As the world awaits Barr's next move, there shall be a vast array of public postulation of proactive penance, where you shall see lots and lots of "The Elected Ones" show how much they all of a sudden actually care about "The Poors" in the form of social media blasts of how they are going to make everything all better.
It makes no difference whether Barr releases the report, in full, or not, because the DOJ OIG was structured as a clearing house of any investigative findings of OSC to be documented and referred to District jurisdictions.
See, if you parcel out charges to the proper jurisdiction, the District U.S. Attorneys can say...."Oh, lookie! This is the supportive evidence for all those fraud cases filed by those whistleblowers who were the ones who the original sources.
Yes, that is correct.
All the findings in the Mueller report are just a prelude to a legal tsunami that is about to hit because there are lots and lots of actions in the lower, District courts that have been in hover mode for the last two years.
Then, there is that other situation we have with the OIG Report, just hanging out in Trump's back pocket.
See, that OIG Report was released last year to "Those Eyes Only", so we already know what is in it.
That means the Mueller investigation, more than likely, was based on the OIG Report, so if anyone in Judiciary decides to jump up and put on a Jolly Clownfest, well, we shall know who was not privy to the "Those Eyes Only Club".
Enjoy the #coloredrevolution clownfest.
Read AG William Barr’s letter to judiciary leaders on the Mueller report
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office submitted the confidential report to Attorney General William Barr on Friday afternoon, promptly followed by a letter from Barr addressed to House and Senate judiciary leaders, telling them he remains committed "to as much transparency as possible."
Details: Barr said he could complete the review and advise Congressional leadership accordingly as early as this weekend. He shared his intention to confer with Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein and Mueller to determine what of the information can legally be released to Congress and made public.
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