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Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts - Haiti |
In chrisitanity, one is born into debt, which is a sin, because a tiny human cannot own property, and must repay that debt by giving oneself over to god, but think of it more in terms of signing over all rights to your intellectual property, name, Social Security Number, inheritances, or heirlooms, because they have maintained a society for you to either grow up to make the church more money or, must pay for your keep as an indigent, because they run the human services, including R&D.
Just ask the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, or the Vatican's Prolife Children's Trust Fund.
Children and land are fungible under property law.
It seems Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts have never, ever filed to keep and bear the arms of the United States, only because there are no instruments of authority filed with the IRS, nor state grants to bear arms to engage in commerce.
It seems Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts have never, ever filed to keep and bear the arms of the United States, only because there are no instruments of authority filed with the IRS, nor state grants to bear arms to engage in commerce.
Name The Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts of Philadelphia, PAEntity Number 4284075
Another example of Corporate Shape Shifting Entity Type Non-Profit (Non Stock)Status ActiveCitizenship DomesticEntity Creation Date 07/29/2014Effective Date 07/29/2014State Of Inc PAAddress 160 W Carpenter Ln Philadelphia PA 19119 Philadelphia
When you control the children & land, you own the vote, under the seal, which is not a U.S. seal, called gerrymandering, under the fealty to a foreign indelible seal.
Praise the lord.
Now, let us take a few moments to watch her speech on why modern day human trafficking is the work of the lord for tiny human lab rats are needed to continue medical research for all humans.
Hey, If Jesus died for the sins of humanity, then, "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth) should let their tiny humans be lab rats.
You know, like letting your kids die as human research test subjects for your drugs so Team Jesus can keep funding political campaigns, to keep on procuring those R&D tiny human lab rat experiments, to keep the coffers of their children's trust funds full, because they are going broke, very, very fast.
"Is she related to Patrick Byrne?"
So, what is an indelible seal?
According to Pope Francis:
The Indelible Seal
At the General Audience the Pontiff speaks of Baptism
Through Baptism "we are reborn as children of God for ever!". Pope Francis emphasized this key concept to the faithful who had gathered in Saint Peter's Square for the General Audience on Wednesday, 9 May [2018]. Continuing the series of catecheses dedicated to the sacrament of Christian initiation, the Pontiff spoke about the central rite of "the holy immersion" accompanied by the invocation of the Holy Trinity. The following is a translation of the Pontiff's reflection, which he shared in Italian.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!
The catechesis on the Sacrament of Baptism leads us to speak today about the holy immersion accompanied by the invocation of the Holy Trinity, that is, the central rite, which actually “baptizes” — that is, immerses — one in the Paschal Mystery of Christ (cf.Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 1239). Saint Paul recalls the significance of this rite to the Christians of Rome, first asking: “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?”, and then responding: “We were buried [...] with him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead [...], we too might walk in newness of life” (Rom 6:4). Baptism opens for us the door to a life of resurrection, not to a worldly life. A life according to Jesus.
The baptismal font is the place in which one experiences the Easter Passover with Christ! The old man, with his “deceitful lusts” is buried (cf. Eph 4:22), so that a new creature may be born; truly the old things have passed away and new things are born (cf. 2 Cor 5:17). The “Catechetical Lectures” attributed to Saint Cyril of Jerusalem thus explain to the newly baptized what has happened to them in the water of Baptism. This is Saint Cyril’s beautiful explanation: “And at the self-same moment you were both dying and being born; and that Water of salvation was at once your grave and your mother” (n. 20, On the Mysteries, ii, 4-6; pg 33, 1079-1082). The rebirth of the new man requires that the man corrupted by sin be reduced to dust. The images of the tomb and of the maternal womb referring to the font, indeed, clearly express what great things come about through the simple rite of Baptism. I like the inscription found on the ancient Roman Lateran Baptistry, which reads, in Latin, this expression attributed to Pope Sixtus III: “Mother Church conceives her offspring by the breath of God, and bears them virginally in this water. Hope for the Kingdom of Heaven, you who are reborn in this font”.1 It is beautiful: the Church that bears us, the Church which is womb, is our mother through Baptism.
If our parents have generated us in earthly life, the Church has regenerated us to eternal life in Baptism. We have become children in her Son Jesus (cf. Rom 8:15; Gal 4:5-7). Upon each one of us too, born anew through the water and through the Holy Spirit, the heavenly Father makes his voice resonate with infinite love, saying “You are my beloved son” (cf. Mt 3:17). This paternal voice, imperceptible to the ear but well audible to the heart of those who believe, accompanies us throughout our life, never abandoning us. Throughout our life the Father tells us: “You are my beloved son; you are my beloved daughter”. God loves us so much, as a Father, and never forsakes us. It is so from the moment of Baptism. We are reborn as children of God for ever! Indeed, Baptism is not repeated, because it imprints an indelible spiritual seal: “No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism from bearing the fruits of salvation” (ccc, n. 1272).
The seal of Baptism is never lost! “Father, but if a person becomes an infamous brigand, who kills people, who inflicts injustice, does the seal not disappear?”. No. To his own shame a child of God is the person who does these things; but the seal does not go away. And he continues to be a child of God, who opposes God; but God never disowns his children. Do you understand this last point? God never disowns his children. Shall we all repeat it together? “God never disowns his children”. A little louder, because either I am hearing impaired or I did not understand: [they repeat, louder] “God never disowns his children”. There, that was better.
Incorporated in Christ through Baptism, the baptized are thus conformed to him, “the first-born son among many brethren” (Rom 8:29). Through the action of the Holy Spirit, Baptism purifies, sanctifies, justifies, to form in Christ, of many, one single body (1 Cor 6:11, 12, 13). The crismal anointing “signifies the royal priesthood of the baptized and enrollment into the company of the people of God” (Rite of Baptism for Children, n. 18:3). Hence the priest anoints the head of every baptized person with the sacred chrism after pronouncing these words which explain the significance: God himself “anoints you with the chrism of salvation, so that, united with his people, you may remain for ever a member of Christ who is Priest, Prophet, and King” (ibid., n. 62). Brothers and sisters, here lies the entire Christian vocation: to live united to Christ in the holy Church, participants in the same consecration in order to carry out the same mission, in this world, bearing fruits that endure for ever. Enlivened by the One Spirit, in fact, the whole People of God participates in the offices of Jesus Christ, “Priest, Prophet and King”, and “bears the responsibilities for mission and service that flow from them”. (ccc, nn. 783-386).
What does it mean to participate in the royal and prophetic priesthood of Christ? It means making of oneself an offering acceptable to God (cf. Rom 12:1), bearing witness to him through a life of faith and charity (cf. Lumen Gentium, n. 12), placing it at the service of others, after the example of the Lord Jesus (cf. Mt 20:25-28; Jn 13:13-17). Thank you.
1“Virgineo fetu genitrix Ecclesia natos / quos spirante Deo concipit amne parit. / Caelorum regnum sperate hoc fonte renati”.TRANSLATION: OF PARENTAL RIGHTS: THE ACQUISITION OF GOODS
L'Osservatore Romano
Weekly Edition in English
11 May 2018, page 1
Dearborn Catholic priest finds his baptism was invalid, impacting parishioners' sacraments
Editor's note: The original version of this story included baptisms in a list of affected sacraments. However, baptisms performed by the Rev. Matthew Hood remain valid as baptisms can be performed by anyone, not just priests. The story has been corrected.A Dearborn priest has learned his baptism was invalid after a notice from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that baptisms using specific language were unacceptable.
Father Matthew Hood, of the Archdiocese of Detroit assigned to the Divine Child Parish in Dearborn, learned he was not a baptized Catholic on Aug. 6 after watching a family video of his baptism. He found the deacon, Deacon Mark Springer, used improper language.
In the note from the Vatican, if particular words were changed, then the baptisms were not valid — two words specifically: We and I. To say, “We baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” inaccurately portrays the sacrament of baptism. Instead, ministers must "allow Jesus to speak through them," by saying, "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
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“It is the duty of the local Church to ensure that everyone entrusted into her care has the full benefit and certainty that come from the valid reception of the sacraments, which have been given to us to keep us as secure as possible on the path to heaven," Archbishop Allen Vigneron said in a release. "On behalf of our local Church, I am deeply sorry that this human error has resulted in disruption to the sacramental lives of some members of the faithful. I will take every step necessary to remedy the situation for everyone impacted."
For those who received sacraments like marriage and confessions from Hood, pastors will be directing an outreach to find solutions to any situations that may have been affected. Affected parishes include St. Anastasia, where Springer was assigned, and the Church of the Divine Child, where Hood has served since 2017. Parishioners who received sacraments at St. Lawrence in Utica, where Hood was newly assigned this summer, may also be affected.
Baptisms performed by Hood are valid, however, as baptisms can be performed by anyone, not just priests. Those who received baptisms from him do not have to seek remediation from other priests.
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“One of my first concerns when I found out was about everyone this affects. As a priest, I want to be able to reach out to them and tell them this is something that’s very strange and probably painful, but I’ve gone through this as well, and I want to help you to remediate this problem so we can be certain you’ve received the grace of the sacraments,” Hood said in a release. “It’s a grace to realize that God is not a liar. Any experience of the sacraments, even if they were celebrated invalidly, God was still present, and God still honors that. God doesn’t repent of our desire for Him and this call that He’s given to us to follow Him and be faithful to Him."
Hood contacted the Archdiocese after realizing his baptism was invalid and was able to fix his situation. He received valid Sacraments of Christian Initiation, spent time on retreat, then he received the Sacraments of Holy Orders. Hood was then ordained a transitional deacon before receiving priestly ordination Monday evening.
If you believe your sacraments have been affected and would like to speak with a priest, click here to fill out a form on the Archdiocese of Detroit website.
It seems we have some contract, land ownership and parental right issues going on.
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
The Paperclippers came to Detroit. Adolpho forged the certificates and broke the chain. Stay tuned, Lord ArchofDet(h) will tell us what happened...
During World War II, he forged papers that saved the lives of more than 14,000 Jews. He later went on to assist Jewish immigration to the British Mandate for Palestine
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