right about now.
I wonder how Fadwa Hammoud is doing?
Todd Flood was working with Andy Arena.
Where is Andy?
Who else had their hands on these transcripts?
Who was the transcription service?
Just asking.
Perhaps, someone should ask Jordan.
Someone should ask Kym and Fadwa how come they are not focusing on all that stuff about all the contracts and land bank stuff.....oh, drats, I forgot, if they did that, they would implicate themselves in what was going on in Wayne County and all those properties that just so happened to end up in the Detroit Land Bank Authority.
My bad.
Release of 'confidential' transcripts concerns Flint water investigators

VICE News cited transcripts of interviews with multiple former officials, including Richard Baird, in a wide-ranging April 16 expose on the Snyder administration handling of lead-tainted water in Flint. Then, on Thursday, the Detroit Metro Times published another story by the reporters of the VICE piece with the full transcripts of the Baird interviews.
A new prosecution team appointed by Attorney General Dana Nessel continues to investigate the water crisis. Courtney Covington, a spokeswoman for the Attorney General's Office, said the prosecution team has "grave concerns about the unauthorized disclosure of investigative subpoena transcripts."
"Investigative subpoenas are, by statute, confidential, and their release without a court order is a violation of the law," Covington said. "Such conduct obstructs the investigation that the people of Flint are entitled to and threatens to jeopardize our pursuit of justice."
However, she wouldn't comment on whether prosecutors were investigating the leak.
The transcripts detail interviews between Todd Flood, who previously led the Flint water prosecution team under former Attorney General Bill Schuette, and Baird from February and March 2017.
Baird was previously Snyder's transformation manager. Snyder and Schuette left office at the end of 2018.
The interview transcripts featuring Baird are marked "highly confidential." And in one of the documents, Flood specifically tells Baird, "This is confidential. It's that simple. So I keep it confidential."
The transcript "doesn't go anywhere" and is "sealed into an evidence room upstairs," Flood adds at another point.
Citing VICE's reporting, Metro Times alleged "prosecutors were investigating alleged attempts by Baird to pay off sick, publicly outspoken Flint residents with offers that included state-funded medical treatment, expanded Medicaid and home infrastructure replacements for pipes and water heaters damaged by Flint River water."
Randall L. Levine, Baird's attorney, said in a statement to The Detroit News on Monday that claims in the articles about Baird "are false based upon presumption and wrongly place him in a false light."
Baird had been informed that he was not a target of the government’s investigation, Levine said. And Baird voluntarily appeared for the interviews and did not claim privilege as he had nothing to hide, the attorney said.
As for the release of the transcripts, Levine said it "appears the only way such documents could have been leaked would be by the government, which is extremely troubling."
"By law, confidential information obtained by the prosecution including testimony and documents secured pursuant to investigative subpoena cannot be available for inspection or divulged and are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act," Levine added.
One year ago this month, Nessel's office removed Flood from leading Flint water prosecution.
On Monday, Flood said he had no idea how the transcripts of his interview with Baird became public. But he acknowledged their release was "absolutely" an illegal act.
"I share the concerns of unauthorized disclosures of confidential material," Flood said in a statement. "I am not in a position to know why someone would do such a reckless act to disclose protected material."
Last year, Nessel removed Flood from the prosecution team. Nessel ordered criminal charges dismissed from the past investigation.
Michigan Solicitor General Fadwa Hammoud and Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy are now leading the prosecution team. On April 17, they promised criminal charges are still coming and that the criminal statute of limitations and the coronavirus pandemic will not stop them.
VICE says its new reporting into the Flint water crisis spanned "a year and a half across the state of Michigan."
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