exempt and are the ones who get all the contracts for their parent corporations.
Snyder has no clue about what is going on because he is an accountant; he only sees numbers.
This is the wonderful work of Maura Corrigan, where Bob Wheaton has been the cover up spin doctor for quite some number of administrations.
He lies.
This was an observation of what was not covered in this report:
Jorgana Ransom I called the OIG - this is the OAG .. They already did their investigation it seems. CPS improperly assessed risk to children in 8 sample investigations .. - what does that mean? They already done the investigations. They have tons missing like lying to get a warrant. Or the evidence in court not backin up the actual allegations. Or a judge manipulating a jury to give them jurisdiction. The big cover up is they make the evidence look good by just making statements with no evidence to back it up. The CPS history they dig up on many is false allegations that they could not make stick the first time they take children.Instead of me enumerating a list of what was not covered in this report, considering the fact that I have been the one and only person who has ever mastered the vast acumen of this subject matter, as the original source, with no one in possession of tools to analyze or testify, and I encourage anyone to find another human, or even a predictive modeling program, that can even come close to challenging me, in a court of law, I will just drop a few links.
Michigan Children's Institute
Always remember, it takes a judicial determination to turn on the federal funding spigot and that decision relies upon these fake CPS reports and poverty is considered as the crime of abuse and neglect.
In the spirit of fuchsia...
Snyder: Child abuse, neglect investigation flaws ‘unacceptable’
Michigan has claimed the Right to Lie in court.
Gov. Rick Snyder called the findings “unacceptable” and assigned top aide Rich Baird to lead the administrative response and pull together resources to help the Department of Health and Human Services “accelerate the needed corrective actions.”
This is not the first time.
This is not the first time.
The 111-page report, below, released Thursday by the office of Michigan Auditor General Doug Ringler documents 16 “material conditions” and seven other troubling issues identified in a review of Child Protective Services investigations overseen by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
These audits, reviews, federal monitoring, compliance plans, and the lot, have been going on for a decade, yet not one single thing has been done to stop the incompetency of the system because the system was intentionally designed to be incompetent, which is why there are no civil rights in child welfare proceedings.
Like I have previously mentioned, it is easier to get off on a murder charge than it is to be accused by an anonymous entity.
These audits, reviews, federal monitoring, compliance plans, and the lot, have been going on for a decade, yet not one single thing has been done to stop the incompetency of the system because the system was intentionally designed to be incompetent, which is why there are no civil rights in child welfare proceedings.
Like I have previously mentioned, it is easier to get off on a murder charge than it is to be accused by an anonymous entity.
State Senate Minority Leader Jim Ananich, a Flint Democrat who has criticized the Snyder administration's handling of his city's water crisis and a false fraud unemployment scandal, called the new audit "heartbreaking" for children who were "neglected by the very people tasked with their safety."
"This isn’t the first time this administration has failed the people of Michigan and it won’t be the last," Ananich said. "This time, the victims are Michigan’s most vulnerable children. The bottom line is that they’re either bad at running government or they just don’t care – I’m not sure which is worse."
Michigan had a plan for Flint children.
Michigan had a plan for Flint children.
Among the findings released Thursday, auditors said that in more than half of the cases they reviewed, CPS investigators failed to conduct required criminal history checks or look for previous complaints against individuals who lived or came in regular contact with an alleged child victim.
Of the 143 individuals who should have been subjected to a criminal background check, 37 had records involving a combined 54 felonies and 119 misdemeanors, according to the audit. One had previously been convicted of felony child abuse. There were also five felony and one misdemeanor criminal sexual conduct convictions.
Of the 262 individuals who should have been subject to a complaint registry clearance check, 25 had a history of child abuse or neglect allegations, including 13 who had been investigated more than once, according to the audit.
The Health and Human Services Department, in an official response to the audit, said it has hired a full-time coordinator and changed to official policy to ensure more consistent background checks.
"It is important to note that a prior criminal conviction is one piece of information used when investigating the complaint allegations and is insufficient alone to reach a conclusion concerning parental capacity to provide a safe home and adequate food, clothing, shelter, and medical care,” the department said.
Spokesman Bob Wheaton said the Health and Human Services department “takes the findings very seriously” and is already taking actions to “make improvements for the good of children and families.”
“While the department does not agree with all (the) findings, MDHHS agrees that Children’s Protective Services can and must improve,” Wheaton said. “The department shares the concern that the Office of Auditor General has for protecting Michigan children from abuse and neglect. This is a top priority.”
Always lying.
Always lying.
Operating under a federal consent decree since 2006 because of past failures in the child welfare system, the Health and Human Services Department is generally required to complete investigations within 30 days of a complaint unless a supervisor approves an extension.
No more extensions. It has been over 10 years and child welfare, infant mortality, child poverty, continues to just keep getting worse and worse. It is time to shut it down.
No more extensions. It has been over 10 years and child welfare, infant mortality, child poverty, continues to just keep getting worse and worse. It is time to shut it down.
But of the 160 investigations reviewed by auditors, the state did not complete 47 within the required time frame. Those cases were completed an average of 44 days late, according to the audit, with one case taking 241 extra days.
Prompt completion is designed ‘to ensure prompt evidence collection, conclusions and actions in regard to the safety and well-being of children and families,” auditor said.
Despite the findings, the department said completion of timely investigations is actually “an area of practice strength in Michigan.” In a recent review related to the federal consent agreement, 84.2 percent of investigations were completed and approved by a supervisor within 44 days, the department told auditors.
Yet, Kevin Ryan has expanded is operations, and still, his oversight reports have failed to mention, just once, anything on the Michigan Children's Institute and has never made one single referral to the State Attorney General Medicaid Fraud Control Unit or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General when it comes to false claims.
Yet, Kevin Ryan has expanded is operations, and still, his oversight reports have failed to mention, just once, anything on the Michigan Children's Institute and has never made one single referral to the State Attorney General Medicaid Fraud Control Unit or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General when it comes to false claims.
The report also described how Child Protective Services investigators failed to consistently make face-to-face contact with an alleged victim with 24 or 72 hours, as required depending on risk. In 18 of the 160 cases auditors reviewed, investigators did not make in-person contact with 25 alleged victims in a timely fashion.
The first face-to-face contact with one alleged child victim came 128 days late, and the average for the other 22 alleged victims was 6.4 days late, according to the audit.
In one investigation, the complaint alleged a mother had locked her teenage daughter out of the home as a punishment and would not let her back in. An investigator visited the home 16 hours after the complaint but was told the mother had taken the child to the hospital. The investigator did not attempt to contact the child again until four days later, in the hospital.
The department agreed that contact was late in those 18 cases but said its 89 percent compliance rate in the audit shows that “making timely face-to-face contact with the involved children is consistently an area of strength for the department.”
Auditors said an automated computer system the department uses was at least partially responsible for inaccurate assessments of potential risks to children whose alleged abuse prompted a complaint an investigation.
The report highlighted inaccurate risk assessments in 57 of 156 investigations reviewed by auditors, including 46 instances where the alleged child victim was actually at greater risk than the assessment suggested.
Auditors determined that “underlying system coding caused (the Michigan Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System) to provide an inaccurate reponse for 6 of the 7 automatically generated responses, and investigators did not always make the appropriate corrections.”
SACWIS sucks and so do the administrators.
SACWIS sucks and so do the administrators.
MDHHS said most of the issues were chiefly the results of user error in scoring the tool. In July 2017, the software system stopped “prefilling” question in the risk assessment, which the department said helps ensure that the worker accurately completes the assessment rather than relying on the system to score the items.
They supposedly call it predictive modeling.
They supposedly call it predictive modeling.
A separate survey conducted by the auditor general’s office showed that a majority of CPS investigators said high caseloads negatively impacted their ability to conduct investigations in compliance with department policy, and 55 percent said that was true in at least half their cases.
Stealin' children for being poor gets a bit depressing after awhile.
Stealin' children for being poor gets a bit depressing after awhile.
Most CPS investigators also said they were concerned about their own physical safety while conducting investigations, including 25 percent who said they feared for their physical safety at least half the time.
Yes, there are some parents who consider it kidnapping when a stranger just snatches your child, and, as a result, are willing to lay down their lives to protect their children. What would you do?
Yes, there are some parents who consider it kidnapping when a stranger just snatches your child, and, as a result, are willing to lay down their lives to protect their children. What would you do?
More than 60 percent of investigators said physical safety training provided by the department doesn’t adequately prepare them for unsafe situations, and 37 percent said they’ve considered quitting or transferring because of physical safety concerns.
Sometimes those kids will fight tooth and nail not to be kidnapped.
Sometimes those kids will fight tooth and nail not to be kidnapped.
"A lot of good people are trying to accomplish a lot of good things in protecting Michigan’s most vulnerable populations," Snyder said. "It can be stressful, and I understand the frustration people involved in this area must feel when they are hindered by cumbersome processes and procedures. The focus needs to be on helping the children and we are committed to making improvements."
As I have previously stated, do not blame the workers, blame the training.
As I have previously stated, do not blame the workers, blame the training.
Child abuse or neglect investigations are sometimes triggered by mandatory reporters, such as teachers, who are required to report allegations by children.
If you are a mandatory reporter and do not report suspected child abuse, you can lose your professional license, be sentenced and face jail time. That most certainly encourages a licensed professional, except for attorneys, judges, administrators, to report child abuse and most definitely ensures a constant, fluid stream of new cases to keep the doors open for all the Child Placing Agencies.
If you are a mandatory reporter and do not report suspected child abuse, you can lose your professional license, be sentenced and face jail time. That most certainly encourages a licensed professional, except for attorneys, judges, administrators, to report child abuse and most definitely ensures a constant, fluid stream of new cases to keep the doors open for all the Child Placing Agencies.
Investigators did not always document contact with those mandated reporters confirming they attempted to obtain additional information. In 119 cases initiated by mandated reporters and reviewed by auditors, DPS investigators did not document any attempts to contact tht mandated reporter in 25 cases.
In 82 cases, the investigator did not properly notify the mandated reporter about the investigation’s conclusions, which “is important because a mandated reporter may have established an ongoing relationship with the child victim and could potentially serve as a safety net once CPS is no longer involved with the family. MDHHS said “efforts are underway to amend policy and clarify these requirements,” auditors said.
These professionals have better things to do than to do the job of the state.
These professionals have better things to do than to do the job of the state.
While the department disputes some of the findings, it also told editors about several changes to practice and policy it is undertaking.
Still, to this day, there are no data on the number of children who have been raped, tortured, attempted or committed suicide in child welfare because CPS does not dare mention child trafficking which goes on in Foster Care, because that would mean it would have to admit that it is jacked up, which is why they are coming up with a corrective action plan to cover it up.
Still, to this day, there are no data on the number of children who have been raped, tortured, attempted or committed suicide in child welfare because CPS does not dare mention child trafficking which goes on in Foster Care, because that would mean it would have to admit that it is jacked up, which is why they are coming up with a corrective action plan to cover it up.
“The corrective actions that we already have implemented and will continue to implement are indicative of MDHHS taking the findings very seriously and understanding the need to make improvements,” Wheaton said.
Damn liar.
Damn liar.
Michigan OCO Ricky Holland ... by on Scribd
Michigan Child Protective S... by on Scribd
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