Thursday, May 10, 2018

BREAKING: Alleged Child Molester Paid Off in MI AFT Teachers Union Negotiation

Project Veritas has released undercover footage and documents obtained from the American Federation of Teachers Michigan affiliate office in Lake City, which reveals that the union protected a teacher after accusations of sexual misconduct with a seven- or eight-year-old girl arose. The now former teacher was never charged or arrested and denied the accusations against him, and did not lose his teaching certificate. Undercover footage of AFT Union Representative, Johnny Mickles, reveals how AFT and the Lake City Michigan school district defended the alleged child molesting teacher. Redacted documents from the AFT office, which are available on, corroborate the events.

David Hecker

AFT Vice President

David Hecker has served as president of AFT Michigan since 2001. Previously, he was secretary-treasurer of the state federation.
A member of the AFT executive committee, Hecker was first elected as an AFT vice president in 2004. He is co-chair of the AFT organizing committee and also serves on the AFT Annuity Trust Board and the AFT advisory committee on state federations.
Hecker also serves as executive vice president of the Metropolitan Detroit AFL-CIO and is a member of the Michigan State AFL-CIO executive council. He is also an officer-at-large of the Michigan Democratic Party.
Hecker is active with various civic organizations. He chairs the board of Communities in Schools Michigan, is the vice-chair of the Metropolitan Affairs Coalition, and is on the boards of New Detroit, the Michigan League for Public Policy and the Education Alliance. He is chair of the Jewish Labor Committee-Michigan and serves on the Jewish Labor Committee national board. He is past president of the metro Detroit chapter of the Industrial Relations Research Association.
Hecker has been a member of the AFT since 1977 and has served as president of the Teaching Assistants Association Federation, the union of graduate assistants at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is currently a member of the Lamphere (Mich.) Federation of Teachers. From 1986 to 1996, Hecker served as executive assistant to the president of the Metropolitan Detroit AFL-CIO.

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AFT Vice President
David Hecker has served as president of AFT Michigan since 2001. Previously, he was secretary-treasurer of the state federation.
A member of the AFT executive committee, Hecker was first elected as an AFT vice president in 2004. He is co-chair of the AFT organizing committee and also serves on the AFT Annuity Trust Board and the AFT advisory committee on state federations.
Hecker also serves as executive vice president of the Metropolitan Detroit AFL-CIO and is a member of the Michigan State AFL-CIO executive council. He is also an officer-at-large of the Michigan Democratic Party.
Hecker is active with various civic organizations. He chairs the board of Communities in Schools Michigan, is the vice-chair of the Metropolitan Affairs Coalition, and is on the boards of New Detroit, the Michigan League for Public Policy and the Education Alliance. He is chair of the Jewish Labor Committee-Michigan and serves on the Jewish Labor Committee national board. He is past president of the metro Detroit chapter of the Industrial Relations Research Association.
Hecker has been a member of the AFT since 1977 and has served as president of the Teaching Assistants Association Federation, the union of graduate assistants at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is currently a member of the Lamphere (Mich.) Federation of Teachers. From 1986 to 1996, Hecker served as executive assistant to the president of the Metropolitan Detroit AFL-CIO.


Project Veritas is run by James O’Keefe, whose undercover investigations are controversial because they are conducted under false pretenses. AFT-Michigan claimed that Project Veritas operative Marisa Jorge created a fake identity as a University of Michigan education student and got an internship with the union in the summer. AFT-Michigan claimed that Jorge gathered confidential information during unlawful surveillance.


James O'Keefe has been mean to my Sweetie for far too long...