Sunday, July 8, 2018

A Letter From A Foster Kid To The Arkansas Judge Who Terminated His Parents Rights Through Child Welfare Fraud

This is a letter from a teenager to a judge in the Arkansas Child Welfare System.

I prefer to call it Trafficking of Tiny Humans Industry.


Honorable Judge Somewhere in Arkansas

I am writing this letter on behalf of myself and my little sister Rose, since she is only 9 years old.

Our case was closed over a year ago, so it's possible that you do not remember us. That is what first compelled me to write you this letter. With all due respect it seems very unfair that you can make a decision that ruined our lives, and then go on about yours as if we never existed. Since our voices were never heard during the court proceedings, the least you can do now is read my account of the truth and how the courts decisions have negatively affected me and Rose.... forever.

We sat quietly in the shadows and watched as the caseworkers, attorneys, counselors, and our ad litem all discussed with EACH OTHER issues that directly affected our lives, yet nobody was asking to hear from us. They never asked us what we wanted and ignored our wishes to go with one of our family members instead of Rose's Brownie leader. Even though we wanted to be with our mom, you should have at least let us be with our family while things were being looked at. That would have made it so much easier, but nobody listened. I think of those weeks and months often, trying to remember why I didn't speak up and demand to be heard and demand to go back with my mom where I always felt safe and loved. I suppose we were both in shock, we were scared, and completely out of our comfort zones, but mostly, I think then I trusted that a room full of lawyers, counselors, and a Judge, trained and college educated professionals, could be trusted to do their job, and get us back where we belonged.

You see, I thought that it was your duty to protect children, not to hurt them. In our case, you all failed at that. The only abuse that I have been subjected to is the abuse of this court who greatly abused it's power and the result of that will be something that me and Rose will have to live with our entire lives. All of you will go on to your normal lives but we can't do that. There was not one person in that courtroom truly advocating for us and wanted what was best for us. (except our mom who was strategically placed on the opposite side of he courtroom as if to suggest that she is the enemy) It was so hard watching the only person in the entire courtroom who truly loved us and knew what was best for us, being made to look like someone she wasn't. Caseworkers and our foster mom told lies about her to keep her from us even longer. I know, I was there. It wasn't right. It was so hard to sit and watch my mom, who drilled in our heads from the time I can remember to treat others how you would want to be treated, and now she was sitting there being treated horribly by you all. She just had to sit there, be quiet, and take it while her character was attacked time and time again.

And we found out later that she was told if she would just admit to things even if they weren't true instead of fighting them, then we could come home sooner. So, of course she did. But we are still not home. We may never get to go home and that's all I can think of everyday. It is apparent to me now that this court was never about what was best for me and my little sister. I'm not sure what it was about, but it wasn't about us.

If it was about the money you got for us, was it worth it? I sure hope so. Maybe you should have come over at night when Rose was crying for mom and I couldn't make her stop and then ask yourself if it was worth it then. Or come to my ball games where my mom was always my biggest fan, but now forbidden from going to my games, so her spot is empty. Usually nobody else goes either, but for some reason they don't want her there, so I have no family there cheering me on like my teammates do. I wish you would have got to really know who our mom is. She is our best friend. She was always volunteering at our school, giving the class parties, taking not only us, but usually a car full of kids to practice and games, to the movie and swimming and then give them all a ride home because their parents had other things to do.

And she never complained. She told me that there was no place she would rather be. Even when my parents split up and things were really hard for her, she never let us know how hard it was. She once carried my little sister at least two miles to her very first soccer game because the car broke down. She was not gonna let her miss that game and she make her think they were walking to get warmed up, even though she carried her the entire way. Rose had so much fun that she wanted her to carry her to the next game too, even though the car was fixed.

My mother never had anything bad around us like some of my friends moms do. She wouldn't even drink wine in front of us or smoke a cigarette and she didn't cuss for the first time until I was maybe 11 or 12 years old. We were never hungry, cold or scared and she never hurt us so why did you take us away. We can't even see our older brother and sister, none of our aunts, uncles or cousins that we have grown up with. It is our God given and Constitutional right to be able to be raised with our family, and our rights have been violated. So when all of you cash your checks, please think of me and Rose and ask yourself if it's worth it. P.S. They changed my little sister's name to Karen. She is 9 years old and they changed her entire name. She used to love listening to dad explain to us why we were named after flowers. It has been that way with all the women on his side of the family for over a century.

And all of our middle names start with a L.......Or at least they did. First our entire family was taken from us, now an attempt to take her identity. Just more evidence of where the true abuse is coming

Bob Goodlatte And The Mandela Effect: Why Medicaid Fraud In Child Welfare Funds Campaigns

Learn more: BEVERLY TRAN: Bob Goodlatte And The Mandela Effect: Why Medicaid Fraud In Child Welfare Funds Campaigns
Stop Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare 

Have a great day!

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