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"Hey Brett! We need more tiny human lab rats." |
Does he refer to his acquired goods as humanized mice or tiny human lab rats?
I prefer tiny human lab rats just because I have adopted the term over 25 years ago.
This is what the prolifers like to cloak with their religious fervor of demonizing mothers who are losing their children in miscarriages due to ills of poverty.
The entire abortion argument promulgated through the halls of congress, which was created in the invasion of the Michigan Republican National Committee, is nothing but a false claim generated to garner more Faith Based Funding to continue the trafficking tiny humans through the Child Welfare System.
Using "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth) as human lab rats is nothing new because no one cares.
You can order, from any mobile device, sperm and eggs, and grow them in your very own Corporate Shape Shifting Host, because they own the final product for commercial use.
That is fancy legal speak for trafficking tiny humans because you can not just sell them, you can financially leverage them and use them for all types of cooties testing.
The opioid crises was intentionally manufactured to maximize revenues, by and through public office, which is nothing more than an emolument, ,but if you swear an oath to another foreign nation, like the Vatican, that indelible seal will follow you, unless the chain of fidelity is broken.
Meet The Perfidious Sister Dede Byrne & Her Trafficking Tiny Humans Lab Rat RNC Convention Speech - Of Parental Rights & The Archdiocese Of Detroit Indelible Seal Situation
Moderna, as well as just about every other big pharma uses zygotes, which they will involuntarily induce labor through more lab rat human experiments on mothers."
No one wants to talk about the gestating mother.
Researchers mostly use Africa and other poor nations of war because there is no such thing as parental consent or parental rights.
Starvation, born of an U.S. invasion into a foreign land, will typically cause miscarriages.
Miscarriage is a form of abortion, as, abortion is not even a medical term; it is a legal term.
There are christian missionaries that conduct research on behalf of the universities and pharmaceutical corporations, to see how old a host, the latest term for a mother, can procreate.
I know of girls as young as 12 years of age giving birth in Guatemala, then having the child ripped from her arms to be adopted by good, christian, American parents.
Praise the lord and the Vatican orpha.net.
I know of medical research institutions in Detroit and Ukraine that love to collect the involuntarily induced miscarriages (a.k.a. abortion) where there is a surge in building more neonatal units because a mother does not have to carry full term, for a fetus of 5 weeks will do just fine in children's medical research training facilities.
They like to do things like dope up the water, which is why Detroit is #1 in infant mortality, a fetal good to be cherished in a CRISPR research event.
They ran similar tiny human lab rat operations in Flint.
Unfortunately, in case of Moderna, I shall go out there as say, once again, that they use children as lab rats, but in this case, the term tiny human lab rats, is a term most appropriately applied.
This is nothing more than another tale of modern day trafficking of tiny humans because no one cares....or do they?
Market Summary > Moderna Inc
67.49 USD −0.54 (0.79%)
Closed: Aug 28, 7:59 PM EDT · Disclaimer
After hours 67.47 −0.020 (0.030%)
Moderna's Patents Probed by U.S. Defense Department, FT Says
Moderna Inc.’s patents that were filed or awarded are being probed by the U.S. Department of Defense’s research arm, the Financial Times reported, saying the company failed to disclose government funding as required by federal law.Knowledge Ecology International, a patient advocacy group, said in a report this week that researchers didn’t disclose in vaccine patents where they got about $25 million in grants from the department’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, for its vaccine technology, the newspaper said.
“The company believes it has complied with applicable patent reporting requirements regarding patent filings, including as they relate to the Darpa program,” Ray Jordan, a spokesman for Moderna, said Saturday. The company estimates that Darpa funding was about $50 million, or 1% of its $5.1 billion total private funding.
The newspaper cited Darpa spokesman Jared Adams as saying that all awards to Moderna included the need to report the role of government funding, adding that “Darpa is actively researching agency awards to Moderna to identify which patents and pending patents, if any at all, may be associated with Darpa support.”
At least one Darpa-linked patent shows government support was disclosed.
The Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company said earlier this week it’s in talks with Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to potentially supply the country with 40 million or more doses of its vaccine candidate against Covid-19. It also unveiled new findings relating to its trial.
Summary of Humanized Mouse Model Workshop
On December 18, 2018, NIAID, in coordination with the NIH Office of the Director and HHS, organized a workshop to assess recent advances and opportunities in the development and use of humanized immune system (HIS) mouse models, in which the immune system of the mouse is partially replaced with human immune cells and tissues. Participants included leading scientists in the fields of immune system development and function, transplant immunology, autoimmunity, and infectious disease research. Adm Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary of HHS, welcomed the participants and described HHS interest in this area, including a clearer understanding of the limitations and adequacy of existing HIS models, and the possibility of developing scientifically validated alternatives to the use of human fetal tissue. Dr. Daniel Rotrosen, Director of the Division of Allergy, Immunology and Transplantation at NIAID, provided an overview of the workshop goals and expected outcomes, including: evaluation of the features, strengths and limitations of current HIS mouse models; procedures to compare HIS models made from fetal and non-fetal tissue sources; and studies that would be required to fully characterize and standardize these models. Dr. Lawrence Tabak, NIH Principal Deputy Director, provided brief introductory comments on behalf of NIH.Dr. Leonard Shultz provided a comprehensive summary of HIS mouse model development and usage from 1988 to the present. In following breakout sessions, participants discussed the strengths and limitations of various HIS mouse models and provided opinions on ways to optimize HIS models for the development of vaccines and therapeutics for infectious and immune-mediated diseases and cancer. The meeting participants reconvened for reports from the two breakout groups and a final discussion, that resulted in the following summary points:
Major scientific advances have been made in understanding infectious disease pathogenesis and development of therapeutics using HIS mouse models made with human fetal tissues.
No single humanized immune system model is universally appropriate or optimal for all applications.
Various models can recapitulate key aspects of human T cell immunity; existing models are less able to recapitulate human innate immunity and antibody responses regardless of tissue source. Improvements in modeling antibody responses should be a focus of future work and may be particularly important for advances in vaccinology; and in modeling infectious, autoimmune, and allergic diseases.
Few direct comparisons have been conducted of HIS mice derived using fetal vs. non-fetal human tissue sources.
Meeting participants included investigators working on fetal tissue-derived and non-fetal tissue-derived HIS models. Considering published data and other information shared at this meeting, participants expressed the opinion that fetal tissue-derived HIS models remain the “gold standard” to which other model systems should be compared. This preference is based on the preponderance of data indicating superior engraftment, differentiation, survival and function of the adaptive immune cells (particularly T cells) in fetal tissue-derived models.
Following the breakout sessions, there was strong opinion that work should proceed on a variety of models derived with fetal tissues or from alternative sources.
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