Thursday, June 20, 2019

9th Circuit: "Creativity In New Articulation Of The Item" - A New Concept Of Stealin' - The Real Story Of The Foreign, Privatized Wall


The U.S. is arguing that the Department of Defense money to contract to building of the wall was just a line item transfer.

I swear I am not lying! 🤣

The Trump Administration just said, "We are going to build this wall. Just cross out the description in line item 7 over to line 15, then call it 'creativity in new articulation of the item'".

It does not matter what DoD told congress what they were going to use the money for because it was just taken from one pot and put into another pot, that no one needs to know about.

That sounds like an action of insurrection.

The judge is asking about how often they come up with "creative descriptions" of what DoD does with the money.

I believe we may be crossing over into that Defense Logistic Agency area of really, super special operations for those foreign Public Private Partnerships with Corporate Shape Shifters, but hey, what do I know?

I hope everyone understands the DoD has been in a 2 year historic audit through the OIG.

Yes, I am aware of the issues swirling around about 9th Circuit, but for now, I am more fascinated with my new term I just learned and the opportunity to use it liberally in my venacular of educating the world in the timeless art of stealin'.

"Creativity in new articulation of the item." 

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