Sunday, September 4, 2016

Did Detroit "Pray-For-View" Church Jeopardize Its IRS Tax Exempt Status With Trump?

Is it just me or does anyone else see a problem with this picture?

Cliff  Woodards II's photo.

I need some clarification because I am a bit confused.

According to the Revenue Rules of the IRS on 501c3 churches are not supposed to engage in political activities, but this scenario gets a bit more murky because the issue lies within the question of whether or not there was private benefit and/or personal inurement.

The IRS has provided a bit of leeway with churches engaging in political activities, but when a preacher has a mega church, basically which was built from Faith Based Initiative funding and now has its own national and probably international in the works, "pray-for-view" network, invites a presidential candidate, with a delay on release of the video, where I am going to put it out there that may probably have been sold for "substantial revenue maximization" to the Main Stream  Media outlets, including major network marketing exposure, it makes one want to go...hmmmmmm,

"Pray-for view" means, as the IRS designated religious organization cannot coordinate with a political candidate in campaign, there is nothing which says the church network cannot receive solicited and unsolicited contributions because it did the "Christian thing" and allowed an individual come and testify to the congregation on his beliefs.

Whether those beliefs generate votes, I do not believe this to be the ultimate goal.  I am leaning more towards some serious corporate opportunities.

Detroit is the global hotspot right now in economic policy development.

Since the IRS cannot audit God, and the fact that I can only call this a rumor, it sounds like another hint of a"Trump Network" to me.


\IRS Revenue Rules on Religious Organizations Engaging in Policital Activity by Beverly Tran on Scribd
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