A: Asset Forfeiture Through Child Welfare Fraud To Fund Children's Trust Funds!
The following is a passionate letter to the U.S. Attorney General and friends to let them know that I found some more stealin' originating out of Michigan that he can reference from my older, legal work on the false claims in child welfare.
Please make these people stop stealin'. from "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth).
They are now stealin' legacies, I guess because it is the closest thing to a soul they can acquire and maximize profits, doing it with the blessings of their tax exempt god to fund political campaigns.
The Celestial Goddess of the Woodshed.
Just when you thought these people could not get any more brazen with their stealin', miracles happen.
I received the following letter today, from a P.O. Box (2005) labeled [SIC] US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, GREENVILLE TX 75403-2005. marked only by "ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED" with neither frank, time or location stamp of posting, in an envelope with a clear delivery address window with a commercial bar code auto generated code.
I severely suffer from Post Traumatic Fraud Disorder, which I seem to suffer on an hourly basis, perpetrated by the "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending).
For those of you just now joining me on my mission, I refer to "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) as those people who thing they are just so darn smart that they are going to come up with some made up crap, all legal and stuff, for the purposes of stealin', a model in the acquisition of chattels: the children, the land, and the votes.
This is asset forfeiture in its finest formation.
The U.S. Department of Education (Department) holds the following defaulted student loan(s) or grant claim(s) which it intends to collect by Treasury offset against all payment streams authorized by law, either currently or in the future. These payments sstreams may include (but are not limited to) Federal and/or state tax refunds, Social Security benefits, Federal travel reimbursements, and may be payments to which you are entitled to receive either now or in the future.Without any legal instrument, devoid of any verification of the debt, the DOE is just gonna lay claim to the legacies of U.S. Citizens using fake Ham Sandwiches, that have gone the ritual of Corporate Shape Shifting around the world under different names that may or may not have been incorporated.
Yes, that is correct.
These people, with no legal status to bring forth an action in a court of law, have come up with their own plan to put liens on your real properties, in order to run the Detroit Land Bank Authority, Public Private Partnership of a Quasi-Governmental Organization that is not incorporated, in order to steal the vote through gerrymandering of a congressional district.
Hold on a minute, I want you to look at this crap, first.
U.S. Department of Education Fraudulent Asset Seizure Notice Letter - 10-19-2018 by Beverly Tran on Scribd
There is no accounting at the top of right because that account number is made up.
I have no clue where they even got these numbers because they do not exist.
Then, I really did not even know there was a national payment center because I just always assumed that it was the U.S. Treasury, which is what it is supposed to be.
Pay attention, here. This is the good part.
There are no citations of law, policy codes or administrative action dates.
Wait! Stop laughing. Hold on.
Here is the best part.
The return envelop had no identifiable markings, no franking of U.S. Postal Authority and the return address was blank.
The only legal address, that I am going to just straight out and proffer that it is fraudulent, to contact the DOE was a P.O. Box.
PO BOX 105028
ATLANTA GA 30348-5028
Yes, that is the name you are to make the check out to over there in Georgia.
I guess at this point, someone is questioning about that thing called the right of grievance, you know, that thing that is mandated by lots of law stuff passed by congress and signed into law by the president, that says you have civil rights, like being able to secure advocacy if you are disabled.
Nope, but there was a separate Request for Review form that you have to witness yourself, because at this point of lunacy, I am going to enjoy a serene moment and look up their federal filings.
The questionnaire leaves the sane scratching their heads as to its creation authority because it has no BINS, unless you call the marker code which automatically clues you up to know this is going into a predictive modeling database for asset forfeiture.
Obviously, whoever is running this operation does not have direct coordinated access to the U.S. Department of Justice because the questions 3 and 4 does not realize it is the U.S. Bankruptcy Court System, through PACER, that notifies all parties of the actions in a case, which is why I immediately declared this an official act of fraud, perpetrated by "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) because no one could be this utterly daft in coming up with some crap that was specifically written for data entry purposes, only.
Then, you can face your accuser if you can travel, which you have to pay, to challenge the debt, but first, they want to know if you have a GED.
If you do not have a GED, there is probably a strong possibility that you do not have student debt, unless it was under the DeVos privatized educational scheme of billing public education for services never rendered, or more readily understood as child welfare fraud, like they do in foster care, which covers residential institutions and juvenile justice, just about any place with a K12 education system.
Yes, you have just experienced a data scraping fraud scheme under the guise of legitimacy of the DOE.
I am not done.
So, I called as asked to speak with someone in legal.
I was told by the customer service agent with the thick Pakistani accent, that she is the supervisor.
So, I asked her for her government classification, you know, like her official title as a staffer, clerk, something where she had to take an oath of office.
This was a private company and I have no idea it was even in this country.
Call the number.
She started to tell me how I am supposed to send the bankruptcy court documents in to her.
That is an action of the court, not me, to effectuate service that has already been recorded in the public record.
It was at that moment I decided to have some fun because I smelled predictive modeling asset forfeiture crap.
So, I started to grill her on referring me to her oversight authority of the U.S. Department of Education.
She said she could not find it, but she did try to look for it in her computer, which verified, on a secondary level, that this was a private operation.
If she had federal access to administrative databases, it would have automatically kicked in to tell me to contact my congressional representative for constituency services.
So, being in a giddy mood, I roiled her actions as being poorly trained as a federal employee when dealing with U.S. Citizens as asked to be officially referred, by identifying her chain of command, to file a formal request for investigation for fraud.
She could not do that either, but she did keep her cool.
I think she does this all day long. Call her and ask.
I was having too much fun, so I asked her to refer me to the U.S. Department of Justice entity which handles all the legal stuff dealing with things like bankruptcy stuff for the U.S. Department of Education.
As fate would have it, she found a direct number to the U.S. Department of Justice Nationwide Central Intake Facility.
The individual clearly demonstrated in his professional deportment that he was an official employee because he verified what I had been complaining about because there was no case in the legal system that there was a debt.
I have a certified judgment, that this DOE hustle would have known if it was legitimate.
This was some crap!
He then referred me to the U.S. Department of Education Litigation Support, to a gentleman by the name of Chad Keller, who has yet to return my call.
But the DOJ person took a moment to listen to be decompress on the idiocy of this crappy asset forfeiture fraud scheme that circumvented any civil rights in the legal process.
He knew.
We were on the same page.
Anyway, back to the conversation with the gal I toyed with to find out who came up with this crap.
She looks in her system to tell me that the debt was transferred from DOE on 3-31-2018 to ALLTRAN EDUCATION.
So, I asked her how is that so if the DOE is sending me a debt statement of asset forfeiture on 10-19-2018?
That did not go well.
I asked her why she was discussing legal procedure when the matter had already been litigated and she does not possess a law license or is even authorized by congress to represent the United States.
That did not go well, either.
I asked if this ALLTRAN EDUCATION was an LLC or INC.
That was another mishap.
I had what I needed from there, so come along with me, the Celestial Goddess of the Woodshed and enjoy the telling of this tale.
I looked up the corporation name and found multiple business entities, active and inactive, in the name of ALLTRAN EDCUATION, INC., in multiple states.
Then, I went to see which one contracted with the U.S. Department of Education and pulled the DUNS & CAGE numbers through SAMS.
Alltran Education, Inc.
6506 S Lewis St
Tulsa, OK, 74136-1047 ,
As you can see, we have now arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
But then, I find out that ALLTRAN EDUCATION is operating under its parent corporation, ERS ACQUISITION CORPORATION, so I looked it up and could not figure out which one it was because I guess you can say, as they call it the highest order parent company, because I knew I smelled an LLC, was none other than AUDAX MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC which is a foreign private equity firm for the damn trust funds!!!!!
Trust Funds Tales of Child Welfare Fraud: Shirley Temple, Jackie Coogan, Hillary Clinton & UNICEF
I thought it best to let Geoff Rehnert tell you the history of how Mitt Romney and his privateers swooped in and took over the State of Michigan, funded the GOP and pirated our most precious treasures, by pilfering the Social Security Trust Funds, through the trafficking of tiny humans, to overseas investments in real estate complex fraud schemes through patents, into their Children's Trust Funds.
The following is all I have been able to lift form a search on U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings of the AUDAX Group from the Children Reach Out Program, a children's trust fund of BAIN Capital called the Center for Education Innovations.
https://educationinnovations.org/ |
Fortress Investment Group LLC is a leading, highly diversified global investment manager. .... Prior to founding Audax Group, Mr. Bain Capital partnered with KKR and ... investment arm of the Kapor Center for Social Impact based in Oakland, CA. ... Finance Salary Statistics, Class of 2018 Analyst: External Relations An ...
Below, are just a sample of the corporate funders for the Children's Trust Fund of BAIN Capital, which is funded through this DOE fraud scheme I am still suffering from Post Traumatic Fraud Disorder.
These people are selling K12 public education for their own personal inurement in real estate through the children's trust funds.
These are actions of using one's office to financially benefit, and I am going to throw in the possibility that these people sexually get off doing crap like this, through public office because Betsy DeVos, financially benefits from these international fraud schemes and funds political campaigns of the GOP.
This is a foreign emolument fraud scheme, repugnant to the U.S. Constitution and any human with an ounce of ethics in their souls.
Michigan Children's Trust Fund Audit: Cinnaire's Tiny Human Trafficking TARP Slush Fund
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https://educationinnovations.org/funder/acumen |
Aga Khan Development Network
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https://educationinnovations.org/funder/calouste-gulbenkian-foundation |
https://educationinnovations.org/funder/childrens-investment-fund-foundation |
Gates Foundation Partners With The Clinton Foundation In Child Welfare Trust Fund Fraud
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https://educationinnovations.org/funder/cambridge-education |
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https://educationinnovations.org/funder/camfed-international |
https://educationinnovations.org/funder/global-fund-children-0 |
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https://educationinnovations.org/funder/world-bank |
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https://educationinnovations.org/funder/uk-department-international-development-dfid |
The worst part is that I fear this particular fraud scheme was set up by a rogue ass tech group who thought they could come up with another one of those get rich and leave the country schemes by targeting Detroit, because as we all know, the 13th Congressional Office is parked in the U.S. House of Representatives Office of the Clerk, which of course, is being closely scrutinized in its operations, still, to this very moment I type these words as a form of my art.\
I am quite sure no one else even questioned this asset forfeiture student loan crap.
Now, I wish to thank all my #Superfans over there on the Fort Street justice row, in the Michigan Eastern District of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Attorney's Office for enjoying another glorious tale from the Celestial Goddess of the Woodshed on the Stealin' the children, the land and the vote.
I look forward to see whacha gonna do!
(Giggly Face)
This is the exact same chattel law Social Impact Bond fraud scheme that was set up to led u to the Detroit Land Bank Authority in dealing with Corporate Shape Shifters.
This is child welfare fraud.
Please make them stop stealin'.
Expiration Date: 07/11/2019
Review Core Data
DUNS Number: | 604976399 |
D&B Legal Business Name: | Alltran Education, Inc. |
Doing Business As: | (none) |
Business Start Date: | 08/01/1988 |
Fiscal Year End Close Date: | 03/31 |
Company Division Name: | |
Company Division Number: | |
Corporate URL: | http://www.alltran.com |
Congressional District: | OK 01 |
Initial Registration Date: | 08/27/2003 |
Submission Date: | 07/11/2018 |
Activation Date: | 07/12/2018 |
Expiration Date: | 07/11/2019 |
Address Line 1: | 6506 S Lewis St |
City: | Tulsa |
State/Province: | OK |
Country: | UNITED STATES |
ZIP/Postal Code: | 74136 - 1047 |
Address Line 1: | 6506 S Lewis St |
Address Line 2: | |
City: | Tulsa |
State/Province: | OK |
Country: | UNITED STATES |
ZIP/Postal Code: | 74136 - 1047 |
CAGE: | 3HNG0 |
Does this entity have an Immediate Owner? | Yes |
Immediate Owner's CAGE Code: | 7A0A3 |
Immediate Owner's Legal Business Name: | ERS ACQUISITION CORP |
Does this entity have a Highest-Level Owner? | Yes |
Highest-Level Owner's CAGE Code: | 3TYX3 |
Highest-Level Owner's Legal Business Name: | AUDAX MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC |
Does this entity have any Predecessors? | No |
Doing Business As: | (none) |
Country of Incorporation: | UNITED STATES |
State of Incorporation: | IL |
Correspondence Flag: |
Business Types
Check the registrant's Reps & Certs, if present, under FAR 52.212-3 or FAR 52.219-1 to determine if the entity is an SBA-certified HUBZone small business concern. Additional small business information may be found in the SBA's Dynamic Small Business Search if the entity completed the SBA Supplemental Pages during registration.
Entity Structure
Corporate Entity (Not Tax Exempt)
Profit Structure
For Profit Organization
Entity Type
Business or Organization
Purpose of Registration
All Awards
Account Details:
Electronic Funds Transfer:
Automated Clearing House (ACH):
CAGE Code: | 3HNG0 |
Registrants in the System for Award Management (SAM) respond to the Executive Compensation questions in accordance with Section 6202 of P.L. 110-252, amending the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (P.L. 109-282). This information is not displayed in SAM. It is sent to USAspending.gov for display in association with an eligible award. Maintaining an active registration in SAM demonstrates the registrant responded to the questions. | |
Registrants in the System for Award Management (SAM) respond to proceedings questions in accordance with FAR 52.209-7, FAR 52.209-9, or 2.C.F.R. 200 Appendix XII. Their responses are not displayed in SAM. They are sent to FAPIIS.gov for display as applicable. Maintaining an active registration in SAM demonstrates the registrant responded to the proceedings questions. | |
I authorize my entity's non-sensitive information to be displayed in SAM public search results: | Yes |
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