Friday, April 27, 2018

Tale Of Global Trafficking Tiny Human NGOs: George Bush, Clinton Foundation & United Nations

Once upon a time, a little Quail, whispered into my ear, and told me to look under a Bush. 

It was there that I found another one of those highly sophisticated complex fraud schemes, I always refer to as stealin'.

Here you have three gentlemen of the United Nations Board of Auditors who just so happened to be instrumental in the promulgation of the art of stealin'.

In this instance, the order for stealin' was issued by President George H.W. Bush, furthered by his successor, Bill Clinton, and put into full effect by George W. Bush, through the Clinton Foundation Climate Change Initiative, which is not incorporated.

The Climate Change Initiative brings together the most notorious child welfare NGOs to generate propaganda to save the world and launder the plunder of national treasuries under the guise of those crafty Public Private Partnerships...authorities...which are not incorporated.

So, how the heck is the United Nations conducting audits and not realizing these entities are not incorporated, like the Clinton Climate Change Initiative/Foundation/Global Initiative/Presidential Library/Bill, Chelsea, Hillary, or whatever flavor of the week is, global stealin' of taxes?

FUN FACT! These climate change organizations use global child welfare organizations to launder money they stole from bogus child welfare programs to traffic tiny humans through foster care and adoption programs which are tax exempt, and federally funded!

ANOTHER FUN FACT! The taxes they stole and laundered eventually fund political campaigns and lots of Research & Development in Atomic Energy.

Makes you wonder if there is one of those Egmont Global Initiatives going on?

It seems the United Nations Panel of External Auditors have not really done very much, ever, except for its Atomic Energy audit reports, that it has not even done those is quite some number of years.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the Clinton Foundation Climate Change Initiative money laundering fraud scheme that George H.W. Bush launched and ended up being called the "Paris Agreement"?

Anyway, looks like there is an open spot on the United Nations Board of Auditors and Perkins Coie still sucks.

Kay Scheller

Mr. Kay Scheller, President of the German Federal Court of Auditors

Term expires 30 June 2022

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