Sunday, June 2, 2019

DOJ: Matt Schneider Talks About The Public Corruption Of The Foreign Invasion Of Santa Claus With Devin Scillian

You know that I know that you know.

I used to watch you at the events.

I used to listen to you in Detroit and Hamtramck, before and after, you did your money shots with "The Elected Ones".

You were mean to my Sweetie.

So, since you know that I know you know, how about reporting it as an original source?

It is all public information, you know.

"Love for Children"
Spirit of St. Nicholas Institute Award
Just think, Devin, you could tell us all about the child welfare propaganda industry, as it seems you are an expert, being recognized as such, receiving the 2016 Spirit of St. Nicholas Institute Award - "Love for Children."

You could tell us all about the true story of St. Nicholas, a man who would creep in the homes of tiny humans, in the middle of the night, and give the gift of children, for it just felt so, gloriously good.

Then, you could tell us all about your *russian/israeli/ukrainian* adventures and all the stops in between China to the Olympics.

Oh, and do not forget to tell us about the St. Nicholas Institute considering I really could not find much on it.

I bet those would be fun tales.

I bet you even run with "The Boys".
I did not realize Santa was a knight, but in Europe, everyone knows who he is.

He is the one who loves the children and the doweries.
Nicholas was a fourth-century Bishop in Myra, a city in what is now Demre, Turkey. His most famous story is when he throws bags of gold through a window into a house where a poor man lives with his three daughters, Feast of St Nicholas December 6 Fr. Joseph Marquis is the founder and executive director of the St. Nicholas Institute. He has over 40 years of professional Santa Claus and St. Nicholas experience, is an Emmy Award winning Santa, and member of the Santa Claus Hall of Fame - Class of 2011, Santa Claus, Indiana. all of whom are too poor to have a dowry and therefore be ready for marriage. The gift from Nicholas allows the three girls to be wed and live happily with their husbands. There are many more stories and legends too numerous to mention here.

Then, Devin, you could tell us the tale of Santa being the patron saint of Child Protective Services, represented the ideology of the entire industry of trafficking tiny humans in the name of the tax exempt god.

This had lots of foundations about Santa and the residuals of the peculiar institution.
He fought for the predominance of Orthodoxy and took part in the First Ecumenical Council of Nicea. Especially well-known is his charity and love for children, he used his great wealth to relieve all who were in need: families, widows, orphans, and children. For this same purpose he founded, as Bishop, a poorhouse, hostelries, and a hospital. He was the personification of Christian love and affection.
 I found this book, Devin, to be quite intriguing.

And there is even a Network you could tell us about, Devin.

Global Catholic Network

This is my tale of Christmas.

Perhaps, Devin, you could do a children's book on how media never reports on the rapes, drugging, beatings, torture, suicides, and the other sophisticated financial fraud schemes going on in the industry of trafficking tiny humans, since you never covered it during your career, or even at those events, considering that you are an original source.

Oh, and lest I neglect to remind you that you could tell us the tale of the Children's Trust Fund, since you are from Kansas.

I look forward to your tale, Devin.

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