Monday, December 18, 2017

Massachusetts Has An Issue Admitting That Children In Foster Care Are Raped & Tortured Via Medicaid Fraud

If elected officials can tout that foster care is so great, would these same public officials and public servants allow their own children to be placed under the care of the state?

The following is the list of findings by the Massachusetts Auditor General on the Department of
Children and Families, and it is not pretty.

Basically, it cites just about every trick in the book on Medicaid fraud in child welfare because they do not report the rapes, torture, attempted suicides & suicides, where the data they do report is dirty, to ensure more funding, where nothing is done about it.

There is no referral to any law enforcement entity in Medicaid fraud in child welfare.

It just sounds like Massachusetts is covering up a child trafficking operation, which is exactly what CPS, foster care & adoption is.

  • DCF does not effectively identify and investigate all occurrences of serious bodily injury to children in its care.
  • DCF should establish policies and procedures that require its staff to routinely monitor data from the Medicaid Management Information System in order to ensure that it can identify, and investigate as necessary, medical occurrences that appear to be critical incidents involving children in its care.
  • DCF does not report all critical incidents affecting children in its care to the Office of the Child Advocate (OCA).
  • DCF should establish a single consistent standard for defining and reporting critical incidents that matches the General Laws. 2. Based on this standard, DCF should develop policies, procedures, controls, and monitoring activities that allow for adequate oversight of the reporting of critical incidents.
  • DCF does not report incidents of abuse, neglect, and/or sexual abuse of children in its care to district attorneys’ (DAs’) offices for investigation whenever it is required to do so.
  • DCF should update its policies and procedures to include clear and consistent criteria and reporting standards and should establish monitoring activities over all parties to ensure compliance with these standards. 
  • DCF should establish monitoring controls to ensure that its staff complies with its policies and procedures for reporting critical incidents to DAs’ offices. 3. DCF should schedule regular meetings with DAs’ offices to ensure that the incidents it reports are applicable and that the DAs do not need additional information to help with their investigations.
  • DCF does not complete its fatality investigation reports and submit them to OCA within the established timeframe.
  • DCF should take the measures necessary to ensure that all fatality review reports are completed and submitted to OCA within the established timeframe. Specifically, DCF should evaluate its current processes, identify opportunities to make them more efficient and less complicated, and update its policies to reflect these changes.
Why is it the data on children in care are not volatile?

Each year, every month, the same number of children are in care, with a slight increase in the rates from the previous year?

An increase in the rate of children in care should be taken as an indicator that there are serious issues of validity of a state's child welfare policies and operations.

If there are no children to snatch, there are no jobs to sustain.

And not one person will be held accountable for the harms of these children under the care of a state.

With the publication of this post, the Massachusetts Attorney General Medicaid Fraud Control Unit has been put on notice, but of course, nothing will be done to admit that children in foster care are raped and tortured via Medicaid fraud in child welfare.

Below, is the 2016 HHS OIG review of Massachusetts Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.

HHS OIG found the state was in compliance, but, when robustly challenged in a comparable analysis of state operations found in audit, we have a serious issue admitting Medicaid fraud in child welfare because the HHS regional office, once again, turned a blind eye to the horrors perpetrated upon children in its alleged protective care.

Whenever I see this indicator, I already know people are profiting from human trafficking.

If Massachusetts MFCU cannot report adverse actions in Medicaid fraud, then how do you expect them to selt-report rapes and torture of children in its care?
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