I would like to welcome my #Superfans, and those who just ordinarily despise my entire existence, to the world of modern day political propaganda.
As I have always stated, propaganda started in child welfare, because no one cares.
The purpose of propaganda is further a political agenda, for monetary purposes, only, of course, by any means necessary.
When a political propaganda campaign becomes violent, it usually raises red flags for a few of us where we will put down what we are doing for the sole purposes of doing a deep dive.
I typically do it when my stealin' spidey senses start a-tingling.
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What you have just watched, which many of you will not do, is a methodical investigation into the origins of a propaganda movement, in this instance Antifa and Proud Boys.
This, in social media lingo is called a LARP, a Live Action Role Play.
Simply put, someone gets a boat load of money to go into a community, backed by legitimate NGOs and "starts a movement" through psyop political campaigns, to take the heat away from what is really going on.
LARPs 'R' U.S. American Political Consulting & Legal Defense Pick a race card, any card. |
The movement usually takes on some extremely hate-filled transmogrification of a civil rights movement ideal, that I call the stripping of a legacy, for the purposes of promoting the agenda of privatization ~ stealin'.
I know.
I have had a front row seat, with cocktail and popcorn in hand for years and years.
But, I digress.
Another working example of how LARPs are created, funded and executed may be witnessed in the working model of the Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan.
In this particular situation, it seems there was a Michigan political official by the name of Bert Johnson who seemed to be easily compromised, due to his personal choices when it comes enriching one's self of public office.
Once a leader, be it elected, appointed, a NGO figurehead, is infected with the "Dumb, Fat & Happy" syndrome, they never pay attention because in most instances, they either do not care, are clueless, are too greedy, or simply fear the wrath of going against the Word of God, to the complex financial fraud schemes.
Actually, there is an 0.00001% error rating in the likelihood that they could possibly even figure out what is going on due to cultural traditions of being chosen by God for winning an election, which is what makes them an easy target for more compromises in pretty shiny trinkets.
Back to the model.
The Detroit Land Bank Authority, of which I was ordered to dissolve by Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, never incorporated, because I incorporated.
So, the Detroit Land Bank Authority, one of those fake Corporate Shape Shifters, had dormant NGOs in their back pocket for over a decade that they could reanimate in any way for more fraud schemes, where, in this situation, it was the Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan, which is owned and operated, behind the scenes in intellectual property systems, as a Clinton Foundation joint.
The Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan was not only functioning in the capacity of picking up the legal mantel to evict people from their homes based upon fraudulent foreclosures on behalf of the Detroit Land Bank Authority, due to the fact that the Detroit Land Bank Authority is not a legal entity, but it was also functioning as a policy think tank (try not to laugh when I say that) by promulgating privatization in education, behind the strawman leader who built his political platform rallying against privatization in education, which is what we call a LARP.
I am even going to put it out there that the Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan membership has no clue that it is also being used as a money laundering operation.
Yes, I said that, because the members are too busy at the casino and hate my guts.
Now, allow us turn to our second example of a manufactured propaganda campaign.
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"My gravy train is drying up. I have to do something about it" said Swindle. |
Funny thing is, when I approached him about child welfare fraud, where foster care and adoption are nothing but the residuals of the peculiar industry, he scoffed me.
I have sat in his church to hear him preach upon the virtues of becoming a foster parent and "saving the savages."
I have sat in meetings where he called out his Faith Based Initiative funding as his "gravy train drying up" which is funding generated from separating children from families.
So, when I see Swindle boarding buses, screaming across the street from Bethany Christian that the immigration policies, which are already on the books through a series of federal laws, CAPTA & ASFA, the first question that pops into my mind is this: "who the heck is funding him" because this is a LARP, because he did not just "co-opt" a component of the civil rights movement, he flat out just snatched it, distorted it, and infected the civil rights legacy of my Sweetie.
That was mean.
I am going to go with the same people and funding sources which are behind the Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and a few from the Betsy DeVos camp, just because there is a pattern of promulgating child welfare propaganda of privatization.
A tutorial on how political campaigns are funded.
I only say this because everyone knows, or at least I do, that Swindle will do anything for a price even if it means selling someone's legacy down the river.
I really do not know why people just do not listen to me.
Do not be mean to my Sweetie. Period.
Voting is beautiful, be beautiful ~ vote.©
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