The Detroit Land Bank Authority is operating through the Corporate Shape Shifter called Amrock.
Now, mind you, I officially transferred the deed to me, as the Registered Agent of the Detroit Land Bank Authority, where taxes have been granted the poverty exemption, which means they are still running game.
How can the Detroit Land Bank Authority and Amrock have an interest when there is no interest recorded in the Wayne County Register of Deeds?
Hmmmm.....stealin' you think?
So, Amrock converted my property as an instrument of financial leverage, while terrorizing me through that fake ass Detroit Land Bank Authority, of being at the core of the push for property tax foreclosures through another machination of fraud.
I wonder how much they made off me.
I need to be made whole again.
Oh, and Amrock is about to send me their original documents of the fraudulent transaction because this is not even the proper property address.
I enter this into the formal record.
4239 Tyler St (Order Number: 60211677) Detroit Land Bank Authority
Inbox |
Thu, Dec 5, 11:25 AM (2 days ago)
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I am a representative from Amrock on behalf of Detroit Land Bank. Congratulations on achieving compliance with your property, we have your original recorded document and would like to return it to you. I would like to know the address of where you would like for me to send the Recorded Release of Interest?
Thank you in advance for your cooperation,
Celeste Shropshire - Senior Advanced Recording Analyst
| |
662 Woodward Ave. | Detroit, MI 48226
(888) 848-5355 ext. 80040 toll free (313) 338-0040 direct | (877) 380-6009 direct fax | |
This message was secured by Zix®.
The following was my response:
You may send all documents to the following address:For those of you unfamiliar with that address, it is the Detroit FBI Office, the ones over the conjugal collaborative investigation with SIGTARP and others.
477 Michigan Ave., 26th FloorDetroit, MI 48226(313) 965-2323
Thank you for your cooperation.
That way I can document more mail fraud without having to leave the house.
Oh, mind you, we are still in countdown to foreclosure on my house.
It seems those "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) over there at the City of Detroit are coming up with even more clever ways to foreclose on my property.
The following is the email I sent to my Detroit City Councilman, Gabe Leland, City Assessor, whose email is not operational cited on communications, and the Michigan Attorney General:
Now, let us see what happens next.Beverly Tran <>Fri, Dec 6, 4:26 PM (17 hours ago)to assessors, Eric, miagI have received a request from the Property Tax Division challenging the veracity of my sworn application of poverty exemption of my property, which is an act that I do not take lightly.This is the second year in a row where I have been questioned about my poverty, which some may take as derogatory action to demean those who are victims of the poorly run Detroit Administration, including the lack of administration of the City's Public Private Partnerships.It was request that I provide a signed, federal income tax release of information for my son, of whom I declare on my taxes as a dependent, clearly stated, and verified by the State of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Income Statement for qualification of SNAP benefits and Medicaid.As furtherance of my position that I am impoverished, due to the failure of the City IT system to recognize or amend the record that I do not have an accessible water account, my son's SNAP was reduced.By raising doubt to the declaration of my income, the City of Detroit is, once again, alleging that I have engaged in a act of fraud.The previous recording of an act of theft was done, twice, with the Detroit Water and Sewage Department.I sent this poverty exemption request through the U.S. Postal Service, certified, which takes these allegations of providing the City of Detroit fraudulent information, a criminal act.For this matter, I have reported it to the FBI.I have also received a notice of foreclosure for failure to pay previous years property tax, where, I was granted the exemption.Looking into the matter, it was found that I was referred to the Finance Department for collection of a debt from my business.What this business debt is, has yet to be identified.The business in question is the Detroit Land Bank Authroity, LLC, which was dissolved by the former Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette in the Michigan Court of Claims, which means there was no "debt" to even duly determine.I consider this as a nefarious act of retaliation, as the timing is highly suspect in the light of ongoing investigations, where I have been publicly vociferous in the absolute abhorrent systemic levels of fraud, festering in the bowels of City IT contactors, and policymakers.Please take notice that, in the event I am denied the poverty tax exemption on 4241, 4238, 4231 and 4225, I will move the court and re-open my federal case.I thank you in advance to your immediate attention to this matter and take to heart, I am poor by proxy, not by choice.--Beverly Tran,Detroit Land Bank Authority, Registered AgentA Former Michigan Business since 2017An Original Sourcehttp://beverlytran.comhttp://conyersinthehouse.comhttp://votingisbeautiful.com
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
I still own the Detroit Land Bank Authority. The state dissolution case went POOF from the docket without ever a judgment rendered.
Dissolution of the Detroit Land Bank Authority was never entered into the record where the case went POOF from the record. I still own it.
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