Friday, March 13, 2020

Tales Of The New Crown: Trump Advised By Emergency Manager Emperor Pence & His Public Private Partnership Procurement Consortia Task Force To Declare An Emergency Parental Rights Plan - Families First

No one ever listens to me.

This is about Parental Rights, and now we have a Federal Emergency Manager, with a Public Private Partnership called a Task Force.

I told you it was going to be, first, the feel good stimulus, then, comes the bailout of the child welfare industry because that is what they did to Michigan with the Emergency Manager Law and Detroit with TARP.

This is the transposable model I keep presenting in multiple, reiterative, attestations: Stealin' the children, land & vote.

The "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) are not giving up because the big one is coming, and I am going to go out on a soothsaying limb and say it will have something to do with some kind of economic reinvestment pitch, like reparations.

For your viewing pleasure, or if you wish to learn about the history of Families First, I bring to you everything you wanted to know about Families First and the commercial opportunities to procure trafficking tiny humans foreign contracts.

The Social Impact Bond Programs are coming soon.

Once again, Trump has been falsely advised by the Emperor to pilfer the coffers of the children's trusts.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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