Saturday, March 2, 2019

Rebranding Child Welfare: Termination Of The Host Right To A Birth Is Now Called Abortion

What you are witnessing is the rebranding child welfare. 

The newest legal term for a pregnant woman is a "host" as a private corporation, like a christian NGO, which includes churches, can now file to terminate parental rights through their new legal adoption of the term "aborting the birth"...of the legal chattel.

Jose Oliva even omitted the term of parent from his interview, below.

The corporate parent would have guardianship throughout the gestation period, which makes the woman the host of their goods, likened to the concept of a hostile, a temporary shelter, pre-respite care.

This is the new foster care because there is a backlog of pilot Social Impact Bond programs and studies to run on the wards in their privatized corporate custody.

This is the industry of trafficking tiny humans where corporations have been animated with personae, to be able to have religious beliefs, rights, and, according to FRCP and law, corporations are now parents who can place liens on your children and the trust funds. 

This is about the identities. 

Women do not go out and get abortions at full gestation. Seriously, think about that. 

They are engaging in a legal transmographication of the term "abortion" for "termination of parental rights" by priming the media with propaganda to cover up that this is just the next phase when it comes to pilfering the U.S. Treasury through the children's trust funds. 

Think about what happens in infant mortality, which is medically considered an abortion. 

This started in Michigan. 

These identities are used in banking, real estate, voting, and fraudulent billing. 

This is about civil asset forfeiture of "The Poors". 

This is foreign propaganda so if you wish to scream "save the unborn babies" either focus on the manufactured poverty of geographic locations as a form of forced migration, destruction of our education system, or the use of infant mortality, including the mothers, as human research subjects. 

Michigan has the Life Science Corridor built from fraudulent billing to Medicaid. 

Stop making these people rich and do not buy into this. 

The goal is to amend the constitution. 

I was there at the table when they came up with it.

This is about modern day slavery and rebranding the industry of trafficking tiny humans.

The new foster care is going AI to "maximize revenues" in the best interests of the child, because 501c3s are not supposed to "generate profit" when dealing engaging in fraud.

Only 3 Democrat Senators Vote for Bill Protecting Babies Born Alive After Abortion

The Senate voted 53-44 in favor of legislation that would protect survivors of abortion, falling short of the necessary 60 votes to proceed as Democrats blocked the bill when only three of them joined Republicans.
Sens. Doug Jones of Alabama, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania were the only Democrats to vote for the bill. All other 44 Democratic senators voted against the bill.
Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Tim Scott of South Carolina, and Kevin Cramer of North Dakota were not present for the vote.
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would have mandated that babies born alive during an abortion would receive “the same degree of professional skill and care to protect the newborn as would be offered to any other child born alive at the same gestational age,” according to Sen. Ben Sasse’s website.
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“This bill isn’t about abortion,” Sasse, R-Neb., said, adding:
I’m pro-life. I’m unapologetically pro-life, but this bill is not actually about anything that limits abortion. This bill doesn’t have anything to do with Roe v. Wade. …
What this bill does is try to secure basic rights, equal rights for babies that are born and are outside the womb.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., challenged Sasse’s legislation, saying that it was “carefully crafted to target, intimidate, and shut down reproductive health care providers.”
Sasse then called out Schumer for misrepresenting the legislation.
“This language is … too blunt for many people in this body … Infanticide is what [Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act] is actually about,” Sasse said. “Are we a country that protects babies that are alive, born outside the womb, after surviving a botched abortion?”

Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, also attacked the bill.
“The legislation we are debating today is just the latest salvo in the far right wing assault on a women’s constitutionally protected right to an abortion,” Hirono said.
Sasse tried Jan. 31 to hold a unanimous consent vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in the Senate following New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, signing a bill legalizing abortion up to birth in January and Virginia trying to pass similar legislation. However, Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., objected.
Earlier Monday, the Knights of Columbus released a poll from Marist that found “Americans are now as likely to identify as pro-life, 47 percent, as pro-choice, 47 percent,” according to the Knights’ website.
The poll found that 34 percent of Democrats now identified as pro-life, up from 20 percent a month ago. Among Americans, “only 18 percent think abortion should be allowed at any time up until birth,” and that Americans against abortion “after 20 weeks, or overall, include: 59 percent of Democrats, 78 percent of independents and 82 percent of Republicans.”
In an op-ed published Feb. 12 in USA Today, Sasse wrote, “It should not be difficult for the members of the U.S. Congress to affirm that a child, outside the womb, deserves the protections of our law.”
“It should not be controversial to say that a child, cold and naked on a table, deserves to be treated with dignity and humanity,” he added.
Melanie Israel, a research associate for the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation, wrote in an op-ed published Monday that “it’s hard to believe anyone would oppose such a policy.”
“Yet well-funded abortion advocates like Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation, who are radically out of step with the national consensus, have convinced some in Congress that requiring medical care for babies who survive abortion is an assault on ‘reproductive health care,’” Israel wrote for The Daily Signal.

Florida House Speaker Jose Oliva Calls Pregnant Women ‘Host Bodies’

Casual Misogyny: Florida House Speaker Jose Oliva calls pregnant women “host bodies” five times during a recent interview with CBS Miami.
Oliva, a conservative Catholic and a Republican, was widely criticized after repeatedly referring to pregnant women as “host bodies” while discussing abortion.
CBS Miami notes:
Oliva’s use of the clinical term “host body” in describing a woman did not appear to be accidental. He used it five times during the interview.

During the interview the conservative Catholic lawmaker said:
Well the challenge there is that there are two lives involved. So, where I believe that we should stay out of people’s lives, I don’t believe that people’s lives should be taken. It’s a complex issue because one has to think, well there’s a host body and that host body has to have a certain amount of rights because at the end of the day it is that body that that carries this entire other body to term. But there is an additional life there.
As technology moves along, a human body can exist outside of its host body earlier and earlier. And so then one has to think, until what time does the host body have veto power over this other life?

The question is: What is the value of that life? And is it subordinate to the value of its host body?
Florida Democratic Party Chair Terrie Rizzo called Oliva’s comments
 “hurtful, dehumanizing, and misogynistic,” declaring:
Speaker Jose Oliva’s words are hurtful, dehumanizing, and misogynistic,. You’d expect to hear this offensive language in the Handmaid’s Tale — not from the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. With the start of the legislative session just days away, Speaker Oliva has insulted Florida women — and made clear he will not be their champion in Tallahassee.
After his deplorable remarks were made public, the conservative Catholic lawmaker said his use of the phrase “host bodies” was an “an attempt to use terminology found in medical ethics writings with the purpose of keeping the discussion dispassionate. The reaction undoubtedly shows it had the exact opposite effect.”
In an attempt at damage control Oliva issued the following statement of apology:

In a recent interview where the very controversial topic of abortion was raised I used the term ‘host’ to describe a pregnant woman. It was an attempt to use terminology found in medical ethics writings with the purpose of keeping the discussion dispassionate. The reaction undoubtedly shows it had the exact opposite effect. I apologize for having caused offense, my aim was the contrary. This is and will continue to be our societies greatest challenge. I strongly believe both mother and child have rights and the extent and balance of those rights remain in question. I regret my wording has distracted from the issue. My apologies to all.
Bottom line: In an act of casual misogyny, Florida House Speaker Jose Oliva calls pregnant women “host bodies” five times during a recent interview with CBS Miami.
And the Republican war on women continues…

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