Wednesday, October 16, 2019

JUDICIARY: Hearing On Border Babies, Trafficking Tiny Humans & The New Bethany Christian Human Plantations

The hearing goes into the operations of the christian NGOs setting up humanitarian relief in the form of human plantations and trafficking tiny humans up to Michigan.

These christian child welfare NGOs are breaking ground for foreign operations to swashbuckle in and establish their own rules and regulations, in the name of the tax exempt god, on the care and welfare of the child.

Yet, not once did the Members even bat an eye to question about parental rights?

By what legal mechanism does a random ass christian child welfare NGO just set up shop and claim to bear the arms of the United States, to protect children?

Once these children, and vulnerable adults, who obviously, do not possess the legal capacity to care for themselves, have their souls salvaged on that fabulously salvific christian mission to claim those corporate parental rights, what is the citizenship?

You heard me.

If an U.S. child welfare NGO, explicitly the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops can operate in another nation, where, in this instance, is operating in the trafficking of tiny humans by transferring them, in body and soul, to be placed in U.S. Foster Care, what is the citizenship?

What jurisdictions do these christian NGOs fall under?

Vatican law, where the House Judiciary just putzs along, whistling a happy tune as those campaign contributions and congregational votes come in for the 2020 reelection because you can now fraudulently bill Medicaid for all those Targeted Case Management Social Impact Bond Programs for their foreign corporations.

Praise the lord.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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