Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Little Coffins - Another Haiti Child Welfare Fraud Scheme

These are the faces of children starving to death in Haiti.

Will you not find it in your heart to send money to buy them coffins.

Mind you, no money will go to the purchase of a coffin, or food, or housing, or education, but that does not matter because you can always love a child in your own special way, whether as a crime against humanity or just because it gives you great joy when you have a child in your arms...doing stuff.

Love A Child
Love a child
These are the faces of starvation. Several of these children have already passed away and some of the children are currently in our Feeding Program. The best way to reach out to these children and their families is getting them into our Malnutrition Center where they can be closely monitored each week and we give them the food they need to save their child.



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