I was down in New Orleans with Mayor Mitch Landrieu who showed John Conyers, Jr. & me, all the wonderful downtown redevelopment.
We went to the Jazz Conference where I spoke to people from the 9th ward.
We went to the Jazz Conference where I spoke to people from the 9th ward.
I was told military ops came in, set explosives and blew the levy so the 9th ward would flood and save the homes of the wealthy who lived up the hill.
Those who ran up the hill to safety were shot.
I always got a kick out of the masses dehumanizing the people of New Orlean,s through the propaganda campaigns, who ended up living in abject poverty after living a life in poverty, for not having enough money saved to leave town when they were warned.
The first of the month was a week away and it is sorta difficult to catch a bus to leave town in a national crises emergency situation, you know.
I always got a kick out of the masses dehumanizing the people of New Orlean,s through the propaganda campaigns, who ended up living in abject poverty after living a life in poverty, for not having enough money saved to leave town when they were warned.
The first of the month was a week away and it is sorta difficult to catch a bus to leave town in a national crises emergency situation, you know.
But that is okay, because New Orleans established a land bank.
It is called the New Orleans Redevelopment Authority and has federally funded U.S. Treasury programs like NSP2, through Public Private Partnerships, to sell its properties to only those who could afford to have not lived in the 9th ward like those who qualified for special funding because they migrated into the U.S.
Priorities, you know.
Many of these families relocated to Detroit where the Detroit Land Bank Authority stole their homes a second time.
But hey, what do I know?
I know many foster kids just disappeared and no one to this day had done a thing about it.
I know many families had their children Legally Kidnapped when CPS placed them in foster care and shipped them off to other states because of Katrina, or rather hailing from "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth).
I also know Elizabeth Warren allowed it all to happen on her watch because she sat on the TARP Congressional Oversight Committee.
Dirty Bitch.
Priorities, you know.
Statement of the Honorable John Conyers, Jr. for the Hearing on “New Orleans: How the Crescent City Became a Sanctuary City” Before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security

But hey, what do I know?
I know many foster kids just disappeared and no one to this day had done a thing about it.
I know many families had their children Legally Kidnapped when CPS placed them in foster care and shipped them off to other states because of Katrina, or rather hailing from "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth).
I also know Elizabeth Warren allowed it all to happen on her watch because she sat on the TARP Congressional Oversight Committee.
Dirty Bitch.
Ray Nagin Sentenced 10 Years For Fraud, Detroit Mentioned
Members of the TARP Congressional Oversight Panel
Final Report: March 16, 2011
Final Report: March 16, 2011
On November 14, 2008, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and
the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi appointed Richard H.
Neiman, Superintendent of Banks for the State of New York,
Damon Silvers, Director of Policy and Special Counsel of the American
Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
(AFL–CIO), and Elizabeth Warren, Leo Gottlieb, Professor of Law
at Harvard Law School, to the Panel. With the appointment on November
19, 2008, of Congressman Jeb Hensarling to the Panel by
House Minority Leader John Boehner, the Panel had a quorum and
met for the first time on November 26, 2008, electing Professor
Warren as its chair. On December 16, 2008, Senate Minority Leader
Mitch McConnell named Senator John E. Sununu to the Panel.
Effective August 10, 2009, Senator Sununu resigned from the
Panel, and on August 20, 2009, Senator McConnell announced the
appointment of Paul Atkins, former Commissioner of the U.S. Securities
and Exchange Commission, to fill the vacant seat. Effective
December 9, 2009, Congressman Jeb Hensarling resigned from the
Panel, and House Minority Leader John Boehner announced the
appointment of J. Mark McWatters to fill the vacant seat. Senate
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appointed Kenneth Troske, William
B. Sturgill Professor of Economics at the University of Kentucky,
to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Paul Atkins
on May 21, 2010. Effective September 17, 2010, Elizabeth Warren
resigned from the Panel, and on September 30, 2010, Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid announced the appointment of Senator
Ted Kaufman to fill the vacant seat. On October 4, 2010, the Panel
elected Senator Kaufman as its chair.
It seems the TARP Congressional Oversight Panel did not do a very good job because we are going to SCOTUS.
It seems the TARP Congressional Oversight Panel did not do a very good job because we are going to SCOTUS.
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