Thursday, July 18, 2019

OVERSIGHT: Gosar Makes History By Asking About Child Protective Services, DHS & The Trafficking Tiny Humans Databases - SACWIS, NCMEC

Start @23:26 where Representative Paul Gosar asks McAleenan about ICE detaining children.

He asks about Child Protective Services.

He sets up the caveat of a children being taken across state lines where someone cannot provide water and safety, like ICE.

I want to see someone calling in California, Texas, Arizona Child Protective Services come in and execute their process of legally kidnapping children.

How come children in ICE do not get CPS intervention, considering CPS will snatch a kid if the wind blows in a different direction.

Elijah Cummings is not happy because ICE refuses to release information about the children.

Elijah does not know that "in the best interests of the child" DHS does not have to release anything.

Those kids are being fast tracked on concurrent planning, which means adoption.

Chatter on the streets, as Michigan got those contracts, is new identities are being assigned.

DHS cannot even mesh with SACWIS, well, at least not in Michigan because Nancy Edmunds allowed the state to dole out more money, to try and fix a human trafficking data base, that was never designed to do anything but to generate false claims in modern day residuals of the peculiar institution.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has a database, too.

Thank you, Paul, for making history.

For McAleenan to say he does not know what to do, is ground for his removal from office because all he had to do was to use google because I have databases, unless I am suppressed by Google in searches, which would mean he is being improperly advised in search results, but I digress.

The U.S. has other borders, but no one is talking about the trafficking of tiny humans from our ports or Norther boarder, or our other Southern border, in Michigan, or children from other countries, like Russia, Ukraine, Kosovo, Poland, Haiti, Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya....and the list goes on.

What is going on is the policy of Lebensborn.

I broke this down to its most simplistic factors for understanding about the industry of the residuals of the peculiar institution called Foster Care & Adoption.

Just close your eyes and allow the imagines of The Good Ship Jesus, whose cargo was tiny humans, trafficked across borders.

Once a border baby is placed in the privatized contract of a state, Michigan, the financial ratlines commence for a life of hell for these children... under Michigan laws, where MIED Judge Nancy Edmunds will not do a damn thing about for the last 15 years or so about Michigan, Child Welfare System, because it all started in Michigan.

How come no one asked the State Department to come in and discuss USAID and its foreign, child welfare corporate NGO contractors like the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops?

DWS got real on McAleenan not knowing about interior children being picked up and placed in Un Accompanied Children policy care.

This is more CPS activity of privately contracted Child Placing Agencies.

This is about parental rights.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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