Saturday, June 29, 2019

Cocktails & Popcorn: Trump v. Jimmy Carter - The Battle Of The Illegitimate v. Forgotten Presidents - Who Will #sayhisname First?

Image result for scolding two boys
"Make Trump & Jimmy #sayhisname, now or I will
make Walter do it!"
Recently on Cocktails & Popcorn, Jimmy called Trump an "illegitimate president" saying something about quantitative stuff.

Then, Trump called Jimmy a "forgotten president" and made sure to run in his face that the Democratic National Committee treated him like dirt for being such a terrible president.

The best way to settle this spat is for Trump to just stop obstructing justice and pull that IG Report from his backpocket while Jimmy unmasks his super secret, undercover federal official leaker who told him the tale of how the *russian/israeli/ukrainians* interfered in the 2016 election.

I believe it is impeachment re-election 2020 campaign time!

They both can tell their tales in the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, or perhaps, in the Districts court, or when the heavens fall.

Maybe, Trump will beat Jimmy and #sayhisname to kick off his 2020 re-election campaign.

Perhaps, Jimmy will preach more about ecclesiastic law and the history of trafficking tiny humans.

I bet Trump and Jimmy will come to learn that they have a mutual friend, but, hey, what do I know?

I know we should have them tell their tale of why Jimmy called Trump illegitimate and why Trump called Jimmy forgotten.

I know the Fourth of July is going to be spectacular in Detroit.

I also know that it would be crass to not invite Walter Mondale to tell us his tale.

Will Walter Mondale #sayhisname first, and take the spotlight from Trump and Jimmy?

I wonder what the Trump v. Mondale Battle is going to be rolled out.

Stay tuned because the Old School Civil Rights Legal Dogs have been summoned.


Trump escalates spat with ‘forgotten president’ Jimmy Carter

The remarks came one day after Carter questioned the legitimacy of Trump’s election, saying the president likely won because of Russian interference.

OSAKA, Japan — Donald Trump on Saturday blasted Jimmy Carter as the “forgotten president,” one day after Carter questioned the legitimacy of Trump’s election, saying the president likely won because of Russian interference.

“He’s a nice man. He was a terrible president,” Trump said at a news conference after wrapping the G-20 summit in Japan. “He’s been trashed within his own party. He’s been trashed.”

Carter, who served between 1977 and 1981, made the allegation Friday while speaking in Leesburg, Va., saying a full investigation of Russian election interference would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Trump acknowledged that he had seen the comments but attributed them to Carter’s loyalty to the Democratic Party.'
“Everybody now understands that I won not because of Russia, not because of anyone but myself,” Trump said. “I went out and campaigned better, smarter, harder than Hillary Clinton.”

In his remarks, Carter called on Trump to condemn Russia for their interference in the election and said he should “admit that it happened.”

Trump insisted Saturday that he did raise the issue with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a private meeting the previous day. But publicly, Trump made light of Moscow’s election meddling, jokingly telling Putin, "Don't meddle in the election, president. Don't meddle in the election.”

Putin, after appearing to hear the translation, laughed while Trump grinned.

The exchange was just the latest instance of Trump dismissing concerns over the Kremlin’s attempts to tilt the 2016 election.

In 2018, after a meeting with Putin in Helsinki, Trump appeared to accept Putin’s election meddling denials over the conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies, which have said the Russian president orchestrated the interference campaign. And two weeks ago, Trump said in an interview that he might be willing to accept information from a foreign source during the 2020 election, adding that he would not necessarily report the activity to the FBI. He later tried to walk the statement back.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe did not establish a criminal conspiracy between Trump’s campaign and Kremlin intermediaries, but his final report did outline how Moscow used hacking techniques and digital disinformation to try and boost Trump.

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