Tuesday, July 31, 2018

JUDICIARY: Senate Holds Hearings On Immigrant Family Reunification By Omitting The U.S. Foster Care System

The following is the Senate Judiciary hearing on immigrant family reunification.

There was not one mention of Child Protective Services, Foster Care or Adoption.

FUN FACT! ICE uses a form, developed by ACLU, approved by the court, to allow alien parents to voluntarily leave their children in the U.S. without addressing any legal mechanism of termination of parental rights.

I guess they will file lis pendens and get a quiet title because the child is abandoned, whether voluntarily or involuntarily when the parents are deported.

The privatized state contractor corporations will be granted parental rights.

(Ssshhh....do not let the individuals testifying know that they are engaging in human trafficking.)

Yes, we are dealing with "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) in the Trump Administration.

If the Members believe the separation policies are cruel, offering legislation to stop it, then I wonder if federal policy will trump the States, federally funded, Child Protection System, when it comes to U.S. citizens and its Child Welfare System.

So far, from what I see are hypocrites.

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued to guidance policy for family separation, but what no one is mentioning, there is national policy for the separation of children from families under the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, with expedited removals and concurrent planning under the Adoption and Safe Families Act.

Sessions, also, which no one is mentioning, introduced the Protection of Children Act, but it seems, no one has heard of it.

Only the Congress makes law, and it is about time it faces reality.

Poverty is the crime of abuse and neglect, for failure to provide for the necessary needs of the child, which means, these children are snatched, pursuant to the norms of child welfare policies.

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