Sunday, May 6, 2018

Child Abuse Mandatory Reporter Law Expands Data Banking Of Michigan Children's Insititue

Expert: Abuse reporter law created troubles in Pa.

Lansing — A bill that would increase the penalty for those in Michigan who failed to report child abuse or neglect could have unintended consequences, a University of Michigan law professor said Tuesday.

As a mandated reporter, you already are under threat of losing your professional licensing, $500 fine, or a few months in jail for not reporting, so the only way to make sure this does not happen, mandated professionals report everything, to save their livelihoods under the Janet Reno doctrine of "better to err on the side of the child".

The testimony before the House Law and Justice Committee concerned legislation, inspired by the Larry Nassar abuse scandal, that would increase the penalty for mandatory reporters who fail to report child abuse or neglect from a misdemeanor to a two-year felony.

Two years in prison is a doozie, so get ready for the Great Foster Care Bank.

Yes, the Great Foster Care Bank is a bank of tiny humans for the purposes maximizing revenues in the industry of trafficking humans called foster care and adoption, or you can call it the Bank of the  Michigan Children's Institute.

That is correct, this is what is about to happen if this Baby P reactionary legislation goes through. 

The Baby P Effect was first identified by Legally Kidnapped. Basically, there was a little boy, Baby P, that ended up being murdered by the parents when U.K. CPS did nothing to prevent it. Then, there was a mass hysteria of people calling the U.K. CPS and massive removing of children from homes to foster care and adoption.  This way, by referencing the work of Legally Kidnapped, Michigan will not have to spend a penny on research.
Lawyer Frank Vandervort told legislators that after similar legislation was enacted after the Penn State University sex abuse scandal, the number of reports increased in Pennsylvania, but the number of substantiated reports decreased and child deaths increased.

 It seems the Frank Vandervort does not fully grasp the entirety of the Penn State University Sandusky scandal.  It was about trafficking tiny humans through foster care, using lots of different funding streams of child welfare federal grant funding, and money laundering, just like the Michigan State University case.
“You had your CPS (Child Protective Services) folks investigating a lot of low-quality reports,” said Vandervort, an academic researcher and clinical professor of law at UM. “And then the really serious cases you just get a system that’s overwhelmed and you’re going to the wrong cases.”

 Oh my dear!  Do you not understand what a fraud scheme does?  It does more than maximize revenues through child welfare service programs, it also funds political campaigns, and other business ventures.  That is why the reporting system was designed to do.  By taking in low-quality reports, where the majority come from mandatory reporters, and not the families who could actually call for request of assistance, you have a penal system that becomes reminiscent to stories in threats of the gulag.  This allows the promulgation of lots of propaganda to change the narrative away from fraud and trafficking of tiny humans.  That is how a state run tiny human trafficking network operates.
Vandervort cautioned legislators to treat the Nassar case as an “outlier,” rather than overwhelm the state system with laws that threaten a host of unintended consequences.

No, the Nassar case is not an outlier, it is a network, a homogeneous system of international fraud and those unintended consequences are going to be more federal probes, considering the Ringler, Michigan Auditor General has already gone to the Court of Claims to demand DHHS turn over its child abuse documents, but administrators are not mandatory reporters and Vandervort should stay in his lane of juvenile justice, another mess of systemic fraud.
The testimony came about a week after a Department of Health and Human Services official testified the expected increase in reports could trigger a $54 million increase in staffing at the agency.

That $54 million is in staffing, alone.  That has nothing to do with operations or fixed costs.  Then, you have to consider the Baby P effect, and the entire child welfare system will collapse, and it is not that difficult to do considering no one know what the hell they are doing.  You can tell they are clueless just by looking the Kevin Ryan's reports to the Court.
Concerns about the bill and others will be considered, Rep. Klint Kesto said Tuesday. He expects the committee on Wednesday will consider “a ton” of amendments and substitutes to the House bills.
Kesto, R-Commerce Township, has urged deliberate and focused consideration of the bills introduced to address gaps in the system that allowed Nassar to persist for years.
“Let’s not have a knee-jerk reaction that’s inappropriate,” Kesto told reporters. “

That’s a lot of times what happens in the Legislature, and then we come back to amend laws.”
Nassar, a former sports medicine doctor at Michigan State University, will spend the rest of his life in prison after pleading guilty to child pornography and sexual assault charges. He’s been accused of sexually abusing more than 250 women and girls under the guise of medical treatment, some of whom say their complaints to university officials went unheeded.

No one cares about complaints to State Officials like the Office of Children's Ombudsman, CPS, police departments, when it comes to abuses in child welfare.
Lawmakers introduced an additional four bills Tuesday that would create a state office to serve as a resource and advocate for college Title IX offices and students going through the Title IX process.

More Public Private Partnership$$$ through more layers, and layers of administration contracts for friends and family members of those who can push through legislation like this.

They also would encourage higher education institutions to develop five-year campus sexual assault response improvement plans; instill protections that would shield student sexual assault victims from suspension or expulsion; and exempt from disclosure identifying information regarding sexual abuse victims filing anonymous civil suits.

Oh, so victims are treated even worse than mandatory reporters.
Rep. Jon Hoadley, D-Kalamazoo, said the bill that would improve campus sexual assault response would include a matching grant to help institutions fund the improvements, an allowance that Kesto found problematic.

Look!  There is that grant shot.
“These universities and institutions should have been doing this, period,” Kesto said. “It’s like, hey, here’s a carrot for you to do the right thing.”
Three representatives from the Michigan Catholic Conference also testified at the hearings, sharing with legislators procedures put in place in Michigan dioceses following the clergy sex abuse scandal in 2002. The measures include background checks for all employees and volunteers, annual audits to ensure compliance from parishes and schools, the requirement that all allegations of sexual abuse be reported to authorities, and a three-hour training on recognizing and reporting sexual abuse.

What about those Catholic Charities?  What about the fact that you can not run a background check on someone if they have never been convicted of pedophilia?
While dioceses perform state background searches, churches and schools are barred from tapping into the FBI fingerprint database because it requires legal language in state law that permits private nonprofits access to those records, said Candace Neff, director of communications for the Diocese of Gaylord.

The majority of pedophiles in the FBI database have been through the legal process of conviction.  The majority of pedophiles in the world have never been caught when becoming a foster or adoptive parent.  Something to think about.
Neff said the FBI database is considered the “most reliable,” and while it’s available to schools, state law has no allowances for access by churches or youth organizations, even if they’re willing to pay.

So, there is table talk that Michigan may allow churches and schools access to federal identity databases?  My issue with this is that privatization thing and what they will be doing with the data, or rather if they will be selling that data.  I predict they will.
“To do the best we can to protect children, we need you to introduce and pass legislation that will allow us access to those records,” she said.

Yes, allow public access to all the records, even the financial ones.  Child welfare operates under an iron cover of secrecy so now is the best time for illumination of Michigan's dark history in child welfare.  Either that or I will just sit back and eat my popcorn, waiting....

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