Thursday, June 28, 2018

No One Cares About Foster Kids - Boston 25 News Expose' On Trafficking Tiny Humans

Foster Care Death of The Day: August 15, 2015
To begin, I give much respect to the Boston 25 News Team for having the guts to touch this subject of what happens to kids once they survive foster care.

Here is a bit of a background on Massachusetts:

Massachusetts and Romney: Another Story of Why Privatization of Child Welfare Still Sucks

Massachusetts Has An Issue Admitting That Children In Foster Care Are Raped & Tortured Via Medicaid Fraud

Lawsuit against Deval Patrick, Health and Human Services secretary, Department of Children and Families commissioner takes aim at foster care system

I have seen foster kids who will turn a trick for a bag of $0.50 chips because they were hungry.

I have witnessed elected officials demonize this population by lumping them into the category of "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth) to justify cutting off the last thread of existence for these kids who prefer a life on the streets just because they know they can have a life of independence from foster care.

It is always better to get paid for being trafficked than being gang raped by other foster kids or staff, nightly, where if staff hears the screams of being raped, they will dope the kid up to higher levels of Medicaid billing, electroshock therapy, or just lock them up in 3 x 5 containment rooms, with a hole in the floor, with the lights continuously on, for days, until the foster kid stops screaming when he is gang raped every night, starting at the 8 years of age.

No one cares.

Then there are the foster parents who will torture these kids because no one cares and there is no place else to put them as these States have been busted far too many times of warehousing kids in offices, sleeping on the floors, billing at maximum Medicaid levels, of course.

No one cares when these kids run away, trying to go back home to their family, if they even know where there families are because the courts have issued gag orders, no contact orders, or have even terminated parental rights, making the kid a paper orphan.

Paper orphans, or foster kids, are billed, billed, billed for services that do not exist, even if they run away.

Foster kids who age out, or as they call in the technical world, Youth in Transition, do not have interpersonal skills because the only touch they experience is being raped.

It is illegal for staffers to touch, or just hold these kids, that is what psychotropic medication is for.

These kids learn at a young age the only way to survive foster care is to prostitute themselves.

These foster kids, girls and boys, well, the ones with skills, will end up dancing and doing porno at trap houses, drugged up because they have been drugged all their lives in foster care, just because it is billable to Medicaid.

Some of the clever ones who survive foster care will learn how to live the adult institutional life-style of psychiatric wards and prison because it is all they know.

Some foster kids, once they are released from prison will eventually resort to prostitution to pay off the court fees, once they eat for the day.

Some foster kids have no educational records and were denied education.

Some foster kids have no medical histories, but I bet they were billed for it.

The universities will be granted billions in research to come up with new curriculum, where the degrees are billable to Social Security programs, to come up with new terminology on how to stop these kids from being "sluts and whores", particularly those who hail from the darker persuasion, without one peep about the drugging, rape, torture of these kids being used as living, breathing lab rats for pharmaceutical industries in biomedical and psychological research.

There are actually laws which prevent media from discussing anything about child welfare on the books.

Then, when the foster kids gets pregnant and has a baby, guess who gets the baby?

Child Protective Services, and the generational cycle continues.

These kids are in foster care because poverty is the crime of child abuse and neglect, which is a completely different segment of foster care.

Then there are the elected officials who will hold fundraisers with pretty blue pinwheels for child abuse prevention to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, where the kids do not get one red cent, because these NGOs speculate in land, fund political campaigns and go shopping for new outfits.

So, the next time someone says to you to, "just pick yourself up by the bootstraps", go out and become a foster parent, to continue the cycle of trafficking tiny humans, which is always done in the name of the tax exempt christian god.

No one cares.

Praise the Almighty Lord God in the tithing of children from"The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth) because we are a christian nation an no one cares, except for Boston 25 News.

25 Investigates: Cops say sex traffickers sell foster kids on the weekends

BOSTON - Sex traffickers are selling foster kids on the weekends, 25 Investigates has uncovered.
Investigative Reporter Eric Rasmussen found cases of kids in foster care pimped out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and then returned to their taxpayer-funded group homes on Monday.

Records obtained by 25 Investigates reveal a female staff member working with foster kids at the Eliot Atlantic House in Saugus is suspected of convincing a then 16-year-old girl at the group home to sell herself for sex on the weekends.

That staff member told the foster child she “had a way they could make money together,” according to the report obtained by 25 Investigates.

The girl told investigators the staff member took her to Worcester three times and once to Boston “to have sex with unknown men for money” on the weekends.

In the report, the girl told investigators she would run away from her group home on weekends because she knew DCF couldn’t get a warrant for her until Monday.

25 Investigates is not naming the staff member because she’s not been charged with a crime at this point, but the allegations are now under state and federal investigation and the foster home has been closed.

As shocking as this case sounds, police tell 25 Investigates they see this kind of thing too often.
“If they’re being exploited, there’s usually a pattern of them running away,” said Methuen Police Captain Kristopher McCarthy. “They’ll run away Friday, Saturday, come back on Sundays.”

According to one police report from last year, Saint Ann’s group home in Methuen allowed a 14-year-old girl was missing for the weekend last May after staff let her leave with a man who said he was her brother.

But staff didn't get that man’s identification or get his last name, according to a police report, which noted cops reported the home to DCF.

“We would hope in this case, if someone is going to visit someone else, there would be a check,” said Methuen Police Chief Joseph Solomon.

Saint Ann’s denied the allegations and called the police report “incorrect,” saying the girl left with her brother, who was well-known to the group home.

DCF later found the allegations of neglect unsupported.

But police say no one seems to know who the girl was with or what she was doing the entire weekend she was missing.

She returned to saint Ann’s the following Monday.

But investigators say that doesn’t mean she and other foster kids who repeatedly disappear on the weekends aren’t in danger.

“They might bring the kid along for a couple of weekends just to party with them before they victimize them,” said McCarthy.

DCF wouldn’t comment on the St. Ann’s missing foster child case, but emailed a statement about the Saugus investigation.

“The Department of Children and Families has received a report on this situation and is investigating in collaboration with law enforcement,” said DCF spokeswoman Andrea Grossman. “All residents have been moved to other placements to ensure their safety and well-being while the investigation occurs.”
The Eliot Atlantic House sent Boston 25 News the following statement:
"Eliot Community Human Services identified a situation at Atlantic House and immediately reported it to DCF and law enforcement. The employee in question has been terminated from employment.
The top priority of Eliot is the well-being of the children and adults we serve. The allegations are serious and deeply concerning and we are committed to doing everything possible to protect our clients.
We have voluntarily suspended services at Atlantic House. We are conducting our own internal review and are fully cooperating with investigators.
Given that the investigation remains active, we will have no further comment at this time."

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