Friday, April 26, 2019

I Got A Call - May The Heavens Fall

I received a call from a Matriarch of a very special group of individuals of who I shall not identify at this time because I do not want to ruin the grand finale of my hot extraction from the Woodshed.

No one ever calls me, so you know I took the opportunity to enjoy the moment and entertain my Super Smarty Pants (the global collective).

It sounded as if the Matriarch was instructed by the Queen of a very special group of individuals, per the norm in their hierarchical chain of command, to have me attend a human rights event for women the day before my birthday.

Obviously, I am not going, but that sounded like a lame ass set up for me to be used to their benefit.

I only say this because my birthday is the day after the event and I have not heard from these people in years.

It was a nice invitational moment, though.

May the heavens fall.

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