Friday, January 25, 2019

Cocktails & Popcorn: Trump Caves In For Nancy Pelosi - Upon Her Return From Her NATO DAVOS Side Trip

Image result for DAVOS and drinks
"все видели тебя, Нэнси"
Well, it seems Nancy's DAVOS side trip went well, but hey, what do I know?

I definitely know the world stage is being set for Act III, or is this Act IV?

It does not matter, I just want to watch Nancy, and her rogue ass crew, while I eat my popcorn, sipping on my flute of Russian champagne, here, in Detroit.

Trump Bows to Democrats, Temporarily Ends Shutdown Without Wall

(Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump agreed to re-open the federal government for about three weeks without any guarantee Congress would provide money for his proposed border wall, his top campaign promise, capitulating to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Trump agreed Friday to a deal hastily negotiated by lawmakers after the 35-day shutdown, the longest in modern U.S. history, began to seriously impact air travel. Earlier in the day, LaGuardia Airport in New York was briefly closed due to a shortage of air traffic controllers, exacerbating flight delays across the country.

Under terms of the agreement, Trump will sign a short-term spending bill through Feb. 15 and Congress will immediately begin negotiating border security legislation.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the chamber will vote “immediately” on the deal. House passage also is required and could happen immediately unless a member objects. In that case, House members would have to return to Washington for a floor vote.

The president threatened that if a final deal doesn’t include money for a wall, he would either shut down the government again or declare a national emergency that he says would allow him to begin construction without congressional approval.

“We really have no choice but to build a powerful wall or steel barrier,” Trump told reporters in the White House Rose Garden. “If we don’t get a fair deal from Congress the government will either shut down on Feb. 15 again or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the Constitution of the United States to address this emergency.”

Negotiations in the Senate restarted Thursday after the chamber rejected rival plans from Trump and Democrats to fund the government. Trump had refused to end the shutdown until he received $5.7 billion for a border wall and Democrats had refused to negotiate with him on wall funding as long as the shutdown continued.

The temporary funding deal came together Thursday in a meeting between Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and McConnell, according to a Democratic aide. McConnell said there would need to be a down payment on the wall -- terms that Schumer rejected.

Schumer then suggested a short-term funding measure to reopen government followed by a House-Senate conference committee on a funding bill that would focus on border security, according to the aide.

McConnell took the proposal to the White House, the aide said. Schumer and McConnell spoke several times by phone on Friday to discuss how to pass the temporary funding measure, and Schumer spoke with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was on the same page, according to the aide.
Some of Trump’s most conservative supporters turned on him after he announced the deal, including author Ann Coulter, who called him a “wimp” in a tweet, and Breitbart News, which published a headline noting the government would re-open but there would be “no wall.”

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