Good identity management of other countries and risk was the underlying focus of responses from witnesses in reference to multiple attestation in other databases like INTERPOL.
Identity management is dealing with trafficking tiny humans, like "saving the children" through domestic and international adoptions.
The "ban" on entering the U.S. is about trafficking tiny humans, but no one wants to talk about that.
This has nothing to do about religion, unless you consider the application of christian chattel law when it comes to the right of entrance, right of exit when it comes to trafficking tiny humans in the name of the latest and greatest union of international beliefs when it comes to Religious Freedom in the battle to conserve those traditional family values of weaponizing religion to take over an elected government.
The Issue
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Religious freedom is one of the bedrock principles upon which the United States was founded. Yet, American Muslims have increasingly faced bigotry, discrimination, and hostility to their very right to worship. Muslim Advocates works to protect American Muslims to build and maintain mosques and to worship free from discrimination.If you replace "Muslims" with "Christian" and "mosque" with "church" you have yourself a template a "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) for stealin' the children, land and votes.
Religious freedom is a shield to protect people from religious discrimination, not a sword to deny people their most basic rights.
Learn more about Muslim Advocates’ efforts to ensure that mosque permits are approved free from discrimination, that people in institutions can worship freely, and that the cause of religious freedom isn’t hijacked by those who seek to turn this basic principle on its head.
One serious conflict of interest that has yet to be mentioned is the U.S. Commission on International Freedom was spearheaded by Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, who just so happens to be a really big fan of Mike Pence, and his election campaigns, and child welfare contracts.
On October 27, 2018, the International ReligiousFreedom Act (IRFA), which created the U.S.Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), reached its 20th anniversary. In the two decades since, a greater and more diverse number of actors across the globe are working to protect the fundamental freedom of thought, conscience, and religion as prescribed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In fact, the U.S. Department of State’s 2018 Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom became a fulcrum for change in these efforts—more foreign governments than ever before are taking action to uphold these rights in their own countries and around the world. p7
How come no one called State Department Sam Brownback, appropriator of the Foreign Faith Based Funding to participate?
With children come trust funds.
Trust funds have administrators.
Trust funds have benefactors.
Trust funds have trustees.
Administrators, benefactors and trustees can all be corporations.
Corporations are people, too, according to Mitt Romney.
Corporations have parental rights.
A corporate parent can acquire, transfer, procure and purvey tiny humans, where there is no way to trace the chain of command of the birth certificate to the allodial title, where the moveable chattel is tied to the land, but which land if the corporate parent is foreign?
If a child is under the legal guardianship of a foreign corporation, what is the citizenship of the child?
Children grow up to become adults where those identities can be used, over and over again, particularly when traveling for private "militia" purposes like interfering in U.S. elections and other stuff I have watered down into the tagline of "stealin' the children, land and votes.
No one wants to unravel that Gordian VISA Knot of human trafficking being lobbied advocated under the guise of propaganda, which has falsely advised Trump for the purposes of procuring faith based funding economic redevelopment contracts.
Panel One:
Mr. Edward Ramotowski
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services, Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services, Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Ms. Elizabeth Neumann
Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy, Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy, Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Mr. Todd Hoffman
Executive Director, Admissions and Passenger Programs, Office of Field Operations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Executive Director, Admissions and Passenger Programs, Office of Field Operations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Panel Two:
Mr. Abdollah Dehzangi
Baltimore, MD
Baltimore, MD
- Dehzangi Statement
- UMD Letter of Support - Support Document for Dr. Dehzangi
- Sen. Chris Van Hollen Letter of Support - Support Document for Dr. Dehzangi
- MSU Letter of Support - Support Document for Dr. Dehzangi
- Dehzangi TTF
- Dehzangi Bio
- Gazelle Taherzadeh CV - Support Document for Dr. Dehzangi
Mr. Ismail Ahmed Hezam Alghazali
Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn, NY
Ms. Farhana Khera
President and Executive Director, Muslim Advocates
President and Executive Director, Muslim Advocates
The Honorable Andrew R. Arthur
Resident Fellow in Law and Policy, Center for Immigration Studies
Resident Fellow in Law and Policy, Center for Immigration Studies
116th Congress
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