Saturday, July 13, 2019

Cocktails & Popcorn: July 13th, 2019 Our Channel Was Right On Epstein In 2016 with Drugs, Weapons. Now Its Kian.Alptekin - Preparation Material For Detroit

It is such a shame that it takes a billionaire to force the media to talk about why foster children are forced to take on these jobs just to eat.

That is why Big Media is running the psychosexual sensational news cycles to cover up the other stuff "The Nasty Ones" are doing, like stealin' the children, the land and the votes, because the media is part and parcel of why the operations of "The Nasty Ones" 

"The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth) cry for help and are told to get a job when all the jobs were sent overseas.

"The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth) scream for health care as the second and third generations are being used for biogenetic experiments.

"The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth) demand education as foreign corporations are pilfering our national treasuries by taking over our public schools.

"The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth) lament when their land is snatched under fraudulent property taxes and nefarious mortgage and legal scams, while "The Elected Ones" ridicule the old, the young, the weak, and the tired.

Selling chattel is just a residual of the peculiar institution.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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