Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tales Of The New Crown: Michigan DHHS BRIDGES Falling Down - Detroit Food Banks Closing

MI Bridges
It seems Michigan Bridges is about to collapse, again.

Ah, the memories.

I remember when Michigan DHHS previously shut down because it was never designed to handle high traffic of individuals in need.

Michigan likes to kick people off from receiving benefits, like parents who have to spend the rest of their living days caring for children who were drugged, raped, beaten and tortured in Foster Care and its lab rat tiny human experimental institutions that bill Medicaid, and get federal, state and private, foreign NGO grants..... to allow the drugging, raping, beating and torture of children in Foster Care who survived being tiny human lab rats for years.


Michigan wants parents to who have saved their children from the hell of its Child Welfare System to be put back into the Child Welfare System.

It is just a chattel issue of Parental Rights, because the parents can not provide for the necessary needs of the child, which is child abuse, and grounds to legally transfer custody and/or guardianship to a foreign, private contracted Child Welfare NGO, like an institution, so the parent can go work a slave wage midnight job, so they can take the bus to visit their child during the day.


But, visitation of residential institutions may be suspended, due to the coronavirus, but I digress.

SACWIS sucks, too, which is how these people "maximize revenue" because not for profits can not generate revenue when it comes to Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare.

No photo description available.
Detroit Food Banks closing
due to the cooties
Just a nomenclature thang, you know.

MiLogin Slowness
The MiLogin system is experiencing extremely heavy traffic. If your MI Bridges session ends or you are having difficulty accessing your account, please attempt logging in later. The MI Bridges Support phone line cannot assist with the slowness being experienced or MiWAM (unemployment) site access. MiWAM for resident access here.

We have food banks, now, but if you have no car, you have to take the bus, where you have to carry your food box back on the bus, but the food banks are closing due to the coronavirus, and it becomes musical locations for times and places of pick up, now.

But, I digress, again.

I am waiting for the system to crash and people be denied assistance.

Michigan likes to keep the SNAP funding for their "other" private contracted projects.

They like to use predictive modeling crap to see how much they can maximize for those Social Impact Bonds, you know.

I encourage everyone to apply for assistance, just to crash the system, skew data and demonstrate that Michigan needs to go into federal receivership for what they did to the people, particularly the children of the state.


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