Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Cocktails & Popcorn: Can A State Experience A Constitutional Crisis? - Michigan Child Welfare Systems Sucks

Image result for I claim this land in the name of
"I claim the State of Michigan in the name of the Lord
so we can save the savages by salvaging
the children's trust funds." said the christians.
Covenant House Academy is a school for homeless kids.

They just got rid of their homeless resource officer.


Ask yourself. How come this charter school, which receives federal dollars to provide for homeless children, has a 4 year old kid realize that they are not being provided for.

Here is another young man who observed the failure of the Michigan Child Welfare System, and came up with an action.

Think about that for a moment.

This is the new privatized model planned as an expansion in the industry of trafficking tiny humans through foster care and homeless children.

How can you forecast a substantial increase in this population which is now being reclassifed as "Special Needs" along with "African Americans, English as a Second Language?

Wanna know?

EDUCATION: School Re-Segregation - Brown v. Board Of Education - A Residual Of Predictive Modeling Crap Databases Of Property Ownership & Gerrymandering

The border babies are the goods to be acquired by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in foster care.

Bethany Christian got those contracts with Samaritas.

That is All Betsy DeVos.

The christians always have a plan when it comes to a manufactured crisis, particularly when it comes to mass torture and death of "The Poors".

Those are Michigan children.

But wait! it gets even better!

Guess who is about to swoop in and save the day!

Eye Roll: Hillary Swoops In To Save 'The Children' At The Southern Border

Do you want to know what they do with all that funding? 

They are running asset forfeiture through corporate guardianship running everything out the country.

These are foreign corporations, people. 


Has any caught on to what they are doing? 

It is called modern day human trafficking, but in this instance, it is the industry of trafficking tiny humans through Medicaid fraud and Title I schemes.

See, there are children in need of help at the border.

There must be a plan of action, which includes a new, and improved, re-engineering of child welfare by reanimating the residuals of the peculiar institution.

Happy Residuals of the Peculiar Institution Month!

I aver that not one single argument is going to be raised about the current, complete and utter debauchery called charter schools.

Seriously, how is the Michigan Supreme Court even going to touch this when everyone and their mama is waiting for Nancy Edmunds to figure out that the Michigan Child Welfare sucks, which includes all the privatization fraud schemes going on, more than likely through SACWIS, but hey, what do I know?

I know these people are also pushing those Christian Human Plantations like Vista Maria.


Then, there are those issues with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops who just so happen to be behind all those child welfare contracts, under international scrutiny for what they do that no one really wants to talk about.

These private schools are foreign corporations.

I wonder if States Supreme Courts can experience a Constitutional Crisis?

I am going to sit back and enjoy observing all the omissions in their fallacious arguments.

Michigan Supreme Court to decide controversy over private school funding

LANSING — The Michigan Supreme Court says it will decide once and for all whether the Michigan Legislature can appropriate public money for private schools.

And in making that determination, the court will consider a 2017 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that suggests a state ban on funding for private schools could violate a U.S. constitutional provision intended to protect religious liberty.

At issue is a series of Michigan budget moves in recent years in which the GOP-controlled Legislature has appropriated millions of dollars to reimburse private schools for costs they incur to comply with state mandates, such as health and safety regulations.

In an order released Tuesday, the court said it will hear an appeal of the Michigan Court of Appeals October 2018 ruling. In that decision, the court said the Legislature may reimburse private schools for the costs to comply with state health, safety and welfare laws, but only if such costs are incidental to teaching and don't involve a key school function.

In Tuesday's order, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Markman said the court needs to resolve the longstanding issue once and for all.

"The court owes the parties, and the people of this state, a final decision in this case that fairly considers all inextricably connected issues," Markman wrote.

"The need to fully and finally resolve the present dispute has been made especially critical by the fact that it has now been nearly three years since the Legislature (first approved such funding) and since a lower court of this state issued a preliminary injunction preventing that law from taking effect."
It's important, Markman said, that "our legislative process is no longer maintained in limbo."

Justice Elizabeth Clement will not participate in the decision due to her previous role as legal counsel to former Gov. Rick Snyder, the court said.

In the 2017 case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a Missouri Department of Natural Resources policy of denying grants to applicants owned or controlled by a church violated the First Amendment rights of Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia to freely exercise its religion. The policy denied the church an otherwise available public benefit on account of its religious status, the court said in a 7-2 ruling.

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1 comment:


Detroit Covenant House School Is checking everyone with the *black* race box. Gotta make dat money because they have to pay bootleg contractors to fix up their other Detroit Bankruptcy public schools they stole...for chattel ranching purposes, if course.