"He sees and hears everything."
My colored commentary:
Trump should just stop obstructing justice and pull that IG Report from his backpocket.
Judiciary Dems issued the subpoena for Lewindowski to show up at the hearing at 10:00 a.m.
The hearing was scheduled scheduled for 1:00 p.m.
Jolly Jerry never gave Lewindowski a marked copy of the Mueller report to refer to the questions that Jolly Jerry did not mark in his copy so no one knows what the hell he is talking about.
JJ: "Is it true you met with the president?"
CL: "Can you show me what page and paragraph?"
JJ: "Just answer".
CL: "Answer what? Where is it?"
Lewindowsky said he could not answer Her Flatulent Boviness' question because it was a rant.
Cohen's right hand is having tremors.
He probably should not eat so much fried chicken.
He probably should not eat so much fried chicken.
Lewinsdowsky is a whistleblower.
Did Hope Hicks change Lewandowski's letter?
Judiciary does not know why the Special Counsel was called.
The Special Counsel was not for Trump.
If Judiciary would only #sayhisname.
If Judiciary would only #sayhisname.
Judiciary is constructing an "attack the consultant" transposable model.
How cute.
Look at the row of Praetorian #perkinscoiesucks privatized Judiciary consultant staffers.
Lewandowski is friends with Sessions.
Dearborn worked as Chief of Staff with Sessions. This is getting good.
The video went to recess because Jolly Jerry said Collins asked for a recess which he did not, so the video blanked.
Oh wait, Jolly Jerry just called a one minute recess without but came back from recess and gavelled the end of the hearing.
Corey Lewandowski is a whistleblower.

Judiciary has absolutely no idea of what is about to happen.
I got popcorn because this sounds like a CPS ex-parte hearing for removal.
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