Wednesday, July 31, 2019

HUD: Did SIGTARP Have A Special Talk With Ben Carson? Baltimore Press Conference On Opportunity Zones

Will this self sufficiency assistance contain opportunities for legal representation to go after public corruption in fraudulent mortgage and property tax foreclosure schemes?

What about a bit of self sufficiency support to take out these Public Private Partnership so called land banks which just so happened to be designed to intentionally interfere in elections?

Hey Ben, hook me up with some of that legal self sufficiency stuff and get me with the U.S. Treasury FinCEN so the people in Baltimore and Detroit can stay in the homes before the next round of stealin'.

Now, that TARP - Hardest Hit Funds are all done, HUD seems to be rolling out a new model, walking away from the RFP, and listening to the people.

You must always have a replacement hit the ground running operation in queue.

My only question is, "What is going to happen to all those Public Private Partnerships and their Predictive Modeling Crappy Social Impact Bond Program Fake Ass Operations?

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