Wednesday, June 27, 2018


It also seems, today, the Joint Committee Closed Hearing of Judiciary and Oversight has a leaker.


PS "Texts taken out of context"
PS "While emotional over the election, I conduct myself w/ upmost integrity w/o bias while undertaking any such investigation, especially a high-profile case against the POTUS."
PS "In hindsight, it was a bad idea to openly discuss my feelings, but, in no way did those feelings impact my ability to conduct a fair and proper investigation - we followed where the "facts" took us."
PS "I decline to answer that question on advice from counsel."
: When you state "where 'facts' led us" - what 'facts' are you referring to? To date, there has been zero evidence of any such collusion or connections between the Trump campaign and Russia." In fact, the only facts discovered thus far have been between the Clinton camp and Russia and other foreign groups…."
PS "On advice of counsel, I decline to answer that question"
PS "Because of the ongoing investigation, such answers may violate the security of such investigations………."
: "Mr S, I believe nobody here is buying what you are selling. I believe there was/is a serious effort on the part of people more senior than you to remove Mr Trump from office out of fear of what this Administration may uncover. I believe you are being dishonest in your answers and frankly shocked you agreed to come here today. I believe everyone on this panel (minus those from the other side of the aisle) knew exactly what your answers would be and if you think we are going to sit here and accept these answers you would be a foolish. We are also following the facts and once we uncover more (which we will) we will act accordingly. I'm glad you retained counsel - you'll need one and hopefully they are very good."

Either someone in the Closed Hearing is engaging in espionage, or we have a psyop, spreading propaganda.

I believe this is an issue only for my #Superfans.

 – Ahead of a House Rules Committee vote on a resolution sponsored by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) that insists that the Department of Justice (DOJ) comply with the requests, including the subpoenas, issued by the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Committee on Judiciary, related to the alleged potential violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by DOJ, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) led a letter signed by all House Judiciary Democrats to Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) to raise concerns about the abuse of power and one sided procedures under which this matter is being considered.

In their letter, the Members wrote, “…We are forced yet again to write to express our strong concerns regarding the Committee’s fairness with respect both to markups of resolutions of inquiry and related matters under the guise of so-called ‘emergencies.’  The fact that we just learned that a revised alternative to H. Res. 938 is being considered at the Rules Committee today on an ‘emergency basis’ only compounds the procedural unfairness being imposed…We believe the Committee has been hijacked by its most extreme Majority Members at the expense of upholding longstanding Committee rules and Minority rights…We strongly believe that our Committee works best when it operates on a bipartisan basis—at least with respect to process—and within the letter and spirit of the rules.   This is particularly true for the House Judiciary Committee, which should be an exemplar of fairness and process within the Congress. Unfortunately, we believe that standard has not been observed by the Committee on a number of recent occasions.  As we have previously indicated to you, we remain ready and willing to discuss these matters in an effort to return the Judiciary Committee to regular order.”

Full text of the letter is available, below.
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