Sunday, March 17, 2019

Kindergarten & Gerrymandering In Michigan - Not One Mention of DOJ, DHS, SIGTARP, Obama or Holder

I missed this fun piece!

They stole the children, the land, and the votes...and "The Elected Ones" are trying to figure out why Michigan is at the bottom of the barrel of learning in the world.

There was not one mention of poverty, of which Detroit is on the top of the heap of child poverty, illiteracy, and cognitive and psychological developmental disabilities.

We could ask Fox2Detroit about its corporate history in child welfare fraud, but I am quite sure they would prefer to do that in a more legal arena.

So, in come Jim Runestad, the Michigan Senator who has been championing shared parenting his entire political career...and has done absolutely nothing.

Sorry, Jim, you know I love you but I have to call you out because I do not believe you have a clue on what you are being fed.

The Parental Rights Amendment 2.0 is off and running, rebranding child welfare, where your "Shared Parenting" is going to be a shared parenting with a corporate parent in a Public Private Partnership.

Yes, Jim is selling chattel.

Now, there is a push for mandatory kindergarten initiative for compulsory enrollment at the age of five.

This is how you scrap more data for predictive modeling crap to generate more crap to push for even more privatization in more experimental socioeconomic test transposable models for Detroit and Michigan gerrymandering crappy university white papers.

That is also how you can increase state appropriations and land speculation, too.

Not one mention of improving the lives of the parents who care for the children, being victims of this horrific implementation of corporate parental rights, or rather the acceleration a foreign invasion of civil asset forfeiture for the civil debt of being on of "The Poors".

Not one mention of forced migration, domestic and international, through the industry of trafficking tiny humans.

Each kid generates a good $7K a year for each school and that does not include all the fun, overseas, experimental Social Impact Bond programs to enrich those wonderful UCC foreign nonprofits, who do not pay any taxes because they run public education money through fake child welfare NGOs.

Yes, that was a mouthful, but I am working on my 15 second elevator pitch.

I am not going to embed any supportive links because I have a search boolean on the top right of the web version of my site that will take you to whatever your kindergarten state of mind desires on this subject matter.

I was just tickled that Kindergarten was mixed with Gerrymandering in the same show, and not once did anyone mention Detroit or the ongoing federal actions that you can find in a basic online search, or a search on my blogs.

As I know very, very few will possess the ability to understand the message I am attempting to convey, allow me to assist in one of my favorite soundbyte:

Stop stealin'!

You can click here because I know there will be very, very many who will be too confused to search the term gerrymandering due to the extreme focus on cursing my name, just because it will be the only name to come up when you do.

#perkinscoiesucks  <=== you can learn about gerrymandering here, too.

You can even watch this video and enjoy the encrypted messaging of how Obama and Holder are leading the charge to go after the people who are stealin' the children, the land and the votes.

Hope this helps, Fox2Detroit.

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©

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