Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Child Welfare Propaganda - Even A Kid From Ghana Can Spot Trafficking Tiny Humans In The Name Of The Tax Exempt God

This is deep.

Cathedrals: A Letter To Sober Ghana

You see how European Propaganda (you call it education), taught to you by real teachers, since class one, since Sunday school, has turned you into?

You see how sober, quiet and peace-loving you have become in the face of your own violent death? You see how loving, forgiving and pious you have become while the devil takes your land and kills your babies and murders your unborn babies? You see how docile you have become while the devil cuts your balls?

How do you think they come up with the money to build?
(HINT: Trafficking Tiny Humans)
The Cathedral is going up, isn’t it? And there’s nothing you can do about it. Can you? You see how docile, meek and lamblike you have become? You see your manhood?

The Cathedral is going to be built with your resources, and it will be maintained every year with your resources even-though you don’t have food to eat, you can’t feed your family, you don’t have medical care, you can’t afford vital medicines, you have no place to lay your head or even a latrine to use. You still owe the public bathroom where you take showers once a week.

But you see how obedient, plaint, dutiful and peace-loving you have become? After all these years of someone else always taking your resources for free, and leaving you to suffer violent deaths, violent diseases and such, you are still praying to God. After all these years of someone else always taking your resources for free, and leaving you with a Bible, a Church, a Mosque, here and there, to suffer violent deaths, violent diseases and such, you still pray?

You see what a European education, a European mission school, European books, European languages and European appetites can do to you? You see? You can’t even find your balls!
You see?

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