"They truly have bastardized voting rights." |
This is about chattel law, the laws of property ownership, more intuitively recognized as parental rights, steeped in the body of ethics.
This is about testifying into the public record, being held accountable to truth, under the laws of ethics, the way they wish to reconstruct.
This is about the residuals of the peculiar institution, starting by using statistical labels of social constructs for the purposes of predictive modeling crap... for stealin'.
There does exist underlying agendas because I can see it but RD Barber may not, because he has his talking points.
There does exist underlying agendas because I can see it but RD Barber may not, because he has his talking points.
Reverend Doctor William Barber is utilizing the term "policy murder" but I prefer to call this a #coloredrevolution.
He is calling out chrisitian leaders for allowing poverty to exist, which sounds like the RD Barber is campaigning in his religious corporate ascension election.
He said government policy makers put a time on the lives of "The Poors" in regards to universal health care and advocated Medicaid expansion in the same breath, with no mention of intellectual property theft and the other ills of the pharmaceutical industry.
Not once was fraud, a breach of ethics, ever mentioned, nor did anyone #sayhisname.
Not once did they mention the work of Obama and Holder on gerrymandering.
Odd, is it not?
I guess that is why Joy Reed is moderating.
Without further adieu, enjoy the show.
Not once was fraud, a breach of ethics, ever mentioned, nor did anyone #sayhisname.
Not once did they mention the work of Obama and Holder on gerrymandering.
Odd, is it not?
I guess that is why Joy Reed is moderating.
Without further adieu, enjoy the show.
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https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/ https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=poorpeoplescampaign.org |
The following is a list of partners.
A Philip Randolph Institute
About Face (Iraq Veteran’s Against the War)
Adalah Justice Project
Advocates for Youth
AFSCME American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)
American Federation of Teachers
American Friends Service Committee
Assembly to End Poverty
Auburn Theological Seminary
Ben & Jerry’s
Bend the Arc
Beyond Extreme Energy
Campaign to Take on Hate
Center for Popular Democracy
Center for Progressive Renewal/Convergence
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Coalition Against Corporate Higher Education
Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases
Coalition of Veterans Organizations
CWA Communications Workers of America
Define American
Democracy Spring
Democratic Socialists of America
Disciples Justice Action Network
Doctors for America
Dream Defenders
Earth News Channel
Ecumenical Poverty Initiative
Episcopal Church
Every Mother Is A Working Mother Network
Faith in Public Life
Faith Matters Network
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Food and Water Watch
Fraciscan Action Network
Freedom Road
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Friends of the Earth
GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders
Global Women’s Strike
Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition
Green Faith
Housing Works
Interfaith Moral Action on Climate
Interfaith Worker Justice
Islamic Society of North America
Jewish Voice for Peace
Jews for Racial and Economic Justice
Memphis Center for Urban and Theological Studies (MCUTS)
MPower Change
Micah Challenge USA
Micah Institute
Military Families Speak Out
Move To Amend
Movement for a People’s Party
Movement in Faith
Muslim Peace Fellowship
Muslim Public Affairs Council
“National Black Justice Coalition”
National CARES Mentoring Movement
National Council of Churches
National Economic and Social Rights Initiative
National LGBTQ Taskforce
National Physicians Alliance
National Welfare Rights Union
Network of Spiritual Progressives
On Earth Peace
Our Revolution
Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights
Partisan Press
Peoples Climate Movement
Physicans For a National Health Plan (PNHP)
Picture the Homeless
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Presbyterian Church (USA), Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries
Progressive Doctors
Progressive National Baptist Convention
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
Red Letter Christians
Religions for Peace USA
Religious Institute
Revolutionary Love Project
Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference
SEIU Service Employees International Union
Shalom Center
Showing Up for Racial Justice
Sierra Club
Social Welfare Action Alliance
Southern Aids Coalition
Students United for a National Health Program
The Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign
The Rabbinical Association
Transform Network
UCC Climate Justice Council
UFW United Farm Workers
UHCAN | Working for Health Care Justice
Undocu-Black Network
Union of Reform Judaism
Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice
United Church of Christ
United Food and Commercial Workers
United for Peace & Justice
United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society
United Methodist Women
United National Antiwar Coalition
United Religions Initiative
United Steel Workers (USW)
US Human Rights Network
US Labor Against the War
Veterans for Peace
Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP)
Women of Color/ Global Women’s Strike
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
Women’s March <=====This is incorporated. This is a political op because they ran it in Detroit. It sucked, badly.
World Beyond War
A Philip Randolph Institute
About Face (Iraq Veteran’s Against the War)
Adalah Justice Project
Advocates for Youth
AFSCME American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO
Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)
American Federation of Teachers
American Friends Service Committee
Assembly to End Poverty
Auburn Theological Seminary
Ben & Jerry’s
Bend the Arc
Beyond Extreme Energy
Campaign to Take on Hate
Center for Popular Democracy
Center for Progressive Renewal/Convergence
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Coalition Against Corporate Higher Education
Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases
Coalition of Veterans Organizations
CWA Communications Workers of America
Define American
Democracy Spring
Democratic Socialists of America
Disciples Justice Action Network
Doctors for America
Dream Defenders
Earth News Channel
Ecumenical Poverty Initiative
Episcopal Church
Every Mother Is A Working Mother Network
Faith in Public Life
Faith Matters Network
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Food and Water Watch
Fraciscan Action Network
Freedom Road
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Friends of the Earth
GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders
Global Women’s Strike
Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition
Green Faith
Housing Works
Interfaith Moral Action on Climate
Interfaith Worker Justice
Islamic Society of North America
Jewish Voice for Peace
Jews for Racial and Economic Justice
Memphis Center for Urban and Theological Studies (MCUTS)
MPower Change
Micah Challenge USA
Micah Institute
Military Families Speak Out
Move To Amend
Movement for a People’s Party
Movement in Faith
Muslim Peace Fellowship
Muslim Public Affairs Council
“National Black Justice Coalition”
National CARES Mentoring Movement
National Council of Churches
National Economic and Social Rights Initiative
National LGBTQ Taskforce
National Physicians Alliance
National Welfare Rights Union
Network of Spiritual Progressives
On Earth Peace
Our Revolution
Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights
Partisan Press
Peoples Climate Movement
Physicans For a National Health Plan (PNHP)
Picture the Homeless
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Presbyterian Church (USA), Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries
Progressive Doctors
Progressive National Baptist Convention
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
Red Letter Christians
Religions for Peace USA
Religious Institute
Revolutionary Love Project
Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference
SEIU Service Employees International Union
Shalom Center
Showing Up for Racial Justice
Sierra Club
Social Welfare Action Alliance
Southern Aids Coalition
Students United for a National Health Program
The Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign
The Rabbinical Association
Transform Network
UCC Climate Justice Council
UFW United Farm Workers
UHCAN | Working for Health Care Justice
Undocu-Black Network
Union of Reform Judaism
Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice
United Church of Christ
United Food and Commercial Workers
United for Peace & Justice
United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society
United Methodist Women
United National Antiwar Coalition
United Religions Initiative
United Steel Workers (USW)
US Human Rights Network
US Labor Against the War
Veterans for Peace
Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP)
Women of Color/ Global Women’s Strike
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
Women’s March <=====This is incorporated. This is a political op because they ran it in Detroit. It sucked, badly.
World Beyond War
The Democratic Presidential Candidates will be in Detroit in the next few weeks.
I know who is creating this magnificent work art, but, alas, no one will #sayhisname.
The impeachment is Trump's 2020 campaign because I know that magnificent, that sweet, succulent smell of Mr. Messy Pants.
The impeachment is Trump's 2020 campaign because I know that magnificent, that sweet, succulent smell of Mr. Messy Pants.
Joe Biden is going to be torched at the stake of public opinion when his dirt comes out, and it will, even though he is busy trying to run cover up ops. I know. People have no shame with their Instagram vanity.
Listen to the music.
That is Detroit, people.
This is the roll out....of chaos.
That is Detroit, people.
This is the roll out....of chaos.
My Sweetie is serving heads on the silver platter.
If Kwame Kilpatrick leads Trump's 2020 re-election campaign, then Kwame is going to be called up for impeachment hearings. That means he has to bear witness. Now, who do you think is going to be running those House Judiciary impeachment hearings? #sayhisname
Making Native rights, "part of the process"? So they are saying NICWA has no rights? Not to bright of a political platform statement if you think about what it takes to be recognized as a protective class in a legal jurisdiction.
Andrew Yang is on the hot seat on gerrymandering and being dumb on poverty.
If you pay attention, this is how you record them in the public forum. You set up a public forum of due process. You use their own testimony to enter into the public record as an official political candidate, being granted the right to bear arms, under the laws of ethics.
This is what Voting Rights are all about.
If you pay attention, this is how you record them in the public forum. You set up a public forum of due process. You use their own testimony to enter into the public record as an official political candidate, being granted the right to bear arms, under the laws of ethics.
This is what Voting Rights are all about.
This is how you preserve the public record because it is called multiple attestation, meaning, you can look them up to see who is behind this, which is exactly what I did.
The Poor People's Campaign, is brought to you by.....drumroll please....... Foreign Corporations through children's trust funds!
These are the institutions who support Kairos because I really did not find any legally registrated entity under the name of Kairos, The Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice, so what they did was to become a Corporate Shape Shifter through Public Private Partnerships, because they all get federal grants:
The Poor People's Campaign, is brought to you by.....drumroll please....... Foreign Corporations through children's trust funds!
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https://kairoscenter.org/ |
https://pdf.guidestar.org/PDF_Images/2017/131/684/2017-131684331-100fcd4f-F.pdf |
The Stentzel Foundation I did not find a website but I did find a significant accounting discrepancy with their revenue reporting.
https://pdf.guidestar.org/PDF_Images/2017/201/238/2017-201238601-0ff07119-F.pdf |
The G.A. Ackermann Memorial Fund (Bank of America, N.A. Trustee)
I was not able to find its arms, but I did find this.
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Reverend Doctor William Barber |
Rev. Barber has stepped down from the NC NAACP as President to launch a 25 state ‘New Poor People’s Campaign’. The campaign, however, will be anything but poor.
Barber said that he would be engaging in a social justice campaign modeled after the late Dr. Martin Luther King’s ‘Poor People’s’ campaign.
Barber and the NC NAACP characterize it a ‘national moral revival’ and Moral Monday will be a ‘template for the new campaign.
The statement from the NC NAACP says the campaign will be focused in “Washington D.C. and twenty-five states across the nation.”
The statement also notes where the money will come from to support the new campaign.
“Rev. Barber will focus attention on The New Poor People’s Campaign co-led by the Kairos Center at Union Theological Seminary, where Rev. Barber is a distinguished professor of public theology.”
Barber is a professor of theology at the Kairos Center.
Kairos has already posted a set of ‘study‘ materials for the New Poor People’s campaign, which include Moral Mondays’ 14 Point Agenda and Sermons by Reverend Barber.
The Poor People’s Campaign already has a dedicated website up.
The purpose and timeline, according to the NC NAACP statement, will take place, “Throughout 2017 and early 2018 he will lead training and organize alongside moral leaders, including poor black, brown and white communities.”
According to WRAL, Rev. Nancy Petty, pastor of Pullen Memorial Baptist Church in Raleigh says that the Moral Monday leader will take with him ‘all the support’ of groups in North Carolina aligned with Moral Mondays.
The WRAL article continues, citing Rev. Petty’s remarks that, “Rev. Barber, we’re sending you into the world to be an agitator.”
Follow the Money
Following the money when it comes to the Kairos Center is easier said than done.
Donations made to Kairos actually are made to Union Theological Seminary.
According to their website, checks can be sent to “Poverty Initiative/Kairos Center, 3041 Broadway New York, NY 10027.” That’s the same address as Union Theological Seminary.
Donations can also be made online, which are again funneled through the Union Theological Seminary.
The Kairos Center, according to their website, “works to strengthen and expand transformative movements for social change that can draw on the power of religions and human rights.”
The Union Theological Seminary website says the organization has, “institutional supporters” which include the NoVo, Ford, Stentzel, ASG and New World Foundation Luce Foundations, as well as the and G.A. Ackermann Memorial Fund (Bank of America, N.A. Trustee).
In 2014, the NoVo Foundation gave Union Theological Seminary a combined $300,000 in grants earmarked specifically for the Kairos Center.
Union Theological is a Financial Juggernaut
Union Theological Seminary has been a tax-exempt organization since 1934 and is currently a 501(c)3.
In 2014, the organization’s gross receipts totaled $922,972 according to their 990(T) filing.
In 2013, gross receipts were in another league altogether, coming in at $16,070,848 with net assets exceeding $112 million. 172 grants or scholarships were given out totaling $3,185,602.
The organization’s president, Rev. Dr. Serene Jones, was paid in excess of $393,000 through internal and external sources in 2013.
PPC Moral Fiscal Review - BarberThe 2013 filing also notes the organization keeps an investment bank account outside of the United States listed as, “Central America and the Caribbean” that is worth $9,469,893.
Gross receipts totaled $19,526,846 in 2012, $22,240,818 in 2011 and $47,262,134 in 2010.
More 990 filings can be viewed at ProPublica.
While Union Theological’s filings do not detail the amounts given as grants, it seems clear that Rev. Barber’s New Poor People’s Campaign will be anything but poor.
The Reverend is talking about racism as policy, not a color label. This is the rollout of redirecting the narrative far away from chattel law, by marginalizing life of "The Poors" into predictive modeling crappy variables like, systemic poverty, militarianism, rascism.....interlocking poverty policies.
How do I know this?
Because they refused to discuss anything about trafficking tiny humans and refused to #sayhisname....because this is his legacy is being executed, so they had to come up with new nomenclature for "The Poors".
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Marianne Williamson - a DNC political operative. Just ask Jennifer Granholm - I busted her sliming in my data without even getting me a cocktail or popcorn, first. |
Because they refused to discuss anything about trafficking tiny humans and refused to #sayhisname....because this is his legacy is being executed, so they had to come up with new nomenclature for "The Poors".
Always pay attention to who is "not" present. Those are the ones laying in waiting, surrounding the kingdom, awaiting the call to arms in their publications.
This was strictly a private event because MSNBC disabled comments and attempted to change the format, turning down the sound on unwanted messaging, like NICWA, where the front row was told to turn off any recording or streaming devices. I caught that. That is called a controlled message.
Eric Swalwell is absolutely clueless of the industry of poverty. He actually believes poverty is not a crime.
Stay tuned, because this is going to get nasty, very nasty, because they are going to have no choice but to #sayhisname, TARP or Public Private Partnerships of foreign corporations, but I guess it would not be proper to discuss ongoing legal proceedings.
The event closed out using George Clinton's "Flashlight" which he does not own and receives no royalties, leaving us with one last parting gift of being a #clownfest.
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
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