Thursday, December 27, 2018

What 'Fear In The Hearts Of Men' Actually Looks Like - When You Know You Are About To Be Busted For Trafficking Tiny Humans

Image result for fear in the hearts of men
They are both, one in the same, called child welfare databases
The following video is what "fear in the hearts of men" looks like.

They are terrified.

I know.

They went through this exact same propaganda damage control routine before.

The reason thy want to repeal the Johnson Amendment, which, in essence, prohibits the use religious 501c3's from engaging in political campaigns.

Background: In 1954 then-Senator Lyndon Johnson added an amendment to the Internal Revenue Code that prohibits tax-exempt charitable organizations from participating or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. For over 60 years, the so-called “Johnson amendment” has served as an effective barrier to keep America’s charities, including churches and synagogues, from either endorsing politicians or funding political campaigns. The prohibition is absolute and the penalty severe: revocation of the organization’s tax-exempt status and disallowance of charitable contributions for donors. 
The argument for repeal is that it infringes upon the free speech of the religious organization, even it they are funding political campaigns through child welfare fraud.

They call this free speech, the same exact argument they were pushing under the Parental Rights Amendment, which was the original national campaign to implement full privatization of government, by animating corporations to have religious beliefs under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

That bill is trying to protect the children's trust funds, the money they made from legally kidnapping, usury and stealin' the legacies.

This is how they pay for their propaganda and compromise operations in the Congress through election interference because people will believe this stuff, and come out of their pockets to make sure it keeps going.

That is a fraud scheme.

Interesting that Steve Scalise was a sponsor of certain action to this issue.

More clowning to commence as their dirt comes out. 

Praise the Lord.


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